I carry as a personal defense strategy. IM not an offensive assault weapon carrier.( So I don't need a lot of ammo to defend myself. So my thought in getting involved in a bad situation would be an on street mugging, or assault or a robbery, which could be consider an assault or a mugging. if I was targeted, it would be where I let my guard down, which is not usu8ally the case. I carry myself as a confident person, I walk tall with the knowledge that I have a chance to defend myself.. this carry posture know as " Presence " is a strong deterrent to becoming a victim. What I don't have going for me is my age.. IM an old guy, I have some serious health issues which could make me look more like a victim.. I feel as though any problem I have would be a quick encou8nter.. someone seeing opportunity and acting on it quickly.. meaning it would be one of those less than one minute encounter. AS Ive said in the past I always carry in my pocket, stay aware of my surroundings, and have a good gut for potential problems.. If a potential problem becomes a reality, I'm already on the gun in my grip ready to draw and fire from my pocket carry. AS far as an extra magazine, I always carry one because it is not an inconvenience, its part of my everyday attire, and having it is better than not having it.. chances of me needing a second mag is very very small , but its not something that would be completely out of the question..