How do you carry when riding?


New member
I just picked up a new Springfield Range Officer Compact, and my gun shop owner asked me how do I carry when riding? I told him like I usually do on my right hip. He then said "what good does that do you with your hand on the throttle?" That got me thinking. So I am putting it out there to all of you, How do you carry when riding?
I carry OWB, right side hip. But, seriously... I can't imagine EVER trying to fire while riding. Good way hit myself or anything/anyone - other than the intended target. If I run into a road rage incident, I will be high tailing it away.
He then said "what good does that do you with your hand on the throttle?" That got me thinking. So I am putting it out there to all of you, How do you carry when riding?

I ride a heavyweight VTwin cruiser. I cant imagine trying to reach for a gun and fire while in motion, so the throttle hand argument just doesn't resonate with me at all. If I can't remove myself from the situation, then it's get stopped as quickly as possible, drop the bike and then draw. It's a distant second choice.
I ride a heavyweight VTwin cruiser. I cant imagine trying to reach for a gun and fire while in motion, so the throttle hand argument just doesn't resonate with me at all. If I can't remove myself from the situation, then it's get stopped as quickly as possible, drop the bike and then draw. It's a distant second choice.

That's pretty much what I was going to say. The act of getting stopped (braking) would be the first evasive maneuver, while watching the threat as closely as possible to see if s/he tries to shadow, then taking whatever other evasive maneuvers might be available, and if none are, drop the bike, use it for cover and then engage. The whole scenario is so unlikely to ever happen to me though. I put a lot of miles on my bike, but literally none are on interstates, and very little is even on highways. We rarely go to town on the bike.

I guess it's a scenario worth thinking (a little bit) about, but not something I'm willing to practice for. Never been down in more than 45 years of riding, and I sure as heck ain't gonna practice putting it down to practice a scenario that I can't fathom I would ever find myself in. I also have no intentions of getting into a rolling gun-battle while in a cage (car).

I ride different bikes all the time. My carry techniques vary per use from shoulder holsters to machine mounted. I have throttle locks on my road bikes, my side car has a hidden holster in the car. I would say to practice (be descrete) but i live in open country, by choice. Enhanced CCW holder, retired military.
Newb here.... i carry all the time, and i am a daily driver on a bike. that said, my personal focus is not on drawing my gun while i'm riding, but more on: where am i going? what kind of traffic will i be in? while im riding, or after i arrive, and have dismounted, how fast do i want to access my firearm? what will i be doing when i arrive?

factoring in all of that, i always make my firearm the most easily accessible as possible, short of open carry. (OWB, IWB with jacket or shirt draped over the gun) that is my stance all the time anyway, riding or not..... not open carrying is a personal decision that i have made for other reasons for another thread.
I keep mine in my vest and would only use it off the bike. I had a rear tire go flat on me and as I was waiting for my friends to come by with the trailer a couple of good ole boys decided I was easy pickings. Wrong answer as they were looking at the barrel of a 45 they decided to go elsewhere

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