Hudson, WI TEA Party to feature hot drinks -- and guns - TEA Party honors open-carry


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The planners of a party in Hudson, Wis., are looking forward to a well-mannered picnic filled with political speeches, hot beverages — and guns.

Response has been mixed to the Hudson Open Carry Taxed Enough Already (or TEA) Party scheduled for Oct. 17 in Lakefront Park. While organizers tout it as a picnic to celebrate their rights to demonstrate and carry arms, some in town worry about the image and perceived dangers of so many weapons in the city's downtown playground.

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Any further information on how the meeting went? I would imagine the incidence of armed robbery was somewhere around zero!
Any further information on how the meeting went? I would imagine the incidence of armed robbery was somewhere around zero!

Haven't heard of any bad incidences, and surely the news would have been all over it like you know what. I'm thinking it went well and quietly.:biggrin:
Haven't heard of any bad incidences, and surely the news would have been all over it like you know what. I'm thinking it went well and quietly.:biggrin:

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Tea Party With Guns Held in Hudson

Hundreds of armed people filled a Hudson park Saturday afternoon as part of an anti-tax and pro-second amendment rally.

"It's our right to carry guns and I think everyone needs to know," said a gun rally supporter.

Openly carrying a firearm is legal in Wisconsin, in fact the only legal way to have a firearm there is to openly display it, but it is rare to see so many people doing so at once.

Not everyone near the tea party was keen on the idea of so many people carrying guns. "I thought not in my backyard. I didn't like the idea and i still don't like the idea," said Greg Leaf, a gun rally opposer.

Some came to the park hoping to change laws. "I'm here today to support hopefully getting a conceal and carry permit in wisconsin," said Spc. Alex Getty.

A few came hoping to change minds. "I have people who call me baby killers because they assume I voted for obama, which I did, but I don't think that makes me a baby killer," said Greg Leaf.

Different viewpoints were plentiful, but the event remained peaceful and supporters of both sides on gun control issues agreed to disagree.
Every documented voter should be required to take a CCW certification course whether or not they ever Carry. The issue of Aftermath is well known to professionals, but the average voter is ignorant to the consequences of maintaining, carrying, drawing and firing a weapon. I found each day of the course to be informative. My family comes from an armed generation of police officers and military. An armed society is a polite society. Equality
I hope people like Greg Leaf wake up and see the huge mistake they made voting for Obama. Obama cares nothing for life or your rights as citizens.

So Greg, if you don't like to see people openly carrying firearms, support a good concealed carry law like the one Governor Doyle vetoed, twice! Doyle could care less about personal protection. He has armed guards.

Yes, I would drive the 275 miles to Madison, to testify for the Personal Protection Act again!

It does not surprise me that hundreds of people could carry firearms openly and not hurt anyone!
When was the last time an attack occurred at 'A Gun Show? The only successful attacks on Police Officers have been from a planned Ambush. Like when they are sitting at a table in a coffee shop, working on their computers, and no Certified CCW's are around to 'watch their backs'. One other important fact,"The officers were taught NOT to PROFILE by the Dystopian PC crowd . In Washington State, I bet 'that' is all changing.
Jim Doyle is retiring as governor of Wisconsin in 2010. The Mayor of Milwaukee has gotten the nod by the Democratic party.
Even 'The Obama' recently came to visit, gave his blessing to make sure Milwaukee's Mayor is elected Governor. The Taxpayer Subsidized housing, Welfare vote from Milwaukee, which has a 30% unemployment of it's ACORN black segment, elects the Governor of Wisconsin, no matter what the rest of the State wants.

Only a miracle, which is nowhere visible, would allow any Conservative, Republican or Blue Dog Democrat, to become elected Governor. The Liberal anti-business agenda has removed most industry from Wisconsin through high taxes, Fees and anti-business regulations, ensuring unemployment, thus maintaining the voter base that keeps the perpetually Dependant Liberals in power. A demonstration of Circular Logic.

The same overwhelming Urban population rules, that allow New York City to rule the entire State of New York, apply in Wisconsin as well as Chicago Illinois. As I mentioned..only a miracle... Might try Prayer. It sure works for me in the United States of America, "One Nation Under GOD".
Amen. Maybe God can save Wisconsin. In God we trust, all others pay cash.

What will Obama and Acorn do when we have more people sucking the teat of government, than we do working?
Amen. Maybe God can save Wisconsin. In God we trust, all others pay cash.

What will Obama and Acorn do when we have more people sucking the teat of government, than we do working?

What will Obama do ..... create a Work Reform Bill, Obama is a D I L L W E E D, wouldn't it be nice if he got impeached

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