I don't know if this is a re-post or not.

A very good laugh. This line really got me:
"HK’s are brass-bending plastic liability sortagunz, we have completely abandoned that original list and our carbines will be supplied by Hi-Point, or handguns by Lorcin, our backup weapons by Jennings, and our SMG’s and 7.62 battle rifles(SW3’s) by Special Weapons."

Hi-Points, Lorcins, Jennings, & SW3's? Must be a big corporation if they can afford those kinds of weapons.
:lol: LMFAO :lol:

Wow, what an epic tale of 'douche-baggery.' That should be a sticky in every firearm related forum in the country.

I think Gecko45 and specops are the same guy, just trying to get a laugh. No one can be that out of touch with reality.

Thanks for the post, I always wondered where the 'mall ninja' term came from. I bookmarked it, and I'm gonna show that to everyone I know. :biggrin:
I read this a couple of years ago now. It's funny to read it again. Unfortunately we have some of these types on this site...who make up stories of getting shot to gain sympathy and credibility.
Getting Shot

:pleasantry: I find the idea of getting shot so bad that I find it hard to believe anyone would say they have been just to gain attention. :cray:
CharlieJ47 Wrote:

I find the idea of getting shot so bad that I find it hard to believe anyone would say they have been just to gain attention.

I agree. However, it has happened on this site recently. It is unfortunate, but true. Check out the I'm Back thread. I can give you the links if you need them.
I read this a couple of years ago now. It's funny to read it again. Unfortunately we have some of these types on this site...who make up stories of getting shot to gain sympathy and credibility.

Not to mention folks claiming to be LEO or former LEO when they're not. :eek: It's unbelievable what some folks would do to get attention, or to bolster their "credibility".
