I was a High School Social Studies Teacher for 31 years teaching Civics, Government, and U.S. History, and my Major Area in College was Law. I can't understand why my CCL from Kentucky isn't accepted by all the other states under the U.S. Constitution's Full Faith and Credit Clause (Article IV, Section 1). I've been told that CCL's aren't covered under this part of the Constitution because I didn't have to do what others in other states had to do to get their CCL in their state.
1. I didn't have to do what others had to do to get their Driver's License in their state, but my Kentucky Driver's License is accepted by the other states!
2. I didn't have to do what others had to do to get their Marriage License in their state, but my Kentucky Marriage License is accepted by the other states.
If both of these are accepted as "public Acts and Records" by the other states, than why isn't my Kentucky CCL accepted by the other states?
I've been informed that it would take a court ruling to decide the matter, but most individuals don't have the funds to fight such a legal battle. It would seem that an organization like the NRA would try to get a court ruling on the issue.
Since I'm retired now from teaching, I guess I taught the U.S. Constitution incorrectly for 31 years!
1. I didn't have to do what others had to do to get their Driver's License in their state, but my Kentucky Driver's License is accepted by the other states!
2. I didn't have to do what others had to do to get their Marriage License in their state, but my Kentucky Marriage License is accepted by the other states.
If both of these are accepted as "public Acts and Records" by the other states, than why isn't my Kentucky CCL accepted by the other states?
I've been informed that it would take a court ruling to decide the matter, but most individuals don't have the funds to fight such a legal battle. It would seem that an organization like the NRA would try to get a court ruling on the issue.
Since I'm retired now from teaching, I guess I taught the U.S. Constitution incorrectly for 31 years!