How long a wait for a resident permit...


New member
fellow Ruger forum member asked this question over there:

"Does anybody know what the average expected wait period for a resident Maine CCP is? Does it depend on the town or city? It's been about three weeks. Thanks in advance."
Maine is "Shall issue" in 30 days.

My permit application was turned into my town's police department (town of about 20,000) 5-6 weeks ago. I just got a letter last week explaining how busy they've been and not to contact them because I'd get a letter when it was ready or denied, yada, yada, yada.

I figure I could try to push the issue on the 30 day thing but they just might deny it then.

All in all, I'm sure it will be different from town to town.

Got It ...

... and about a week or two after my last post I got my CCW.

Applied the next day for my NH non-resident. Haven't heard any word yet nor have the three references on my application. It's my understanding NH will contact your references.

Of course the upcoming 4th of July holiday will slow it down a bit ...

I got my Main non-resident permit in the mail last night, it took 70 days from the time they signed for my packet. The new format of the permit is nice - don't forget to sign the back of the permit now.
my resident permit got to me after about 60 days even though Maine is a Shall issue 30 day state.... on the 30 day mark i talked to the person at my Local Police Department responsible for handling applications and they said that the Chief of Police was changing the format of the ID... Once i finally got it, the layout of the ID was like the other State CFP IDs.
My Saco, ME permit took about 9 weeks... but my Maine State Police permit (when I moved and had to re-apply) only took 3 weeks.
I sent my Maine Resident Permit application in on 11-18 and today (12-16) I received it. That's 28 day turn around time. State must be getting caught up on the back log.