This +1.
As you get more accustomed to EDC, you will feel "naked" without your choice of EDC weapon. The only place I do not carry is explicitly restricted places, like United States Post Offices, Federal property, and other prohibited places. If I go to a business that has a "no weapons" policy, then I have to decide if want to patronize a place that won't let me protect myself and loved ones. I leave a secure small gun safe in the trunk of the car with a metal shielded cable attached to the frame of the interior of the trunk. But I live in the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts so our laws are much more restrictive than "Free States"
Now, for me, because I do not drink anymore, I'm always the designated driver and also the designated "weapon" person. I'm no sheppard and no expert with firearms, but if we are out drinking, the ones drinking aren't driving and are definitively not carrying.
OP, I'm not saying this to be a jerk or a DB, I'm really not. I'll say this as if I was talking to my son/daughter or grandchildren if they asked the same question. I would try and get across the fact that you have a God given right to self protection. That you and you alone are responsible for the protection of yourself and loved ones. There is "no Fine Line" between having a drink with loved ones and protecting yourself and them. The number one responsibility of a person, male or female, is the protection of their loved ones. They count on you and expect you to be around for a very long time. You can't be around for the future experiances and memories if you're killed because you did not have your side arm.
Take the gun ownership and EDC responsibility seriously and you will be rewarded with the piece of mind that comes with it.