How do I get a permit to purchase a handgun?


New member
Can anyone tell me about this?

Likewise, can I be denied this because of a "mental illness?" I have PTSD from the war, but I am not in any way an increased threat to anyone.



I live in MICHIGAN; sorry I forgot to mention that.

As for moving, that's out of the question for me. I just need to know if Michigan can outlaw someone purchasing a handgun, simply on this same basis of "mental illness" that they deny someone a CCW permit.
I don't know what state you in. but In NC you just go to the sheriff's office and say i would like a pistol purchase permit.
If they give you one your good to go. you can get 4 at as time and that are good for a few years.
Now im suspecting your worried about "Veterans Disarmament Bill "

Friday, Dec 21, 2007

Gun owners and second amendment rights groups have condemned the passage by Congress yesterday of legislation that re-writes the law in order to regulate gun ownership.

Opponents have dubbed the bill, the "veterans disarmament act" as it will place any veteran who has ever been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) on the federal gun ban list.

The bill, HR 2640, passed in the House in June and was later passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee both times without a recorded vote. Gun owners have been trying to raise awareness and beat down the legislation ever since.

The bill, sponsored by outspoken anti-second amendment representatives Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) and Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), also applies to anyone who has been diagnosed with ADHD as a child and to anyone who develops Alzheimer's. Gun owners fear that in time the diagnosis of any kind of mental affliction could end with rights being stripped.

Section 102((1)©(iv) in HR 2640 provides for dumping raw medical records into the system which will then, by law, serve as the basis for gun banning.

The bill radically redefines key legal terms to allow gun ownership rights to be stripped on the findings of a psychiatric diagnosis, where in the past gun rights could only be withdrawn through an adjudication by a judge, magistrate or court with the protections of due process.

"This really opens a door for the ATF, to come smashing the door down actually in your home because lets say you owned guns prior to someone saying you have a mental health issue, well that means you can't keep the guns you have. So this will give a whole new emphasis to ATF to justify their budget and their thuggery." Zelman stressed during yesterday's interview.
Move to a state where the laws are less restrictive. Even California (which has a boatload of stupid law) doesn't require a permit from the cops to buy a handgun.

In many states, you:
1. go to the gun store and find what you want
2. pay for it
3. fill out 4473
4. wait for FFL to complete phone call
5. go shooting
i thought they ask u if you been diagnosed with any mental illness, on the form you fill out to purchase a firearm. If thats the case just buy a gun off a person used. The chances r you'll save money doing it , and get your gun the same day.
Michigan Requirements for Purchasing a Pistol

Link Removed

Purchasing Firearms in Michigan

An individual must apply to their local police or sheriff's department for a License to Purchase a Pistol prior to obtaining a pistol. A license to purchase is not needed for an individual with a CCW license. However, a NICS check must be completed by the FFL (Federal Fireams Licensee) prior to the transfer of the firearm.

The police authority will check for any criminal record at both the state and national level.

The applicant must answer gun related questions on a Basic Pistol Safety Questionnaire, with at least 70% correct, and swear before a notary that they meet the statutory requirements to own a pistol.

The License to Purchase a Pistol form must be completed even though the applicant may already have possession of a pistol, such as through an inheritance. Federal firearms licensed dealers are not exempt from this section of the law and must also get a license any time they purchase/acquire a pistol from an individual or another gun dealer. There is an exemption only for dealers purchasing pistols directly from the manufacturer or wholesaler.

A License to Purchase a Pistol is valid for 10 days to purchase a pistol. The seller must sign the license and keep one copy for his/her records. An individual must keep a copy and return two copies to the local police department within 10 days of purchasing the pistol.

Some agencies require all unused license to purchase forms be returned to them for record keeping purposes.

These forms are licenses to purchase a pistol and the purpose is not to circumvent the required NICS (National Instant Check System) check when buying a shotgun or rifle from an FFL dealer.
Move to a state where the laws are less restrictive. Even California (which has a boatload of stupid law) doesn't require a permit from the cops to buy a handgun.

In many states, you:
1. go to the gun store and find what you want
2. pay for it
3. fill out 4473
4. wait for FFL to complete phone call
5. go shooting

Florida is like the above.. But add step 4.5 - wait 3 days (IF you do not have a carry Permit).. If you have a permit, it's the same.
I just scanned the firearms laws of michigan...
did not find anything related to PTSD, or stress. Mental health is addressed, and the quoted text as above is verbatim from the Link Removed site.

Guess I'd need to know more about who is saying you cannot - have you already been denied? Have you been denied for a CPL/CCW ? Have you had some call or calls to your domicile due to issues with PTSD? If there are documented issues - then there might be cause, no issues, no problem as far as I can tell.

Florida is like the above.. But add step 4.5 - wait 3 days (IF you do not have a carry Permit).. If you have a permit, it's the same.

This is absolutely not true!!!! I never pay before the phone call is over and I am approved. <GRIN>

And the wait is now 7 days, OK, 5 business days, but lately everyone has just been calling it 7 because it always includes a weekend (unless you have a permit, in which case you can walk out the door immediately)
That's why I like SC.
Show your DL, fill out a little paper, the dealer does a check, pay and you walk out with your new gun. (With a permit it's even easier.)

However, a criminal record will cause an issue here. (especially any recent domestic violence arrests.)

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