I bit my tongue


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But I felt like I wanted to hurl. At Sam's today to pick up a couple of things and there was this 19-20 year old female employee talking to some black Guy and they were discussing BO, I could not help overhear....
Her "I was so depressed at how bad our country was not that Obama is in office I feel go good every time I see him" Him "Oh yea he is going to be great, he will fix everything, you'll see..."
Her " I just could not stand how bad our country was now I have hope"

Me I wanted to scream "Stupid morons" just was so bad about our country, and ask them just who was going to pay the trillion in pork barrels projects off so they could feel good, all this from some guy that was dressed like a street bum, and a young gal that has put in less time on the job than I put in just walking from my car to the job!! But as I was CCW I kept my mouth shut and said what I wanted to say to the wife when she showed up rather loudly I might add.

Rant mode off
It will be some time before ANYTHING starts to get "better". Things are STILL going down hill just like the domino effect.....as They say. I have been with My Co. for 20+ yrs. and I can already see things changing (going down hill!!) all over, AND We are a world wide Co.! My Dad is 79 (yeh, born 1930) and I listen to everything He is saying right now. And when He says things are going to get worse, I believe Him. Remeber, YOUR Parents where brought up during the depression (well, for some of us anyway). I'm NOT saying that is what's happening..BUT, when You look at things at how they are going and You listen too what Your Parents are saying....hmmm, same scenario..just about/, I think They must know something. Hey, MAYBE Obama will "change" things for us, but don't look for it to soon, OR in Your lifetime. I just hope too get My Kids to understand what the hell is going on and to prepare for it when their Mother and I are gone. That's how I feel.....RANT MODE, off.
Hay and if this keeps up I may have to bite it off. I as talking with a lady the other day and she was saying what a good job BO was doing as pres. I looked at her and told her, he has only been pres. for 9 DAYS how can you say he is doing a good job. OMG I just cannot believe how many people have swallowed this crap. He may do good he may not. But you can not tell in 9 DAYS!:mad:
For the Bush lovers.....

It is pretty difficult to fault those kids for their (misplaced) relief that Obama has taken over. The Bush policies over the last eight years have decimated this country. Their ignorance to the fact that under Obama the rate of failure is about to increase exponentially is due to their lack of (life) experience.

Oh well, even if my man Ron Paul had gotten the job, I don't think that, at this point in time, we would have been much better off. Time to boot the crooks in both parties, instead of giving them cabinet posts!
It is pretty difficult to fault those kids for their (misplaced) relief that Obama has taken over. The Bush policies over the last eight years have decimated this country. Their ignorance to the fact that under Obama the rate of failure is about to increase exponentially is due to their lack of (life) experience.
True...but at least with W in office, everyone knew not to listen to him, and that anything he did was likely to be wrong - plus, he didn't sound very convincing when he garbled every other sentence. People seem entranced by Obama and willing to do whatever he says, just because he can say it without screwing it up.
True...but at least with W in office, everyone knew not to listen to him, and that anything he did was likely to be wrong - plus, he didn't sound very convincing when he garbled every other sentence. People seem entranced by Obama and willing to do whatever he says, just because he can say it without screwing it up.

GW was not wrong any more than his predecessor, and many chose not to listen to him but they listened to the liberal press instead. Granted he was not as eloquent at Regan but BO only has his charisma, WO the TelePrompTer his ability to speak off the cuff is as poor as GW's but he did say one thing I agreed with, "If in 3 years there is no improvement then guess it will be one term" N one more gripe they claim BO has a 132 IQ yeah sure...
Obama... yeah, quite scary. However, the Senate and the House are downright terrifying these days. I guess it is a good thing that we aren't easily spooked.
Damn, Toreshka, you are right.....

This "cult of personality" thing is really scary. Every time I hear the gushing, I look back at Mao, Hitler, and some of my other favorite public speakers. These guys had terrible ideas, but couched them in such amazing speeches that people were simply swept away. We like to think that we, as "modern" people, are smarter than they were. Unfortunately, we really are not. In fact, if you simply look at the writings of the "learned" people now versus, oh, maybe the late 1700's :wink:, you see that plainly.

Would I trust a small group of people now to write some kind of document that would set a governing framework to run a nation for more than two hundred years? Sadly, we can not even trust our current batch of lawmakers to put the very real issue of the future of our country (where even their children live) before their own interest in the next election cycle. That is why I am in favor of two term limits for all federally elected positions. I also think that, if you are a sitting member of the government, you may not run for an office other than re-election to the seat you now occupy. Want to run for president? Great! After you finish the job that we are paying and trusting you to do now, then campaign away. How many "yes" or "no" votes did Obama cast over the past two years?

In consideration of Sheldon's comments, I have to pose on question: Is the good of the nation, and the people which reside therein, the foremost concern of the man (or woman) in the oval office. The last two people of which I can say that are Reagan and Carter. Here you have two men that were polar opposites as far as governing philosophy was concerned. They also both made some big mistakes while in office. Those mistakes caused Carter to lose re-election, and caused Reagan to nearly be impeached. However, at the end of the day, whether those particular decisions were right or wrong, I believe that both of those men really cared about America and her people. I really, in my heart, do not believe that of GHW Bush, Bill Clinton, and especially GW Bush. Don't think about wheter they were right or wrong, just think about whether they cried at night thinking about poor and hungry children in this country, or worried about whether the old were being cared for. Not simply if those elderly people percieved they were being cared for so that they would receive their vote.

I believe now that Obama's ideas are wrong for our country. However, I am waiting to decide whether he is doing what he feels is right for the people, or whether he is exercising his power for vanity or control. Because of statements that he has made like "I won, I will trump you on that." and his urging for cogressional leaders to stop listening to Limbaugh, I will remind everyone that, in the words of that patriot Clinton (who stole it from T. Jefferson) "dissent is patriotic." I am beginning to lean.
GW was not wrong any more than his predecessor, and many chose not to listen to him but they listened to the liberal press instead. Granted he was not as eloquent at Regan but BO only has his charisma, WO the TelePrompTer his ability to speak off the cuff is as poor as GW's but he did say one thing I agreed with, "If in 3 years there is no improvement then guess it will be one term" N one more gripe they claim BO has a 132 IQ yeah sure...
That seems like an underestimation of Obama. Teleprompters or not, speaking persuasively and convincingly requires intelligence and poise. I don't buy the "aw shucks" routine from GWB - he's a terrible public speaker, but in person he's charming in a sort of edgy, sarcastic sort of way. Bush's uncertain and awkward way of speaking stems from the fact that he never completely bought into the neoliberalcon ideas that he was shilling - mostly it was fed to him by Cheney and his staff. It always felt like listening to someone justify something that they didn't believe in, but was just saying because they didn't know what else to do.

It would be a mistake to downplay Obama's intelligence and magnetic appeal, as those are his most formidable weapons, and we ignore them at our peril. If your attacker has a grenade launcher, don't brush it off as CS gas or a BB gun.
HaHa, you didn't pronounce it right!

That seems like an underestimation of Obama.

It is "misunderestimation". I learned it by listening to the (until very recently) most powerful political leader in the free world. Someone that smart would have to pronounce their native language correctly. Right?:confused:

If any of you disagree with me, I will drop a nucular bomb on you!:sarcastic:
This "cult of personality" thing is really scary. Every time I hear the gushing, I look back at Mao, Hitler, and some of my other favorite public speakers. These guys had terrible ideas, but couched them in such amazing speeches that people were simply swept away. We like to think that we, as "modern" people, are smarter than they were. Unfortunately, we really are not. In fact, if you simply look at the writings of the "learned" people now versus, oh, maybe the late 1700's :wink:, you see that plainly.

Would I trust a small group of people now to write some kind of document that would set a governing framework to run a nation for more than two hundred years? Sadly, we can not even trust our current batch of lawmakers to put the very real issue of the future of our country (where even their children live) before their own interest in the next election cycle. That is why I am in favor of two term limits for all federally elected positions. I also think that, if you are a sitting member of the government, you may not run for an office other than re-election to the seat you now occupy. Want to run for president? Great! After you finish the job that we are paying and trusting you to do now, then campaign away. How many "yes" or "no" votes did Obama cast over the past two years?

In consideration of Sheldon's comments, I have to pose on question: Is the good of the nation, and the people which reside therein, the foremost concern of the man (or woman) in the oval office. The last two people of which I can say that are Reagan and Carter. Here you have two men that were polar opposites as far as governing philosophy was concerned. They also both made some big mistakes while in office. Those mistakes caused Carter to lose re-election, and caused Reagan to nearly be impeached. However, at the end of the day, whether those particular decisions were right or wrong, I believe that both of those men really cared about America and her people. I really, in my heart, do not believe that of GHW Bush, Bill Clinton, and especially GW Bush. Don't think about wheter they were right or wrong, just think about whether they cried at night thinking about poor and hungry children in this country, or worried about whether the old were being cared for. Not simply if those elderly people percieved they were being cared for so that they would receive their vote.

I believe now that Obama's ideas are wrong for our country. However, I am waiting to decide whether he is doing what he feels is right for the people, or whether he is exercising his power for vanity or control. Because of statements that he has made like "I won, I will trump you on that." and his urging for cogressional leaders to stop listening to Limbaugh, I will remind everyone that, in the words of that patriot Clinton (who stole it from T. Jefferson) "dissent is patriotic." I am beginning to lean.

Most of the elitist think that they have the answer. They believe they are enlightened and are better able to make decisions for the sheeple. Whether their deeds are done because of personal greed or some warped sense of "Divine" guidance the out come is still the same and will mean a loss of freedoms for us. This type of thinking is nothing new. Read the book Proofs of a Conspiracy by John Robison 1798.
I hear this kind of garbage all the time, it makes me ill! How on Earth have Americans gotten to be so dumb?:wacko:

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