handgun hunting is supposed to carry prestige because the "doer" is able to make a SIDEARM do what most hunters need a rifle to accomplish. When you use some abortion of a thing that's not really a sidearm, you are CHEATING on the gear, cause you're unable to make a real ccw pistol suffice. Any 1911 with a fully supported barrel can be rechambered to take the .460 Rowland cartridge, which offers 165 gr jhp's at 1550 fps, from a regular 1911 5" barrel. In the 60's, Colonel Wessoin took both elk and grizzly with an 8" .357, using a 160 gr swc at 1550 fps. A 1911 easily has more range than a bow, and bowhunters take big game every year. So it's not about the gear, it's about YOUR ability, or the lack therof.