How Do YOU Carry?


New member
how do you guys carry your guns? as in concealed carry, on your hip? under the arm? on your back? and to anyone who carries it on their back, how comfortable is it? like when you sit in a chair or in the car.
I have both strong side and one cross draw for one of my guns. All of them are OWB. I have a couple of SOB holsters for two different guns. One of them is what is known as a reverse twist. A couple of shoulder holsters. By far it seems the way I carry the most in cooler to cold weather is in a Coranado leather vest. In the summer when weather gets hot I sometimes carry in a OWB holster with a long tale shirt to cover it up or in a fanny pack.
For me, IWB most of the time (3:30) and occasionally OWB in cold weather. I don't mix up where I carry my weapon, muscle memory is going to what I rely on in a bad situation. :wink:
Usually right side IWB. It's easy access and if the decision to draw isn't yet clear cut, I can keep my hand on the grip while looking reasonably natural. In cold weather or a particularly bad neighborhood, I'll go OWB right side, and switch IWB to the left side for cross-draw backup duty. If the dress code doesn't allow for untucked shirts, then I drop my Kel-Tec into a pocket holster. Tiny guns are great for can take them anywhere, even swimming with the right holster.
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Usually right side IWB. It's easy access and if the decision to draw isn't yet clear cut, I can keep my hand on the grip while looking reasonably natural. In cold weather or a particularly bad neighborhood, I'll go OWB right side, and switch IWB to the left side for cross-draw backup duty. If the dress code doesn't allow for untucked shirts, then I drop my Kel-Tec into a pocket holster. Tiny guns are great for can take them anywhere, even swimming with the right holster.

I agree with you,BUT "SWIMMING"????
How about in the shower too ????
I don't know !!!!!

Please tell me what holster is good for swimming,because I want one.
I thought of using a zip lock bag,for when your in the shower.:smile::smile:
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I used to have a Raven .25 ACP that went swimming with me... Gun worked great until the firing pin broke. I've thought occasionally about buying a Kel-Tec for swimming/backup.
How I carry

Sometimes in a shoulder holster, when on the road. Very comfortable when I am in a car all day. In the summer, I use my Smartcarry. Once in a while, I carry IWB. However, most of the time I carry owb on my right hip. That's definitely the most comfortable way for me.

Mostly OWB on my right hip. Occasionally IWB in the same position if weather and clothing demand it.

I've never been a fan of small of the back holsters. Its entirely possable to have your cover garment catch at the top of the weapon, exposing it without you even knowing it. Especially when rising from a seated position.
I also don't like the idea of a possable fall or being knocked down with a large chunck of metal directly over the base of the spine.
Depends on the weather.....

In the warm weather, I wear pants with deep pockets or cargo shorts. I pocket carry a S&W J frame (.357) or my Ruger LCP (.380). In the winter I carry a Steyr M40 (.40 S&W) in a SigTac coat.
How do you....

Oh, Boy. That depends on what I am doing. If I am Hunting, I use a Bianchi Shoulder Holster.
If I have wear the "Pretty Clothes", (Suit or Jacket and Tie) then I like the MOB. In the Winter, I carry that MOB in the left front pocket of a heavy Carhartt. Maybe Santa will bring something nice from L2C or a Coronado Jacket someday. The rest of the time OWB. And Yes the MOB is a booger to drive or sit in, it does take some getting used to. Driving and the MOB is very difficult to get to in a pinch. Everythig is in the way, Door, Steering Wheel, Seat belts, center console, beer belly...:pleasantry:
This time of year in a coat pocket or left front pants pocket (J-frame) or a tanker shoulder holster (1911 or L-frame Smith) under a coat or an extra large cartridge belt over a parka (.45Colt or .44 Mag/Spcl). In warmer weather in a OWB strong side holster (I really like the Galco Matrix for the 1911) or wide cartridge belt over the beltless but suspendered pants (45, 44, or .357). J-frame stays in the left front pants pocket.
I agree with you,BUT "SWIMMING"????
Depends on what you're wearing. If you have a pair of dark-colored shorts with zip pockets, a pocket holster will work fine with a very small pistol like a Kel-Tec or NAA. Just put the gun in some reliable plastic to keep the water out. This works well in the pool.

You may also be able to use the Galco pushup holster. Another option might be a small, very compact thigh holster, if you can find something like that. In all cases, you would need to put plastic around the firearm to prevent water issues. In a tactical situation, you would need to be able to remove that plastic quickly.

How about in the shower too ????
I have a waterproof camera case that I use to take my P3AT into the shower. It's kind of like this. You should be able to find lots at any store that sells kayaking gear.
Primarily a Glock 27 in a Galco Stealth Ankle holster. Dress for my job is business casual and this rig is comfortable and is well hidden under a pair of khakis. If I wear jeans, sweats or shorts, I opt for the "belly band" holster. This time of year I can sometimes carry OWB (Galco paddle) under a coat concealing my Glock 20.
SOB vs IWB vs Other holster positions

I personally carry my XD and my SW 686 using two primary holster styles. IWB for Inside the Waist Band as it provides easy access and no painting of the sidearm. The other use is the classic on the hip using either a Galco Fletch for the FBI style cant or a Black Hawk Serpa for positive lock in.

I have known folks including a couple of LEOs who use the SOB (Small of the back) and they have always complained of having to move it in a sitting or driving situation.

I hope this helps.
have always used a good hip holster drive app. 150 mile a days with no problems. depends on your means of carry try a few different ways

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