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I play guitar, Blues harmonica, and sing. Maybe even a little drumming here and there.. How about you guys?.........
I play guitar, bass, drums and I sing. I play a 7 string ibanez electric. and a 6 string ibanez acoustic. I have a 9 piece sugar white tama kit with true double bass with zildjian cymbals. I was playing shows with a band in texas when I lived there. I have written and recorded my own cd where I play all the instruments and singing. music has been a big part of my life since I was a kid.
I used to play guitar in highschool. Nothing serious, just bought the tab books and learned almost all Metallica songs up to the black album. Got a job, a girlfriend, and eventually a house, and haven't touched it since. Kinda miss it, but there is no way I have time for it.:cray:
In my younger days, back when music was really music {1960's} I used to play the drums in junior high school and in a combo. I also played the trumpet and a little piano.
i have played bass and drums for the last thirty years. right now i work with four different bands since there is not many places to play so if you want to play you have to work with different bands.we play alot of senior dances since they dance every night.
I play Bass also, a 5 string Musicman Bango. Use to play Sax in Middle school and High school but have not touched one in years.
I play drums and have been doing so for 8 years...I work with some of the top worship leaders around the state and Southeast and I work closely with the South Carolina Baptist Convention...I am also an endorsed artist for MedicineMan Drums....Check them out at Link Removed I am the third one from the bottom on the artist page.....Also I dabble with piano, bass, guitar, and a little mandolin.....
Been a drummer for most of my life. In between jobs, I traveled with bands and recorded. Do alot of local stuff, clubs, Oprys, parties. Play Classic Rock, Country, Traditional and smooth Jazz, Swamp Pop. Music has been a very big part of my life since I was a child. Always wanted to do it full time, but never had the opportunity. I can say without a doubt though, that music has made a very big portion of my income over the years and got me through some tough financial times. It fed my habits, like guns, ammo, knives and days at the range.
Started out playing trumpet. Played it for about 5 years. Switched to the baritone and played that for 6 years. I own a guitar but I wouldn't say I can play it, I just know a few songs from tab.
i play guitar...

not a vituoso or anything. i taught myself when i was in school thinking that i would be the next elvis or one of the beatles or the next beach boy. then music turned to crap and i said never mind.:biggrin:
I used to play quite often, but then we ended up with a large family which consumes a lot of my time, so haven't played much lately. But I play gutiar ( Fender Strat, PRS, and Acoustic ). It is a great stress reliever though.
Started in 5th grade playing trumpet, added piano, harmonica (not really an instrument), guitar, bass, drums... Really lost interest in trumpet, still play the piano and guitar the most. Don't like to brag, but I was never taught, I always just taught myself. I guess I'm kinda a virtuoso. Hence; "pianomistro".
I have been playing guitar for about 15 years now. Started playing it at church, then we moved. Bought a mandolin about 5 years ago. I know play it at church. Last Christmas I got a banjo. I have not played it at church...yet.
Started in 5th grade playing trumpet, added piano, harmonica (not really an instrument), guitar, bass, drums... Really lost interest in trumpet, still play the piano and guitar the most. Don't like to brag, but I was never taught, I always just taught myself. I guess I'm kinda a virtuoso. Hence; "pianomistro".

I was never taught either. taught myself everything. that can be good and bad. good because I spent all my free time practicing because of a true desire to get good... bad because there are still techniques that I still come across that I never knew before. but either way you look at it music is awesome!

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