How Much Do You Know About Your States Gun Laws?

Take your states quiz and see how you do. Forgot to post my score, 9 out of 10. Thought trigger locks were mandatory but they're not.

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I got 9 out of 10 and the one I got wrong was May the police limit carrying concealed handguns? I figured that was a yes since we have to have a license to carry concealed, but apparently the answer was no. Maybe because the actual limiting of who can carry is out of the police's job description, but they sure could get you in a lot of trouble if they found you carrying concealed without a license . . .
Quiz is wrong for NV, in so much as the question is bad.

Q: Is there a waiting period on gun sales?

They say no, but there is a 3 day wait on handguns in Clark County if you don't have one registered with metro.
7 out of 10 :O_O: the difference between gun and handgun questions were and ones that got me. Gun possibly being a shotgun I thought could be sold with out permit, and I am old enough not to have a hunters safety permit if I choose.
7 out of 10 :O_O: the difference between gun and handgun questions were and ones that got me. Gun possibly being a shotgun I thought could be sold with out permit, and I am old enough not to have a hunters safety permit if I choose.

DJ58, before you start kicking yourself, I posted this on another site and some possible errors on the quizzes have been pointed out. This is just for fun and shouldn't be taken as factual because of many changes that may have occurred since it was originally written.
9 out of 10

The locking device got me too. Since every gun is sold with one, I guess I assumed it was law.
Got 10 of 10, but there is one inaccurate question. It's the individual county police departments that do background checks, not the "state police".

I got 8 out of 10. The lock question got me also. And I need to do some checking cause they also say that it IS required to do a background check for a private sale. That one I did not know.
9/10, same ballgame with gun lock question. I'm starting to wonder if that is a mistake...

Also made me realize that living in New Mexico we are still quite free to do what we want. I sometimes forget that when I read into the increasingly obscure laws.
I got an 8 out of 10 on the Nevada quiz. I missed the question on background checks at gun shows. The correct answer should have been "it depends on who's selling the firearm". If they are a dealer, a background check has to be done, while private citizens can sell to each other without one. I also missed the question on possession of firearms by minors. I thought they could own a gun, just not purchase one.

Oh well, it was fun.
In florida the saler of private guns does not need a back ground check.If so the avenue is not there for it.
now DrDavidM don't fill bad I got 7 out of 10 and they said that is above average so yours is probably B+ so that would be great, the questions are kind of tricky. but ha we probably still could get a teachers job.:y:
10 out of 10, Guess I will have to let my hat out one notch, I think my head is starting to swell a bit

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