Thank God I'm alive!
JM40 I agree with your main points 100%, and very good ones they are too. But since I'm a nitpicker I'm going to pick a nit.
I figure that cops don't bother to CC because everybody knows they're armed anyway, so it doesn't give them any tactical advantage, whereas the quick draw of an OC holster gives a very nice advantage.
I'd like to get in on the nitpicking game as well.
Actually, I'd like to think that OWB for concealed carry is a quicker draw than OWB for open carry because there are no retention devices to mess with; I simply reach under my shirt and draw. Obviously this is not the case for SmartCarry or Thunderwear, but retention devices slow down a draw more than does a shirt hanging over a holster with no retention devices. Also, with concealed carry, I do not have to worry whether someone is going to try to grab for my gun (even if I am situationally aware of my surroundings, my gun won't be too useful to me if someone is grabbing for it). Concealed carry in an OWB holster without a pesky retention device eliminates all these disadvantages. Finally, even though OC can be used as a tool to educate, I don't carry for that reason; I carry to protect myself and my loved ones from those who would do us harm.
Also, CC is just simply a matter of personal preference for me. I prefer for people not to know that I'm armed.