I also emailed Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services division of licensing that is who regulates Florida CCW
I'm not trying to stir things up I don't want to start a fight or get into flaming or yelling or bashing each other. it is just that depending on who you talk to it is there interpretation of the law because in my opinion
the license no where spells it out saying exactly you may carry only 1 weapon I'm not posting anything to say I told you so or you are wrong I only post things to make the argument that you can interpret the laws in many ways.
I'm not a lawyer or by any means a expert these are just my opinions..
I had a situation in Maryland about a stock factory installed windshield on a motorcycle. long story short the Maryland law read in part a factory installed windshield was considered legal eye protection. one official told me that because I was taller then the windshield it was not legal eye protection I went to his supervisor and explained the situation and he told me as long as it was a factor installed windshield that it was legal eye protection even if I was taller then the windshield. So like I said even though some person that works for the licensing place there interpretation of the carry license only being able to carry 1 weapon they may be wrong ?
And you can pick out all kinds of different interpretations as far as reading the rules and saying what parts says weapon singular not plural because all through the rules is say weapon and weapons. I just want to make sure that I'm doing the right thing and not braking any laws if I carry more then 1 weapon.
Below is another example of interpretation as far as saying weapon or weapons .
So hopefully I will get the answer back from the big boys at the Florida licensing office and I will go by what they say or what the Lawyer says the other guy emailed.
I do like to ask questions in this forum and get others opinions on things and I do like to discuss and give and receive others take on things.
That is why forums like this are around they are great fun with lots of very intelligent and interesting people with great ideas and different personalitys..
So in closing please do not flame me or call me names I do not want get into any of that stuff...
And please excuse the punctuation and misspelling I'm not real good at writing things down..
In receiving a license to
carry a concealed
weapon for lawful self-defense, you are
undertaking a great responsibility. A license
to carry a concealed weapon is not a license
to use it. I am sure you share my hope that
you will never find it necessary to use a
weapon in self-defense. If you do, the law
will protect you only if you have acted
within the law.
Those who are choosing to
arm themselves with weapons should,
therefore, be armed also with the most
indispensable weapon of all --- knowledge
The 2009 Florida Statutes
Title XLVI
CRIMES Chapter 790
790.06 License to carry concealed weapon or firearm.--
(1) The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services is authorized to
issue licenses to carry concealed weapons or
concealed firearms to persons qualified as provided in this section. Each such license must bear a color photograph of the licensee. For the purposes of this section, concealed weapons or
concealed firearms are defined as a handgun, electronic weapon or device, tear gas gun, knife, or billie, but the term does not include a machine gun as defined in s. 790.001(9). Such licenses shall be valid throughout the state for a period of 7 years from the date of issuance. Any person in compliance with the terms of such license may carry a concealed weapon or
concealed firearm notwithstanding the provisions of s. 790.01. The licensee must carry the license, together with valid identification, at all times in which the licensee is in actual possession of a
concealed weapon or firearm and must display both the license and proper identification upon demand by a law enforcement officer. Violations of the provisions of this subsection shall constitute a noncriminal violation with a penalty of $25, payable to the clerk of the court.