I dropped my handgun in the stall


I was in one of the stores in town, and had to visit the restroom. As I was all finished in the stall pulling myself together, my .357 fell out of my holster. There was someone else in there, so I did grab up my firearm rather quickly. It was in my "In the waistband" holster when it fell, so it was a careless error on my part. I feared the worse, but nothing happened. Lesson learned! Keep tight grip on my holstered weapon in this type of situation. Even though I am licensed to carry, I could have been charged with insighting a riot, disturbing the peace, and maybe other charges. I was lucky this man didn't see the gun. He could have reported it quickly, and then I would have had to answer to the police probably in cuffs.
I was in one of the stores in town, and had to visit the restroom. As I was all finished in the stall pulling myself together, my .357 fell out of my holster. There was someone else in there, so I did grab up my firearm rather quickly. It was in my "In the waistband" holster when it fell, so it was a careless error on my part. I feared the worse, but nothing happened. Lesson learned! Keep tight grip on my holstered weapon in this type of situation. Even though I am licensed to carry, I could have been charged with insighting a riot, disturbing the peace, and maybe other charges. I was lucky this man didn't see the gun. He could have reported it quickly, and then I would have had to answer to the police probably in cuffs.
Maybe stores should install gun racks in the stalls in addition to coat hooks. LOL I don't have my permit yet (applied for) but that's one thing I've thought about ... how to use a public restroom without dropping. Might make sense to wear one of those under-the-shirt setups and temporarily put the gun in that while taking care of business. Just a thought.
restrooms can be hairy

Besides dropping it, you need to be on the lookout for people who look under stalls (mainly kids). I had one kid (I would say about 3 years old) while I was in a large electronics store doing my business in the stall crawl in with me. It scared the crap out of me (literally and figuratively - I was in the end handicapped stall next to the wall, for added concealment). Luckily the dad pulled the little one by his leg and profusely appologized. I dont think the kid saw anything, but it was unnerving.

A website that is geared primarly towards women (but good for us guys too) is
Cornered Cat

It is definitely a good read with lots of information... and it does talk about how to handle yourself it you have to use a public restroom...:fie:

I remember what happened when one would drop their weapon in basic training. You were one sorry SOB. I can still feel the push up's burning my arms.
I read somewhere else on these forums that it is beneficial to sort of pull your underwear over your belt/gun before you drop pants to ensure that it is continually hidden. Then all those rascally kids can see is your underwear and not your other under garment. :biggrin:
Glad nothing bad happend because of this. We can all view this as a learning experiance on the importance of using a good retention holster.
What type of holster are you using? I've never had an issue with my Crossbreed Supertuck - although I do tuck the elastic over the grip - more for sight concealment, if it were to be seen under the stall, not for retention - I don't do that at home, and the retention of just the SuperTuck is enough.
I've been posting in the concealed carry vest thread. This is one reason I want a "carry" vest, even if I only use it to cover the gun on my waist. I don't want any unusual sounds in the stall, even if it has a hook on which to hang things (pistol by trigger guard is safe). I'll slip the pistol into the vest pocket while I'm doing my business.

The cause/excuse used by my employer, a large municipal utility, to enact a totally paranoid "weapons" policy, was a guy I know who FORGOT his 1911 in condition one in a stall. I know another guy who FORGOT a Charter .44 in the changing room of a clothing store. BTW, the first bozo, who forgot the 1911, also lost it from his motorcycle, sending it skipping down Aurora Avenue until retrieved.

Because I often carry without a holster (yeah, I know, bad, and I'll never recommend it to anyone else), I drop the piece into my lowered pants at times.
Must be tough times! I wait until I can get home so I can keep up with my reading.
Or if timing is off just run into the woods with the bears:laugh:
I remember what happened when one would drop their weapon in basic training. You were one sorry SOB. I can still feel the push up's burning my arms.

OH Yeah and the knuckles were pretty sore as well.. The Parade deck at MCRDSD was the last place to do pushups. It's funny now, wasn't then..

Semper Fi
"Hollywood Marine"
First - someone catching an accidental glimpse of your firearm is very unlikely to result in any kind of charges. Many states, CT included, don't even require that the pistol be concealed. That is operator choice. So, if your coat opens and somone sees the butt against your hip, relax, play it cool, and get on with life. Brandishing is generally a conscious act that you'll know you're doing if you ever do it. That said, know the laws in your state. (Still, someone crawling under the stall partition deserves whatever happens!)

Second - be careful of IWB carry in the small of your back. It offers the least opportunity for retention, is hardest to reach, and can drop in the toilet - i know, cause i did it on my very first day with the darn permit! Fortunately it happened as i was sitting, thus the emergency breakdown, drying, oiling and reassmbly was embarrassing, but not totally gross. Another tip - holsters with hammer retention straps will prevent unexpected expulsion from your holster.
Well you could always hang it around your neck like the Mexican in "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"! :biggrin:

It was nice when I had my paddle holster as I could un-clip it and hang holster and all on the little hook on the back of the door. Now I have a normal holster and find that I usually rebuckle my belt after sitting down and keep enough pressure by spreading my legs to keep the thing off the floor.

I don't think ANYONE would be charged just because their piece was visible. After all, you ARE in the john. That would be like charging someone with indecent exposure in the john. I think the idea is that people expect a little privacy in the john. That's why dept stores don't put cameras to catch shoplifters in the john.


First, I agree that it's doubtful that you'd be charged with any crime for accidentally dropping your weapon in a bathroom stall. I'm sure that happens much more frequently than you might think. Personally, if I'm not using a retention holster attached to my belt like a pancake I have for my Beretta, I remove the weapon and place it on the TP holder next to me before I drop my trou. Best to avoid a problem and besides...you have no idea what's on that floor. :bad:

On the comment about IWB carry, I also have to agree. Don't like it for several reasons and never have, the ones mentioned included.
First - someone catching an accidental glimpse of your firearm is very unlikely to result in any kind of charges. Many states, CT included, don't even require that the pistol be concealed. That is operator choice. So, if your coat opens and somone sees the butt against your hip, relax, play it cool, and get on with life. Brandishing is generally a conscious act that you'll know you're doing if you ever do it. That said, know the laws in your state. (Still, someone crawling under the stall partition deserves whatever happens!)

Second - be careful of IWB carry in the small of your back. It offers the least opportunity for retention, is hardest to reach, and can drop in the toilet - i know, cause i did it on my very first day with the darn permit! Fortunately it happened as i was sitting, thus the emergency breakdown, drying, oiling and reassmbly was embarrassing, but not totally gross. Another tip - holsters with hammer retention straps will prevent unexpected expulsion from your holster.

You are right on! Only thing to actually worry about (not counting what is in the toilet) is the knee jerk reaction of someone that is sure that the only ones who should have guns are the police. Won't end up with charges but could be a stressful situation as the LEO's are surrounding you as they "just do their job. Just a word of caution...is you suspect someone saw something accidentally consider that you may, at the very least get a question or two. Just my $.02. What do I know?
Well you could always hang it around your neck like the Mexican in "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"! :biggrin:



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