How Many Of You Open Carry?

Wouldn't it be funny if she was carrying too and you didn't know? :)

LOL! I would **** a brick... :o

Not too likely though; it was quite an experience negotiating my ownership of a firearm in the first place. It was very delicate. We came through it fine though, which shows what a great and trusting relationship we have.

It's an interesting story that I might post about sometime.
As to tactical advantage - I maintain proper situational awareness and I've never had anyone even look like they wanted to take my firearm. If you are worried about retention - use a Serpa or other retention device. If you are carrying conceled or OC - your head needs to be on a swivel....

As to scaring the sheeple - my perspective is that I'm educating the sheeple. Guns are not evil - only people can be evil. Firearms in the right hands protect us from evil people.

Great points. My head needs to swivel a bit more, there's no doubt.
I OC regularly. No problems, and I am treated like a human around town (more than I can say about some folks on gun forums, when it comes to that).

Maybe I'm just not 'tactical'... but I've yet to see an evidence that there is a disadvantage, such as it being any more likely to be disarmed or targeted for crime. On the other hand, I can carry a full-size pistol which I can shoot well, and has a good capacity of potent rounds.

Remember me when you're sweating under a cover-garment, or trusting that P32 to stop a coked-out maniac. ;)

In the best of cases, a ne'er-do-well will see that I am armed and go elsewhere. And in the worst of situations, I can draw faster, hit harder and more often.
I OC regularly. No problems, and I am treated like a human around town (more than I can say about some folks on gun forums, when it comes to that).

Maybe I'm just not 'tactical'... but I've yet to see an evidence that there is a disadvantage, such as it being any more likely to be disarmed or targeted for crime. On the other hand, I can carry a full-size pistol which I can shoot well, and has a good capacity of potent rounds.

Remember me when you're sweating under a cover-garment, or trusting that P32 to stop a coked-out maniac. ;)

In the best of cases, a ne'er-do-well will see that I am armed and go elsewhere. And in the worst of situations, I can draw faster, hit harder and more often.

Okay, I'm convinced, I want to OC. But I can't. :mad:
Open carry

I OC regularly. No problems, and I am treated like a human around town (more than I can say about some folks on gun forums, when it comes to that).

Maybe I'm just not 'tactical'... but I've yet to see an evidence that there is a disadvantage, such as it being any more likely to be disarmed or targeted for crime. On the other hand, I can carry a full-size pistol which I can shoot well, and has a good capacity of potent rounds.

Remember me when you're sweating under a cover-garment, or trusting that P32 to stop a coked-out maniac. ;)

In the best of cases, a ne'er-do-well will see that I am armed and go elsewhere. And in the worst of situations, I can draw faster, hit harder and more often.

Well if I were a BG an I had decided that today was the day that I was going to kill a lot of people in a mall or in a church or busy downtown street etc. and while sizing up the situation happened to see someone with a gun then I am pretty sure that person would be my first target from the back. If on the other hand I am in one of these places and the shooting starts, by not advertising the fact that I am armed might buy me some time and allow me the chance to get him before he gets me
Well if I were a BG an I had decided that today was the day that I was going to kill a lot of people in a mall or in a church or busy downtown street etc. and while sizing up the situation happened to see someone with a gun then I am pretty sure that person would be my first target from the back. If on the other hand I am in one of these places and the shooting starts, by not advertising the fact that I am armed might buy me some time and allow me the chance to get him before he gets me

It works in Hollywood, why not? :p

I can come up with all sorts of neat imaginitive scenarios involving disadvantages of concealed carry too... difference is, some of those have actually occurred.
OC vs CC

I don't want this to deteriorate into an OC vs CC battle - It's a preference - just like whether you are a bottom feeder (semi-auto) or a wheel gunner (revolver) or like me who goes either way - I CC sometimes and OC others - I carry my J-frame sometimes and a 1911 or a Glock others. It all depends on the situation and circumstances.

We need to keep focused on the good that comes from have upright citizens taking the steps to protect themselves and their families and not get hung up on which method is 'better'.

Carry whatever firearm in whatever method is legal for where you are and appropriate for you.
I only conceal when I have to. Otherwise I am open carrying. Well, actually sometimes I do both at the same time lol. The funny thing is, I'd say about 80% of the people I pass on a daily basis don't even SEE my full sized side-arm on my hip. The ones that do hardly "freak out". I've actually had plenty of opportunities to converse with and educate people. I prefer open carry for plenty of reasons. It's a hell of a lot more comfortable, it's a faster draw, I can carry a larger handgun with which I am more accurate, it helps me promote and support the 2A, and it's a show of force.

Now I like how some of you say "if you open carry, then the BG will just shoot you first because you're the threat!". Well how about this...if every person who COULD open carry DID, then do you think the BG would try anything in the first place? I bet not.

Openly carrying is not for everyone, and neither is carrying concealed, but please stop pushing your opinions as facts. If carrying concealed was a tactical advantage, then why don't cops conceal their primary? That way, the BG would see him and think "oh, it's a cop, but he's not armed, lets go rob that bank!"...???? Doesn't make much sense, does it?

One is not better than the other. They both have their strong points, and weak points. You also gotta consider that, for the majority of States, carrying concealed requires you pay money and get permission from the government. After all of's no longer a right. It's a privelage. That's probably the biggest reason I open carry...because no one told me I could.
Openly carrying is not for everyone, and neither is carrying concealed, but please stop pushing your opinions as facts. If carrying concealed was a tactical advantage, then why don't cops conceal their primary? That way, the BG would see him and think "oh, it's a cop, but he's not armed, lets go rob that bank!"...???? Doesn't make much sense, does it?

JM40 I agree with your main points 100%, and very good ones they are too. But since I'm a nitpicker I'm going to pick a nit.

I figure that cops don't bother to CC because everybody knows they're armed anyway, so it doesn't give them any tactical advantage, whereas the quick draw of an OC holster gives a very nice advantage.
JM40 I agree with your main points 100%, and very good ones they are too. But since I'm a nitpicker I'm going to pick a nit.

I figure that cops don't bother to CC because everybody knows they're armed anyway, so it doesn't give them any tactical advantage, whereas the quick draw of an OC holster gives a very nice advantage.

What if the British Bobbies really are armed, and they've been fooling us this whole time! :eek:

Would that make them more effective? :rolleyes:
Oc, Cc

I don't want this to deteriorate into an OC vs CC battle - It's a preference - just like whether you are a bottom feeder (semi-auto) or a wheel gunner (revolver) or like me who goes either way - I CC sometimes and OC others - I carry my J-frame sometimes and a 1911 or a Glock others. It all depends on the situation and circumstances.

We need to keep focused on the good that comes from have upright citizens taking the steps to protect themselves and their families and not get hung up on which method is 'better'.

Carry whatever firearm in whatever method is legal for where you are and appropriate for you.

I totally agree. I personally feel that CC has more advantages than disadvantages but hey, what ever works for each person then that is the way they should go. Or as the old song from the 60's, Different Strokes For Different Folks.
I open carry when I am commuting home from work. It makes reaching for it easier, in the event that I needed to. Then again, I could just set it on the passenger seat next to me. Open carry can be a deterrent if you are in a group of people all openly carrying. Remember, you have strength in numbers. If it is just 2 or 3 people, maybe CC is better. Just my 2 cents.
Open carry is subject to limitations by the local municipalities while concealed carry is only limited by the state.
- It's a preference - just like whether you are a bottom feeder (semi-auto) or a wheel gunner (revolver) or like me who goes either way -

Carry whatever firearm in whatever method is legal for where you are and appropriate for you.

Bottom feeder, like you are the first person that has ever referred to me that way. Oh...wait a sec you are talking guns, sorry.
Our NM CCW instructor told us that the law is very strict here on open carry vs. concealed...that you must be one or the other. If your gun is completely revealed, that's legal. Completely concealed, that's legal. But if, as in the above example, you're concealed but the wind blows your jacket open, or someone recognizes that it's a gun in your back pocket, you can be popped for brandishing.

That's what I like about Kentucky. We still have laws that include a bit of common sense. A weapon inadvertently showing isn't an issue in the Commonwealth.
JM40 I agree with your main points 100%, and very good ones they are too. But since I'm a nitpicker I'm going to pick a nit.

I figure that cops don't bother to CC because everybody knows they're armed anyway, so it doesn't give them any tactical advantage, whereas the quick draw of an OC holster gives a very nice advantage.

I can't wait for the day when everybody knows that everybody is armed anyway......:D
I open carry regularly, and I conceal carry too. But really concealed carry is so 1995, if you are really trendy you OC.

they must have open carry in kennesaw, georgia. it is a misdemeanor offense if the police catch you WITHOUT YOUR GUN and legally entittled to carry your weapon.if you go to kennesaw, you better be packin'!!
OC=2A activism

Open Carry has a deterrent effect. Concealed does not. Sometimes I OC, sometimes I CC to avoid OC hassles.
Open Carry is often an activist's tool. Sometimes I OC to make the point that I can OC.
Open carry is subject to limitations by the local municipalities while concealed carry is only limited by the state.

Well that really depends on the State, don'tcha think? Hell, there are some states that concealed carry is more restricted than open NC, for instance, you're not allowed to carry concealed into a financial institution, but open carry is perfectly fine. In VA, you can't conceal in an establishment that serves alcohol, but again, open carry is legal.

And here's another thing for you, in the vast majority of states, Concealed Carry is NOT limited by the state, it's forbidden. You're only allowed to if you jump through their hoops and give them YOUR money. On the other hand, in most states that open carry is legal, you don't require permission, it's just plain ol' legal.

Look guys, I love carrying, openly AND concealed. I go back and forth all the time. If you want to try and make an argument for one or the other, make an actual argument. Have you noticed that those of you that open carry, don't "knock" one or the other, and agree that both are good choices? You CC only folks, though, seem to think that open carry is evil...but can't come up with a decent argument to support it...