How Many of You play this Game?


New member
I asked this question on a different forum and decided to ask it here...

So the other morning after dropping the wife off to teach school I had some free time on my hands before the auto parts store opened, and went to a fast food place for a sandwich.

There was only one other person in the building and while siting and eating looking over the room I as usual play the "Whats wrong with this picture" and the "What if / what are my options" game.

So how many of you play this game when out and about?
I have become more aware and watchful of people. Especially when you see something that does not look quite right. Like someone wearing an overcoat in the summer time or just acting funny. Having learned to use the color codes I now see lots of things in a different light. When setting at a an eating establishment I try to set where I can see the door and where it is harder for anyone to get behind me. I have become much more of a people watcher than I used to be and I often think, "what if today is the day or this place is the place".
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Just as where you choos to sit, the same goes for where you park your vehicle. I don't just park in the closest spot, but look around for lighting (at night) etc. I tell my wife not to park beside a large truck or van and to scan the parking lot when leaving the store or mall for anything/anyone that doesn't look right.
I've been a people watcher for a long time. I used to do it as a "game" but not so much as a game, now that BG's are getting more quality airtime on the evening news.

later - Sam
I agree with you guys. Since I started carrying I have been a lot more aware of my surroundings. Trying to pick out and avoid possible bad spots, sit facing the door, ect. It’s also fun to sit around and see if you can spot anyone else carrying.
I too am much more observant than I was before I began carrying four years ago. I do not own a car, so I do a lot of walking. It's funny that before I began carrying I walked in a lot of places that I shouldn't have walked in, such as dark alleys after dark and in many crime and drug infested areas. Nowadays, if I must walk at night, I stay away from alleys and only walk down well lit main streets. I think that what helped me most, however, was my security guard training, which I found has come in handy a lot of times when I'm not at work, and which I think will continue to come in handy long after I leave the security business.
I do the same. I am a pretty quiet person, and when I'm out in public, I am told I always look up-tight. I am usually relaxed but vigilant. I am always assessing situations, staying aware of my exits, detaching myself from the conversation of my friends to look around and spot any suspicious things.
I believe this day and age, you can't let your guard down ever. But that doesn't mean you have to be paranoid.
I always try to stay aware of my surroundings. even before I started carrying I've had extensive martial arts training. so since I was a teenager I've always been looking over my shoulder. staying clear of loud/annoying people in public. it's always fun going to a store with my dad too... he can spot a shoplifter from a mile away! he's just about to get his ccw too.
I play that game all the time. I like to run different scenarios through my head while watching people and situations.
I too have been a people watcher all of my life. When I was younger I have stopped thieves without thought of myself till one last confrontation in my butchers. I took on a guy 6'4" or so. Thank God he didn't come after me. So many things could have happened. I am 5' 2". My butcher called the cops, hubby and friend came to protect me and I never open my big mouth again. I got my carry permit keep quiet always follow safe practices and never take things for granted. When I practice or go over things in my head I always think about my son he is going on five. He needs me around. Nuff said!

I actually think of it as a survival technique. Having been in a company where I was a clerk behind the counter
of a gas station, I often went through all my options in my head. I figured out what to do in almost any situation. It paid off too, as one night a drunk marine thought he was "all that." Well, I either have to thank my lucky stars, or the preparation I put in to prepare for a confrontation. Not only was I able to handle the situation, but was relieved when a Nam Veteran walked in & made sure this guys buddies kept to themselves.
You never know when, or with whom something may happen, be prepared for anything!
I do all of those things.

I also think it's important to remember that, like nature, the baddies prey on those they feel are weakest. I always "walk strong", pay attention to my surroundings, and I make eye contact with everyone I encounter.

I too get accused of looking "up tight" and "pissed off".

A little story - the other day I left the office and walked to my boss' house for a meeting. It's about a 10 minute walk in Downtown Syracuse. This late teen/early 20s teenager approached me and asked me where the National Grid (the local power company) building was.

Now it could have been completely innocent and I was happy to help this kid, but in the back of my mind I knew that this building was the most recognizable building in downtown - it's this big Art Nouveau stainless steel thing that looks like something out of a Batman movie.

At the time, the building was behind me and I made sure that my eyes never left this kid's eyes and I simply pointed over my shoulder and said "it's that big steel building over there".

Like I said, probably perfectly innocent, but I was also thinking that it would be very easy for him to cold cock me as I turned my head to show him the building.

You just gotta be aware.
I'm a +1 on the ass-hole look. I intentionally don't look like an approchable person when in public. Frequently I notice street solicitors nabbing every single person that walks by will suddenly sulk down and let me pass with out trying to sell me whatever they're hocking.

I've always sat to the near the back facing everyone that comes by. I watch everything and everyone that twitches and I assume they're all BGs.
I have been playing the "what if" game for as long as I can remember first tought to me by my father then the Military and Martial arts. I get the you look uptight pissed off reaction from peolple I meet they say when I first saw you their was no way I was going to Talk to you then say once they have meet me I seem much more friendly.
Playing the game

I have been playing the "what if" game for as long as I can remember first tought to me by my father then the Military and Martial arts. I get the you look uptight pissed off reaction from peolple I meet they say when I first saw you their was no way I was going to Talk to you then say once they have meet me I seem much more friendly.

I had a now good friend of mine tell me a few years back that when he would see me at a job that we both used to work at that he thought " that guy is not somebody I would want to mess with". Once he got to know me he said I was not what he had thought at all. I guess you can't let the BG's know that you are really a nice guy even if sometimes others get that impression too. MY motto, Walk softly and carry a big stick. I do but I pray I never have to use it.
Frequently I notice street solicitors nabbing every single person that walks by will suddenly sulk down and let me pass with out trying to sell me whatever they're hocking.
My girlfriend will thank me for doing this when passing a peddler in a mall.

HK4U said:
I have become more aware and watchful of people. Especially when you see something that does not look quite right. Like someone wearing an overcoat in the summer time or just acting funny.
I work at a small farm supply store during summers, an indavidual came in wearing a winter coat. It was 94 outside. I leaned over to the "new guy" and wispered, "He's wearing a coat." The guy looked at me blankly and responded with yea. After shaking my head I repeated he was wearing a coat and said it's 94 outside. He said "yea that's weird"... Finally (since I couldn't leave where I was at at the time) I instructed him to just go find the manager and tell him a guy was wearing a winter coat and it's 94 degrees. Cluelessly he did as told. the manager and assist. manager jumped up and found the guy, whom was acting odd when they decided to "help" him. needless to say he left soon after they came up to him to see if he needed help, but it was astonishing how clueless the kid was...
I'm constantly looking at angles, optimal cover spots, extraction options, etc, as well as open hand strike options when standing around with people. I don't know how many people here have looked into feng shui, but some of the elements include things that come from a biologically instinctive mindset. For example, people are always more comfortable when sitting somewhere if they can clearly see an entrance.

Something that I've noticed is that many homes and businesses are not designed in a way that consider security as an important issue. A peephole is an inexpensive, highly effective security measure and should automatically be included on all doors - but inexplicably, many homes are built without one, and do not have a facing window that allows for conveniently looking out. A camera is the best thing of course, but these are still rare. Door locks are also often keyed differently, which adds a delay when people get home, need to start their car in a hurry, etc.

My parents' home was built in a way so that the bedrooms and bathroom are all together, and if coming down the one hall that connects them, you can look out and see both the front door, the back door and cars that are in the driveway, and there's lights on all of the exterior areas (a lightpole and some motion detectors) that don't backlight the observer in the house. This way if someone is outside, you can easily make a decision on what to do.

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