Huckabee aims impromptu gun joke at Obama


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Huckabee makes duck and cover joke about Obama at Nra convention:




Obama Calls for Permanent Assault Weapons Ban to Combat Inner-City Violence:
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Barack Obama Exposed - The Truth About Barack Obama
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Expose Obama:
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Barack Hussein Obama on our Second Amendment Rights:
Barack Obama -- GOA 2008 Presidential Candidates and the Second Amendment

How Mike Huckabee is continuing to support our Second Amendment Rights:
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still can't understand how he made it this far.

It is simple. To many Americans on the government dole with their hand out that figures Big Brother i.e. tax payers owe them something. To few ture patriots left that believe in or even understand what our founding fathers fought for.
Not Obama 08

A Few more visual aid reasons why Obama in 08 should get every voting age American off their keister, make sure they are registered and vote for McCain this time around...

I know voting for McCain is like taking cod-liver oil, but McCain is miles better the Obama or Clinton... AND WE CAN NOT AFFORD TO STAY HOME IN PROTEST IN NOVEMBER!
The consequences would be profoundly felt by gun owners alone for decades...

We did not get Huckabee or Paul this time around, the two best canidates on the second-amendment, maybe next time the millions of registered republicans and independents who failed to get off their keister's to show up for their respective primaries and caucuses, will realize just how important they are...




I watched the media coverage of this last evening. If I would have been in Huckabees shoes you could bet I would not have apologized. I thought his remark was funny.
A Man that does not respect the flag does not respect the country and has no business being in any political office.
REMEMBER! When it comes time to vote, and if there is no one on the ballot you like, WRITE IN YOUR CANIDATE! I will!
might as well not bother to might make you feel better but you will be wasting your vote.

I will agree with the way the deck is stacked any more in this country and with the refusal of most Americans to take the time to study issues beyond those that are touched on by the main stream media you are probably right. It therefore becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. No one will consider a vote for any one but the two main parties which are both now controlled by the one world government elite. We therefor will never get anything but one of their NWO puppets.
Issues went out the window a long time ago whether the media promotes them or not. It is all about looks and preconceived notions. The greatest example of that was the Kennedy-Nixon debates on TV vs. Radio winner. If issues actually meant anything there would be a completely different slate of cantidates for this election.
I continuously hear from conservatives about how they're only "lukewarm" on McCain, and so on.

To that, I say...BULLSHIT!

Say you're 5 seconds from getting into a have a choice between a 9mm Kahr (not the .40 that you prefer), and a "Please don't shoot" sign. Disgusted with both choices, you choose to either do nothing at all, or take a totally different tactic, such as employing hand combat, or throwing a blunt object. Where's the sense in that?

Everyone has their own idea of the perfect candidate for President, but unless there's mind control at work, no candidate can be everything to everyone. You probably won't get everything you want in someone who has any chance of getting elected, and if you do, then you should be suspicious.

I disagree with McCain on a few things, including:
  • His characterization of MMA as "human cockfighting".
  • His proposals for caps on CEO pay.
  • His disagreement (which was a while back now) with the NRA on gun show background checks.

A lot of talking heads seem to have spread unfounded rumors that McCain is soft on abortion or whatnot, which is a bunch of lies. Although I would definitely roll my eyes at mandated gun show bg checks, it wouldn't be the end of the world. He seems to have dropped the issue, anyway.

But...with Obama in office, would there even be any more gun shows at all? Would we have any pay at all once he taxes us to death, and then imposes a hefty tax on death itself? How many Supreme Court and federal judges would he appoint?

Support McCain in 2008, or don't complain when you're being forced to sign up for diversity training at the behest of your local Gaystopo officer.
I will agree that Mccane is better than Osama or Hitlery or "less worse" however one wants to view it. On the other hand has it come to the point in this country that we are willing to settle for the least offensive, less evil candate that we can never be willing to pull together to vote for the "best" candidate? If that is true than all we can ever hope for is the best of the worst of what the NWO anti USA world leaders give us. If that is the case then God help us because only he can.
Just as an addition to the above post I will most likely vote McCane come September but I am not happy with the choices. The current two party system being what it is we have little to be happy about.

"The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self created screen....At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties."
New York City Mayor John F. Hylan, 1922
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As long as people continue to support the two major parties, the country will continue to decline. Acting like it makes more than marginal difference who is elected (and it is marginal--a McCain presidency will continue to erode our rights and try to extinguish what is left of the Constitution) is a pathetic joke on those who care.

We might as well just get it over with:

Vote for whoever you want--this is what we are going to get!
I will agree that Mccane is better than Osama or Hitlery or "less worse" however one wants to view it. On the other hand has it come to the point in this country that we are willing to settle for the least offensive, less evil candate that we can never be willing to pull together to vote for the "best" candidate? If that is true than all we can ever hope for is the best of the worst of what the NWO anti USA world leaders give us. If that is the case then God help us because only he can.
Can someone give a concrete list of what, exactly, is wrong with McCain? I hear a lot of vague anti-McCain rhetoric, but nothing specific.
McCain Calls For Cuts In Nuclear Stockpile

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We have many times more nukes than we'll ever need to almost instantly kill everyone on Earth, and in space. It's redundantly pointless to have such a great number, and also very expensive. There's nothing you can do with 10,000 nukes that you can't do with 500. If we needed to, a total of two would probably take care of NK just fine. The Russians and Chinese are hopelessly incapable of intercepting our MIRVs, and tensions have eased significantly in the last few decades.

Many of these missiles are nearing the end of their lifetimes; the draw-down will be more in attrition - ie, just not replacing the old ones. It's not a terrible idea to use these extras as a bargaining chip to get, in particular, the Russians to cut theirs. They have a lot of unsecured hardware lying around that could easily be seized by someone with a much less cool head.

We can always build more if the need arises...hopefully we won't have to.

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