I got my az permit during 2011 and it was only a week, now that az is recognized in nv maybe that's why there is more demand and a longer wait time and this is something relatively recent. Why so many, laws change all the time so for example if nv no longer recognizes az, I still have nv.
Not a collector but recognize laws change on reciprocity all the time such as az recently recognizing nv and if it changes all of an sudden I still have nv. By the way I got my nv permit feb 2011 and has to qualify at the range with all guns you want listed on the permit so I listed five semi autos and one revolver (one revolver qualifies you to carry any revolver). July 2011 they changed the nv law , now you can just qualify at the range with any one semi and you can carry any semi and qualify with one revolver and carry any revolver. So although my permit lists specific semi autos with this law change Incan carry any semi even though I have five specific ones listed.
Point being, why do I have so many ccw is because laws change. I am planning going to Las Vegas during Christmas and wanted to carry a semi not listed so since az is good in nv just recently I was planning to use the az ccw toncarrybthat pistol not on my nv permit but with this change now I can use the nv permit with any pistol and not need the az but ill bring both just in case some uninformed lv cop says the pistol I have is not listed on my nv permit I can show az. I have to go to lv police and pay $25 for a new permit if I want -- optional -- to get the permit to show " semi autos authorized " and "revolvers authorized" . I will do that while I'm there just to have this peace of mind as the nv permit is good for a few more years still.
I have my resident LTCF from PA and I have a non-resident UT. This gives me 39 states of reciprocity. The other 11 states either aren't near me or they will never give me a permit (places like NY, NJ, MD, CA, etc.)
Just have my Tennessee permit. Honored in all but 12 states (and DC of course), and I don't care to visit any of those states anyway-- particularly Illinois.
Okay here is the question I want to put forth;
What permits would I need to be covered in all legal states. KS resident so I have several midwestern states already. We shall find out about IL by July 4th. But to cover all the rest what is needed?
Okay here is the question I want to put forth;
What permits would I need to be covered in all legal states. KS resident so I have several midwestern states already. We shall find out about IL by July 4th. But to cover all the rest what is needed?
Here's the link to the interactive map which allows you to answer your own question. You should not rely on others to tell you this important information but rather do your own work and ask for confirmation. The last thing you want to do is be arrested and/or get you gun confiscated by the law. :lazy:
2 currently, had to surrender SC permit , which was my third, due to moving out of the State with no real property owned by me upon relo to NC. Sad but true.
So am I understanding correctly in that most of he New England states require a separate permit for each state? ME, NH, CT, RI, MA, NY, MD, etc. then KS, FL and UT cover the rest aside from CA and OR.
Or am I just reading that wrong?