For concealed carry, nothing beats a SmartCarry. However, what you gain in concealability with the SmartCarry you lose in ability to quickly access your weapon. I have found that wearing loose fitting pants without a belt makes accessing my weapon easiest. Two other problems I have with SmartCarry are going to the bathroom (I found a way, but it is nevertheless extremely cumbersome), and drawing while sitting down (I still haven't figured out how to do that). Has anyone else here figured out how to draw from a SmartCarry while in a sitting position?
Fortunately, I only use SmartCarry during the summer when I don't wear as many clothes, and any other time when I have to wear a tucked in shirt. My favorite and most comfortable mode of concealed carry is OWB in a Fobus paddle holster. Nothing beats OWB in an open top holster for concealed carry (Or for open carry, for that matter, as long as there's a retention device of some kind). The only challenge with that is in keeping the weapon from printing. Otherwise, this holster, unlike the SmartCarry, does not interfere with my ability to go to the bathroom, wear a belt, or draw while sitting down.