How long for Utah to issue?


New member
You'd think this question would be at the top of the Utah threads. LOL.
Anyway, how long have you folks waited? I'm in Nevada and I'm at 30 days tho I'm not expecting it yet. I am starting to look for my Nevada though.
I sat the class for Utah on Saturday. The instructor said we should expect to wait the full 60 days for the permit to arrive.
You'd think this question would be at the top of the Utah threads. LOL.
Anyway, how long have you folks waited? I'm in Nevada and I'm at 30 days tho I'm not expecting it yet. I am starting to look for my Nevada though.

I sent my application in Jan 15. My check wasn't cashed for about a month, Feb 13 or 14. I received my Utah Carry Permit yesterday April 14th.
A buddy and I applied for Nevada on March 16. He got his Nevada yesterday. 29 days.
I sent my Utah paperwork up that same day. I'm looking for my Nevada any minute now but it looks like another month for my Utah I guess.
I have a few friends that are still waiting here in UT for their UT CCW. From what I gather, it appears that 90 days is about the current wait. I am sure that is because of the huge influx of permit requests. With the more universal acceptance of the UT tag, (requests for a UT CCW are up over 50% from last year), processing time is really getting extended.
34 states makes it a rather atractive permit to have.
Its been 45 days for me now but I'm not worried about it. It will get here when it gets here.
the first time I got mine it took about a month back in 2003. I renewed it in 2008 and it only took about 2 weeks or so.
I sent my check in on the 21st of January. The check cleared on the on the 5th of March. I just got off the phone Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification and they said that it will be between 60 and 90 days from the date the check cleared. That what possibility of 120+ day. I understand that they are busy, but this seem a little much. Has anyone else had a similar experience.

It took almost exactly a month from the time I sent the check in until they cashed it and about 60 days after that to get me the license. The letter I got with the license seemed to indicate that they hadn't gotten verification of my clean record from the Fed's as yet and that the license was subject to recall. Made me think the Fed's are backed up (possible), or deliberately holding things up (also possible). There is a run on carry permits particularly for Utah (because so many states recognize it, 29 for non-resident) but all over the country. Lot's of people want to try to follow what is most reasonably unconstitutional laws.
Similar story here. Mailed it on 2/10/09, credit card charged on 3/10/09. Been rushing home after work to check the mail for the last month in anticipation. Still waiting.
I sent a money order so for all intensive purposes, my check was cashed the minute they got it. I gun clerk at Bass Pro in Vegas told me he did the same thing and got his permit in exactly 60 days. I got my Nevada in 30 so I'm covered until I want to go East to visit family.
I sent a money order so for all intensive purposes, my check was cashed the minute they got it.
Don't count on that. The envelope with your application probably sat in a pile of other applications for a month or so before they even opened it. If I understand correctly, That "idle time" is not being counted as part of the 60 days. So, you're probably lookin at about the middle of June. If you get it sooner, I'll be jealous, cause I sent mine a month before you and I'm still waiting.:biggrin:
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Similar story here. Mailed it on 2/10/09, credit card charged on 3/10/09. Been rushing home after work to check the mail for the last month in anticipation. Still waiting.

My brother mailed his in February and his transaction posted to his account on March 4. Utah permit arrived on May 23.
80 days and still counting.
I finally got mine the day you posted this.:yes2:That was the 112th day since I mailed mine and the 84th day since they charged my credit card. If you only mailed yours on March 16, you very well could have another month to wait.:frown:

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