How much AMMO should you carry on you when Carrying Concealed?


Cheap Nate
Sorry if this has been talked about before but I could not Find It.

I am a new to carry concealed and I carry a XD 45ACP a total of 14 Rounds, 13 in the mag and 1 chambered. My Ammo of choose is the Winchester PDX1 230 GR. SUPREME ELITE BONDED.

I cant find an excuse to carry an extra mag of 13 more rounds for a grand total of 27 total rounds. I been training with my XD 45acp for 2 years in prep of carrying it concealed. I practice the double tap (2 shoots) center mass to asses a threat.

If you do the math, that's 14 rounds divided by 2 for a total of 7 possible threats that I can asses. Or 27 rounds and 14 possible Threats.

I have looked for a documented case of one CCW trained person having to asses more than 2 threats back to back. In most cases if there was two suspects and the most threatening one got shot at, the second suspect runs away.

Now if i would carry a revolver or a semi auto with less then 7 rounds, then may be I would see fit to carry Extra Ammo.

Please help a newbie with your opinions.
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Nate Rodriguez - AKA DomRepLV or Cheap Nate.

The biggest reason in my opinion, to carry a spare mag is to have a back up one in case the mag in your firearm fails. I carry a spare 17 round magazine besides the one in the firearm.

It's nice knowing I have 34 rounds, but even nicer knowing I have a back up mag in case my main fails to feed.
carry ammo

* daily check mag feed in safe location
* daily dry fire check and clp as needed

carry options

1 mag in g36 with 3/three 6rnd mags

1 mag in g19 with 1or2 15rnd mags
Most people do not carry for more ammo, they carry it for reasons stated above, that misfortune that one has a malfunction it is easier just to change mags while your engaged and seconds count.

Dont get me wrong, it is comforting knowing that I have the extra ammo at my disposal if needed, but my main reason for it, is in case of a failure! IMHO
i don't know if there's a right answer because most carrying optionsare personal ones. training tells you to at least carry an extra magazine incase of a malfunction, i say carry as much ammo as you see fit, what that maybe is your choice. The minute someone says carry a extra mag, why not two extra mags, but three mags are better than two mags,four is even, how much ammo is enough. Its like asking which pistol should you carry, we all have our own preferences.
I have carryed extra mags, but I have come to realize, once you get used to it, its just as simple to carry a back up gun, unless your a skinny dude or a 90 lb women with few places to carry in the first place, a 45 and a compact 9mm are my prefered carrys, at present a Colt commander and a XD-9 sub compact, work well, and if you train yourself I beleive it may be faster to deploy the second gun than to unjam your primary, now before I get a whole lot of retoric on this, I have to say weather its extra mags or a second or even third weapon, it really comes down to what you personaly are most comfortable with
Most of us will never fire even one shot, let alone have to reload our weapon.

That said, your magazine is the most likely part of the firearm to malfunction carrying at least one spare magazine can help aleviate that problem so I reccomend at least one spare magazine
I think it is a personal choice.But IMHO,it"s better to have it and not need it.Then to need it and not have it. :0-
I have carryed extra mags, but I have come to realize, once you get used to it, its just as simple to carry a back up gun, unless your a skinny dude or a 90 lb women with few places to carry in the first place, a 45 and a compact 9mm are my prefered carrys, at present a Colt commander and a XD-9 sub compact, work well, and if you train yourself I beleive it may be faster to deploy the second gun than to unjam your primary, now before I get a whole lot of retoric on this, I have to say weather its extra mags or a second or even third weapon, it really comes down to what you personaly are most comfortable with
I also carry a back up gun... not for how much ammo is involved but because not only can magazines fail but so can the gun itself. Plus it is faster and more reliable a "fix" for a stoppage (of any kind) to just grab the other gun than it is to mess with trying to clear a jam. Sure a "slap and rack/change mags" will likely clear almost every jam/fix a stoppage but I'm not willing to take the chance that the very time I need my gun the most is when it quits and I can't clear it/make it work. But another gun ready to go "fixes" that.

Another thought is that if, for any reason, I lose control of my primary gun... I still have another one. Not to mention that back up gun could be an "extra" gun someone else could use to help save us both.

And to go along with that is my back up gun is carried opposite of my primary in case I can't get to the primary with my strong hand I can (hopefully?) still get to my back up with my weak hand. And yes, I do train drawing/firing with both strong and weak hands.

I just don't like all my eggs in one holster.
I carry a hicap XD 45 with 2 spare mags and some loose in the same pocket. I find they help balance the weight out with the gun on the opposite side.
Like Bikenut I also carry a backup gun. Its quick and even though the odds of a mechanical malfunction occurring at that very minute you NEED your gun it can happen, and I am a believer in MURPHYS LAW.
I carry no extra ammo, however, I do carry a BUG. I figure that's enough. Also, I haven't needed either in 40-plus years of carry, thank goodness.
I carry no extra ammo, however, I do carry a BUG. I figure that's enough. Also, I haven't needed either in 40-plus years of carry, thank goodness.

I work for a Police Department and have been told this many of times when i ask this question. Thank You for Your Reply.
Go to the 7.50 minute mark ...

I have all of the Magpul Videos. I use them as part of my training. If you watch the Video posted, they only use a secondary mag only in one problem. Most problems with a weapon malfunctioning is poor maintenance or poor ammo. This is why I Clean and lube (Frog Lube) my Gun and Mags at lease once a week and after every use.

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