How much AMMO should you carry on you when Carrying Concealed?

I carry as a personal defense strategy. IM not an offensive assault weapon carrier.( So I don't need a lot of ammo to defend myself. So my thought in getting involved in a bad situation would be an on street mugging, or assault or a robbery, which could be consider an assault or a mugging. if I was targeted, it would be where I let my guard down, which is not usu8ally the case. I carry myself as a confident person, I walk tall with the knowledge that I have a chance to defend myself.. this carry posture know as " Presence " is a strong deterrent to becoming a victim. What I don't have going for me is my age.. IM an old guy, I have some serious health issues which could make me look more like a victim.. I feel as though any problem I have would be a quick encou8nter.. someone seeing opportunity and acting on it quickly.. meaning it would be one of those less than one minute encounter. AS Ive said in the past I always carry in my pocket, stay aware of my surroundings, and have a good gut for potential problems.. If a potential problem becomes a reality, I'm already on the gun in my grip ready to draw and fire from my pocket carry. AS far as an extra magazine, I always carry one because it is not an inconvenience, its part of my everyday attire, and having it is better than not having it.. chances of me needing a second mag is very very small , but its not something that would be completely out of the question..
What, exactly, do you think the word "asses" means?

I carry 16, usually. I'm more concerned with carrying the 2 magazines than the 16 rounds.
I carry a G30 with one chambered. Plus two spare mags. Total 31 rounds of +P .45 ACP JHP SELF DEFENSE rounds. If i can't take care of business with that I am in serious trouble.
1,000 rounds, preferably in two cross bandoliers. If the wife's with you ensure she keeps an additional 200 rounds, just in case. I would add claymores in case you plan to make a stand. You'll need food and water (the most important) for three days. SAT phone and area map incase they block your signal.
Other the much as you think the threat MIGHT be. There is no quantitative value that I know of. You going against one, two, ten? If your that in need to ensure ALL aspects are covered. Stay Home!
I would add claymores in case you plan to make a stand.

Make sure you carry the claymore with the side that says "This side towards enemy" pointing away from you. You go on the inside of the curve - the general public goes on the outside of the curve.
Make sure you carry the claymore with the side that says "This side towards enemy" pointing away from you. You go on the inside of the curve - the general public goes on the outside of the curve.

Second that, plus, ensure the blasting caps are tested.