How Many Of You Open Carry?

JM40 I agree with your main points 100%, and very good ones they are too. But since I'm a nitpicker I'm going to pick a nit.

I figure that cops don't bother to CC because everybody knows they're armed anyway, so it doesn't give them any tactical advantage, whereas the quick draw of an OC holster gives a very nice advantage.

I'd like to get in on the nitpicking game as well.:D

Actually, I'd like to think that OWB for concealed carry is a quicker draw than OWB for open carry because there are no retention devices to mess with; I simply reach under my shirt and draw. Obviously this is not the case for SmartCarry or Thunderwear, but retention devices slow down a draw more than does a shirt hanging over a holster with no retention devices. Also, with concealed carry, I do not have to worry whether someone is going to try to grab for my gun (even if I am situationally aware of my surroundings, my gun won't be too useful to me if someone is grabbing for it). Concealed carry in an OWB holster without a pesky retention device eliminates all these disadvantages. Finally, even though OC can be used as a tool to educate, I don't carry for that reason; I carry to protect myself and my loved ones from those who would do us harm.

Also, CC is just simply a matter of personal preference for me. I prefer for people not to know that I'm armed.
Open Carry has a deterrent effect. Concealed does not. Sometimes I OC, sometimes I CC to avoid OC hassles.
Open Carry is often an activist's tool. Sometimes I OC to make the point that I can OC.

Actually, CC has a deterrent effect as well, probably more so than open carry. Consider this scenario.

If everyone who owns a gun only carried openly (no concealed carry of any kind), then criminals would simply go after those who are not carrying. The deterrent of which you speak only applies to the person carrying the weapon. Suppose, however, that with the advent of concealed carry, the bad guys all of a sudden do not know who is carrying. If only one person out of a group of 30 people is carrying, everyone is protected because the criminals do not know who is or is not carrying. A bulge created by a person's cell phone or pager could be mistaken for a gun. In this case the mere possibility that someone is armed serves as a deterrent for everyone, not just those for whom it is obvious (open carriers).

Actually, CC has a deterrent effect as well, probably more so than open carry. Consider this scenario.

If everyone who owns a gun only carried openly (no concealed carry of any kind), then criminals would simply go after those who are not carrying. The deterrent of which you speak only applies to the person carrying the weapon. Suppose, however, that with the advent of concealed carry, the bad guys all of a sudden do not know who is carrying. If only one person out of a group of 30 people is carrying, everyone is protected because the criminals do not know who is or is not carrying. A bulge created by a person's cell phone or pager could be mistaken for a gun. In this case the mere possibility that someone is armed serves as a deterrent for everyone, not just those for whom it is obvious (open carriers).

Seeing someone with a gun on might deter a small minortiy but for someone bent on killing a bunch of innocent people it will just change his plan of attack.
Actually, CC has a deterrent effect as well, probably more so than open carry. Consider this scenario......

OR what if ya'll got off your high horses about which is better and considered that what if half of us were carrying openly and the other half concealed, then the BGs would have NO clue what so ever!! You can make up scenerios all stinkin' day, and guess what? They are ALL RIGHT. Of course, they're all wrong, too, because everything isn't always going to happen the way you want it to...

Why doesn't someone make a big chart with the Pros and Cons of each, and see which one comes out "ahead". I'd be willing to bet that they both have more pros than cons, and they both come out right about even. Oh, and this chart probably shouldn't include things like "what if pink elephants escape from a flying zoo...", k?

Actually, I'd like to think that OWB for concealed carry is a quicker draw than OWB for open carry because there are no retention devices to mess with......

What retention device? A lot of people open carry with an open top holster w/o a thumb strap or the like. In fact I've done so in the past, with out incident. It DID require that I be very aware of my surroundings, but umm I always am, especially when I'm carrying.

I do think that generally, someone carrying openly should have some sort of retention, but who says it slows down the draw? It has been PROVEN that one can draw at the SAME SPEED with and without a retention device. The speed of your draw depends on the equipment you use, and how much you practice. Some retention devices do slow your draw, but not all. Ever used a Serpa CQB holster? How about Safariland's ALS? These holsters offer rentention while allowing a smooth natural draw. With a little practice, there's no difference between the speed of that draw, and the draw with a retentionless holster.

Now I could start making up scenerios about how your shirt could catch on the hammer, your hand could get caught up in your jacket and you could drop the weapon, or a pink elephant could slip his trunk up under your clothing and steal your concealed weapon, but that's not the point. You see, you brought up a good point about concealed carry, but tried to turn it into a negative about open carry...

Stop the madness people. Carrying is carrying, period. Open and concealed are options, not opposites..
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OR what if ya'll got off your high horses about which is better and considered that what if half of us were carrying openly and the other half concealed, then the BGs would have NO clue what so ever!! You can make up scenerios all stinkin' day, and guess what? They are ALL RIGHT. Of course, they're all wrong, too, because everything isn't always going to happen the way you want it to...

Why doesn't someone make a big chart with the Pros and Cons of each, and see which one comes out "ahead". I'd be willing to bet that they both have more pros than cons, and they both come out right about even. Oh, and this chart probably shouldn't include things like "what if pink elephants escape from a flying zoo...", k?

What retention device? A lot of people open carry with an open top holster w/o a thumb strap or the like. In fact I've done so in the past, with out incident. It DID require that I be very aware of my surroundings, but umm I always am, especially when I'm carrying.

I do think that generally, someone carrying openly should have some sort of retention, but who says it slows down the draw? It has been PROVEN that one can draw at the SAME SPEED with and without a retention device. The speed of your draw depends on the equipment you use, and how much you practice. Some retention devices do slow your draw, but not all. Ever used a Serpa CQB holster? How about Safariland's ALS? These holsters offer rentention while allowing a smooth natural draw. With a little practice, there's no difference between the speed of that draw, and the draw with a retentionless holster.

Now I could start making up scenerios about how your shirt could catch on the hammer, your hand could get caught up in your jacket and you could drop the weapon, or a pink elephant could slip his trunk up under your clothing and steal your concealed weapon, but that's not the point. You see, you brought up a good point about concealed carry, but tried to turn it into a negative about open carry...

Stop the madness people. Carrying is carrying, period. Open and concealed are options, not opposites..

Without trying to turn this thread into why one method of carry is better than another, exactly where in my post did I say anything negative about people who open carry? If anything all I did was say why open carry is not for me, not why others should or should not do it, that's all. What I wrote is not much different from others on this thread who have explained why they prefer CC over OC.

Let me make myself clear and say that while I prefer CC over OC, I am not against OC by any means. That doesn't mean, however, that I am going to refrain from speaking my mind about why I prefer one over the other. I have never intended for anything I say to be taken as a lecture on why people should do what I do. I just refuse to let the opinions of the gunophobes (is this even a real word?:confused:) or those who feel differently about the pros and cons of different methods of carry sway my personal feelings on the matter. At the end of the day I am pro 2A, pro choice (not about abortion, but about which way someone chooses to carry their weapon), and I favor CC over OC. Ok?
the final word.....!!

to paraphrase president washington{ i believe} the main thing is to be armed. open or concealed know what the h---- you are doing
I'd like to conceal an AK in my SmartCarry. Trying different options, pics to follow...


I remember something on the web about a year ago this guy had several guns including a rifle and or shot gun under his coat. amazing all the weapons he had hid. Pretty funny.
I just refuse to let the opinions of the gunophobes (is this even a real word?)...

Actually the word is hoplophobes :-) Hoplo being from the Greek Hoplon, meaning weapon. It's not in the dictionary (yet), but it has become the standard term to describe those with an irrational fear of weapons, or more specifically, guns.
Hey, I am just glad you all are carrying. I don't care how you do it. Do what makes you comfortable and don't worry about with others think. :D
Actually the word is hoplophobes :-) Hoplo being from the Greek Hoplon, meaning weapon. It's not in the dictionary (yet), but it has become the standard term to describe those with an irrational fear of weapons, or more specifically, guns.

Thank You,, you beat me to it. Hoplophobe is a great word and most folks will ask what it means when you use it. A good opportunity to bring up the subject of firearms in a positive light.

How many of you open carry?

When I was on the job, Arizona did not allow concealed carry unless you were a police officer or military personnel, and it was in connection to your duties. We moved to Washington, then to California. When we returned to Arizona, the state had passed the CCW law, and you oculd get a permit. They did not repeal the old law that allowed anyone who could own a gun to strap it on and carry it almost anywhere. The crime rate, once they passed the new CCW law, dropped dramatically. The rate had remained constant since the 1880s when everyone wore guns openly to the time the law changed. The drop was credited to the fact that the BGs could not tell who was armed anymore. In the Old West, the famed movie walkdown was pretty much a myth. Most gunfighters died of GSWs to the back. It was much safer to shoot in the back rather than risk being shot while trying to shoot your opponent. OC or CC, it is a matter of preference. Washignton is listed as an OC state, but I have not observed anyone OCing. According to one source I saw, over 239,000 Washingtonians CC. Would make me stop and ponder, were I a BG. I love OC, but it is much misunderstood from what I hear when I hear people talk about guns.
it's legal here in michigan too. but I don't like the idea of everyone knowing.. also don't like the idea of getting harrassed about it by some moron who automatically thinks that if there is a gun then there is trouble.
I OC regularly. No problems, and I am treated like a human around town (more than I can say about some folks on gun forums, when it comes to that).

Maybe I'm just not 'tactical'... but I've yet to see an evidence that there is a disadvantage, such as it being any more likely to be disarmed or targeted for crime. On the other hand, I can carry a full-size pistol which I can shoot well, and has a good capacity of potent rounds.

Remember me when you're sweating under a cover-garment, or trusting that P32 to stop a coked-out maniac. ;)

In the best of cases, a ne'er-do-well will see that I am armed and go elsewhere. And in the worst of situations, I can draw faster, hit harder and more often.

I'm a summertime OC'er, wintertime CC (long shirts and coat). Same OWB rig. I OC for many of the same reasons as molon, as well as for comfort. Until I can find a holster I like better (fobus does not have one for a 92 clone w/ accessory rails :sad: ) I am using a Yaqui Slide (retention = ME).

I guess it looks scary to some? I've really only had 2 "non-positive" (not exactly negative, just unsure) responses. The rest of the time I've never really been hassled.

So from what I do, I don't care OC or CC, just carry!

The "first target" or "gun grab" among the non-LEOs that carry openly is statistically so unlikely (I've yet to hear of it) that it is offset by the benefits to me (comfort, convenience, full-frame gun).
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So far, I have only open carried in Colorado, which is the only state on my annual 4,000 mile motorcycle journey that won't recognize any of my CCW permits. I also take Hwy 50 across instead of the I70 because Denver doesn't allow open carry and Hwy 50 is a blast on a motorcycle.

Here's my list of Open Carry pros and cons:

Reinforces the right to the general public
May serve as an additional deterrent to crime
Is a great 2nd amendment conversation starter
Would definitely be more convenient in the summer (at least for me)
Provides quicker access to your firearm
May be your only option in some places

Gives away any tactical advantage gained by blending into the crowd
May panic some uneducated people and result in police involvement
Provides public access to your firearm (if you do open carry, I'd recommend getting some training in handgun retention techniques)
May be illegal in some places

I don't care either way. I might even start open carrying a little bit more just to get some experience with it.
So far, I have only open carried in Colorado, which is the only state on my annual 4,000 mile motorcycle journey that won't recognize any of my CCW permits. I also take Hwy 50 across instead of the I70 because Denver doesn't allow open carry and Hwy 50 is a blast on a motorcycle.

Here's my list of Open Carry pros and cons:

Reinforces the right to the general public
May serve as an additional deterrent to crime
Is a great 2nd amendment conversation starter
Would definitely be more convenient in the summer (at least for me)
Provides quicker access to your firearm
May be your only option in some places

Gives away any tactical advantage gained by blending into the crowd
May panic some uneducated people and result in police involvement
Provides public access to your firearm (if you do open carry, I'd recommend getting some training in handgun retention techniques)
May be illegal in some places

I don't care either way. I might even start open carrying a little bit more just to get some experience with it.

You make some good points. Both OC and CC have pros and cons, depending on the person and the situation. What works best for tattedupboy is not necessarily what works best for DarrellM5, HK4U, or anybody else. As long as the RKBA is exercised responsibly, it should not really matter.