How did ya'll do this deer season?


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Well hells bells,, I killed a couple of freezer does,,kids killed a couple. And then I had to come over to Shreveport LA and earn a living. So basically my deer season was cut way way short. Much to my dismay. :( what I wanna know is how did everyone else do? We have enought meat in the freezer to last. Hope everyone else does too. :wacko:

My son and I are meat hunters, for the most part, so we put a lot fat does in the freezer (4 or 5, been down of late, usually it's around 8 or 9), along with some duck, grouse, and pheasant. Having hunted with me since he was about 5 years old, my youngest son, now 25, shoots the lion's share of the game.

So, that's the thanks you get for all your time and money spent with the kids; they grow up and outshoot the living hell out of you!

(Actually, he has been since he was around 14 - those dang young, fast reflexes - but he doesn't realize it's been that long and I don't tell him.)

It's all ok, cause he's gonna take care of me in my old age (he doesn't know this yet but that's my plan) and I expect to cost a lot!

Just rambling, here; love to hunt and the hours I spent with my son doing that all these years is beyond price, of course. May there be many more.
Amen to hunting with your kids. I had a good hunting season, not for deer but for elk, I killed a bull in early November and then in January I got to go with my 12 yr old son and seehim kill his first elk, a calf. He made a great shot at 270 yds on the calf laying down, hit her in the neck and whe never moved. What a great way to spend a day. I can't wait till November so we can go elk hunting together again.

Semper Fi
Well hells bells,, I killed a couple of freezer does,,kids killed a couple. And then I had to come over to Shreveport LA and earn a living. So basically my deer season was cut way way short. Much to my dismay. :( what I wanna know is how did everyone else do? We have enought meat in the freezer to last. Hope everyone else does too. :wacko:

Shitty. Flat-out shitty.

Opening day, I got impatient when I heard one, and instead of waiting until it came into view, I tried getting up to see & it walked away. All I saw was a rump.

The next day, I saw a spike (club rules forbid anything less than 3 + brow tine on one side) that ran off. 20 minutes later, 3 does came trotting into view so I held off thinking a big buck was running them. That damn spike showed back up. That was the last time I saw a deer from the stand.

PLENTY on highway rights-of-way and open fields on the way to the camp, though.

It's probably a good thing. My deer/beer fridge crapped out last week.
Not too good - got a small doe, and that was it - didn't even see anything else - other than turkey, and 3 dogs...
went yesterday nothing... found a new place to go called rush run in southwest ohio
there you can use bait huestons wood your not
My Sons and I, Had a very good year. My Oldest Son Shot his first Buck with Bow a nice 7 point it wasnt an giant rack But, I was an proud Papa My Youngest Shot 2 Does. I shot the Biggest Buck of my Hunting Career.a Nice 11 point with my Thompson Contender Chambered in .356 Winchester it was an 85 yard shot. I've shot allot of nice bucks over the past 30 years but this one takes all. I'm triing to figure out how to add picture from my computer but,having a little trouble. will get it figured out and, post as soon as I can Glad everyone is still out and enjoying the outdoors. I even had my sons first buck mounted for him Very proud moment for him and I, Continuing our Family Legacy Hunting Together Thanks to all for reading God Bless
Normally my family as a whole does very well with both deer and bear. This last season we got 7 out of 9 bear tags filled (I didn't even see one last fall) and I think out of a total of about 12 deer hunters in my family we ONLY got 2 or 3 deer. This last deer season was horrible to say the least!
All of us filled our tags this year, both gun and stick-n-string. After deer season I got myself a new .204 and an electronic call and tried my hand at coyote hunting. It was a blast.
Everybody got sick.....all I got was a little whine....:fie:

My brother-in-law and I were both sick or working all of this season. I managed to go one day and saw no deer, he went two other times and saw only does.
did well


pratice makes perfect!!!!
I got a couple,6 and a 7 point.It was damn good for a not-broken-in Bushmaster .308 (that thing holds 20 rounds.Autoloader bambi death!
I did alright. I got an 8pt with a couple broken tines. He was still nice. Even better was that my 8 year old son got his first whitetail. A doe with a single shot 20 ga. We were both so excited. He got his first turkey this spring also. 3 more kids up and coming......I've got my hands full!
I'm typically a meat hunter and does are a wonderful gift for us and the farmers who host me, but God provided a 12-point buck of substantial size on opening day of muzzleloader season this past year. He's the only meat we got, but it's going to last us until the next season, so we are blessed.

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