How many have to die in gun free zones

It is a nice article.Who knows,maybe people are starting to wake up and see the errors of "gun control".
gun Free Zones

One of my favorite topics. A good article, and headed in the right direction, but we need a major turn around in the reporting of these incidents before the general (non-CCW) public will get any true appreciation of the need to eliminate such "zones", where possible. We keep coming back to lackluster or less than truthful and complete reporting as a basis for the public attitude toward CCW, when it comes to large gathering public places. I have copied the article for my own use, as I have a major chain "Big Box" that seems to have some confusion about the reasons for not posting.
Which big box store? I am curious.

Sam's Club - owned by WalMart. It seems to be a New Mexico statute misunderstanding, but I haven't resolved it yet. Maybe won't, either, until I can get the Liquor Control Board to answer my email. Curiously, it is virtually next door to a WalMart that is not posted! We shall see.:)
Liquor Board huh?

So, maybe the Sam's is posted because they sell alcohol on the premises?

Guess that is a NM quirk. Sam's in Washington weren't posted and I don't recall the ones in TN being posted either.

Good Luck on straightening it out. But at least it is a legal issue not a corporate policy one.
So, maybe the Sam's is posted because they sell alcohol on the premises?

Guess that is a NM quirk. Sam's in Washington weren't posted and I don't recall the ones in TN being posted either.

Good Luck on straightening it out. But at least it is a legal issue not a corporate policy one.

Yes, they do sell alcohol for off-premises consumption, but the WalMart does also! I am in discussion with the corporate headquarters, but we are definitely on different pages of NM Statutes. That's why the Liquor Control Board is involved (as well as my state senator). You can see that this is truly being pursued. NM no longer bans CCW in stores that sell alcohol for off premises consumption, since 1 July 2007, but this company seems to think they still have to post - we shall see. I'll report if anything interesting pops up.:confused:

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