I agree 100%...


I'm a square
I found this article online @ Useless gun ban - Salt Lake Tribune "The Salt Lake Tribune", what it said here is so obvious it makes you wonder what some of these law makers are thinking...

"Useless gun ban
Public Forum Letter

Updated: 12/11/2008 07:52:13 AM MST

I was dismayed by the editorial "Assault weapons: Renew a federal ban" (Our View, Nov. 10). I'm not a gun owner, yet it disturbs me to see the media throw responsible gun owners in the same group as deranged killers. The Second Amendment was written to ensure that Americans could protect themselves from criminals, foreign invaders and our own government.

Banning the sale of assault rifles won't prevent criminals from killing large numbers of people; they can simply use different firearms, get assault rifles through illegal channels or use different weapons altogether, like bombs or even SUVs. Gun laws only punish law-abiding citizens because criminals ignore laws.

Lastly, military and police officials are not unique in their ability to use firearms; anyone can learn to handle them properly. We should be thankful for those responsible citizens who learn to use firearms; they are an asset to our free society.

Our legislators should spend their time protecting the rights of the law-abiding instead of trying to exercise control over them.

Brandon Forsyth

Salt Lake City"
It makes my day any time I see citizens stand up to those who would deprive them of their rights, even if it's the press or the government. Very well-written and concise.
Legislators who get behind these gun bans are either ignorant or dishonest. (Maybe both?) The facts are out there about gun ownership in the US, for anyone to find and read. (gunfacts.info is a good start.)

Maybe we ought to start treating all the gun-banners as if they had been up-front and said "I want to disarm the American people because I do not want then to have the ability to resist the government in whatever it plans for them, unlike the intent of the Founding Fathers." It's what it amounts to anyway. Why not be at least honest about it?
Id bet that the writer actually IS a gun owner, but wants to sound objective.

Why do you find it so hard to believe that he's not? Isn't it possible that the writer grew up in a home around guns, and is on his own now and hasn't yet gotten around to buying one of his own?
Why do you find it so hard to believe that he's not? Isn't it possible that the writer grew up in a home around guns, and is on his own now and hasn't yet gotten around to buying one of his own?

Yeah, kinda like it's hard to believe that me, a liberal, owns guns of all kinds, and is pro 2A. Mind boggling at times, isn't it?
My question is SERIOUS; please take it as such...



I can tell you exactly how to do that...

Keep writing well-reasoned pro-gun, pro-2A, letters, comments, articles and keep getting them out in front of the public. Avoid hysterical and defamatory language. Get your facts straight and speak to the point.

We ALL have this responsibility and need to stop spending all our energy speaking to and listening to the choir.

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