Hunting with a handgun.


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Wanting to get back to deer hunting. Thinking of using S&W 629 long barrel. Any thoughts?
Either of the handguns mentioned will do the job for deer hunting. My personal preference would be the Ruger.
the ruger super blackhawk hunter 44 mag with the solid rib and built in mounts and rings is a BEAUTIFUL piece of work for hunting.... it ain't cheap, but its worth every penny.
S&W 629 is my choice. I use a red dot on it. Very accurate and powerful enough for the job. I just don't like the single action guns due to their shape and how they roll up on recoil. Perceived recoil on the 629 is much lower than the Ruger, IMHO. (Also in my not so humble opinion :)
For deer any 200 or 240 gr bullet.
Some like JHP others like hard cast lead. For the cast lead I would use a SWC with a wide meplat, causes more tissie damage.
They all work, shot placement is the key, but everyone knows that.
Good luck.
I used to use a Ruger Super RedHawk .44 mag for many years here in Ohio (sold it since, regrettably)....ANyhow, I had a 9" barrel, and a 2.5x scope. I used the cheap, CCI Blazer HP and had no problem keeping a 3" group at 100yds (from bench), and no problem putting whitetails down. As far as penetration, 1 shot went from brisket to the back of pelvic bone before it stopped and took everything out with it.......44 mag. does massive internal damage. Would have loved to have seen what a more improved HP design would have done, but back then, I was a cheapskate on ammo....
I have a Ruger "Red Hawk" Not the Super Red Hawk. Anybody know if I can get a scope mounted to it for hunting?
I never used an handgun. Regarding scope I prefer scope with quality, reliability and functions. I have purchased Swarovski ATX from for my digiscoping. I also enjoy to birdwatching.
Hi, don't know how people do hunting with Handgun. I think Accuracy International rifles are the best option for deer hunting. Its my first and foremost choice and then have one Nightforce NXS rifle scopes to make your long hunting Rifle an ultimate option.
Hi, don't know how people do hunting with Handgun. I think Accuracy International rifles are the best option for deer hunting. Its my first and foremost choice and then have one Nightforce NXS rifle scopes to make your long hunting Rifle an ultimate option.

Really? You're rifle will suck in the heavy brush where a handgun will work great. The best option of a hunting weapon is the one that can dispatch the game you are after quickly and efficiently. I have taken several deer with handguns .357 and .44 mag. 2011 I took a moose ( 1680 lbs ) with a S&W .460 magnum. I have taken to many to count red squirrels with a 22 pistol over the years as well.

Is a handgun good for a 100 plus yard deer? Likely not. I hunt yotes ALL year here it is by far my favorite pastime. I have a custom ar in .204 Ruger I use. I also carry my Ruger .357 for any ones that sneak up on me ( yes they do now and then ) and have dispatched a good number of then with the .357..

You're presumption that not only a rifle but a specific brand of rifle and scope is horribly small minded and shows you have little understanding of hunting in the real world. In fact you come off as a sort of a braggart doing so..
Really? You're rifle will suck in the heavy brush where a handgun will work great. The best option of a hunting weapon is the one that can dispatch the game you are after quickly and efficiently.


Stalk hunting Bambi in an Alabama pine thicket is a whole world from shooting a muley at 600 yards across some canyon. A pine thicket isn't where I'd want a $3000 bolt gun with a long barrel and a scope that costs more than the gun. In that pine thicket you are lucky, at times, to get 60 FEET of clear line of sight if it's not being managed. Throw in a recent rain to dampen the noise of the stuff underfoot down a bit and you're lucky at times not to walk right up and step on the cagey old ones. That being said, my limit for a hunting shot with a handgun is about 50 yards. I might consider going slightly farther under ideal conditions- like a good, field rest handy (a tree limb at the right height on a nearby trunk works for me), the deer not having a clue I'm around and is standing slightly quartering away from me with a clear line of sight and field of fire, ...
handgun hunting is supposed to carry prestige because the "doer" is able to make a SIDEARM do what most hunters need a rifle to accomplish. When you use some abortion of a thing that's not really a sidearm, you are CHEATING on the gear, cause you're unable to make a real ccw pistol suffice. Any 1911 with a fully supported barrel can be rechambered to take the .460 Rowland cartridge, which offers 165 gr jhp's at 1550 fps, from a regular 1911 5" barrel. In the 60's, Colonel Wessoin took both elk and grizzly with an 8" .357, using a 160 gr swc at 1550 fps. A 1911 easily has more range than a bow, and bowhunters take big game every year. So it's not about the gear, it's about YOUR ability, or the lack therof.

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