How bad will it get and are you preparing?


New member
With the crises we seem to be in including run away national debt and stock market in trouble
there are some that say we are heading for times as bad as the great depression. Perhaps even worse with the prospect of "inflationary depression". What do each of you think and are you doing anything to prepare for what may be coming i.e. Storing supplies, investing in gold,moving to the country etc.etc.
Nothing out of the ordinary. I used to think that I had job security working as a security guard, because where I work, in a check cashing store, is going to need security no matter how busy or slow things are. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Even though I see no indication that I'll get laid off (I am the only guard working there, after all), I have begun looking into getting into a more recession-proof line of work, such as law enforcement, or even at a collection agency.
Nothing out of the ordinary. I used to think that I had job security working as a security guard, because where I work, in a check cashing store, is going to need security no matter how busy or slow things are. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Even though I see no indication that I'll get laid off (I am the only guard working there, after all), I have begun looking into getting into a more recession-proof line of work, such as law enforcement, or even at a collection agency.

Medical field is another good choice if you can stand the blood and guts.
I thought I was safe I got laid off from a state lottery job, because of budget cut backs and the state wanted more money from said lottery because they could not make up for there short comings in the state budget. Oh well right, and I have a decent amount of money from a retirement plan from them but am scared to invest just yet.

I might just bite the bullet and take it out and stock up on a few supplies just in case you never know what will happen if the Dems get in office.
There is a major difference between the great depression and today. When the depression of the late 1920’s began, the average person was already relatively self sufficient. Our society operated in small neighborhood groups with various merchants supplying each other in “community”. People knew each other and dealt with each other. When economic crisis arose, community still existed. There were still local merchants and local skills, all hurting but all attempting to move ahead … community faced the challenge.

Today, we are woefully unprepared for such a collapse. Each individual is dependent not on each other but on the master machine. There is no local grocer, just a massive chain, there are no local merchants, just huge conglomerates… all of these will be empty without employees as the first sign of trouble. Secondly we are absolutely dependent today on infrastructure. A massive economic shutdown could quickly bring down our beloved “internet” and communications systems, followed by the shutdown of the power grids themselves leaving us in literally in the dark. Virtually no one is prepared for this eventuality, even for the very short term. In the 1920’s society could go on by neighbors moving about the streets that they knew, at least one could walk to the bread line. Today, most are separated by vast distance from any relief, if any were to be found. Without gasoline or electricity or communication fear will set in at an alarming pace, desperation will lead to anarchy and violence will pervade any attempt at recovery should such be forthcoming at all.

As to preparation, one must be ready to do two things … share and survive. If you already exist on a large, self-sufficient area then you must be prepared to defend it and to share it. Defending is to maintain control from those who would displace you, not to protect “what is mine”. Sharing is to realize that “what is mine” no longer exists, if we reach this level, it is that thinking that got us there. Sharing is the realization that only community can survive, to become isolationist will simply allow the paranoia and eventual insanity to set in that much faster.

One must be prepared to assume simple tasks such as gathering food, fishing, hunting, having a way to produce clean, potable water. This could be much more difficult than one may consider. Most landowners drawing from a deep well do not maintain on property the means to convert that well to manual pump, and the hardware store down the road may not be of much help. Urban dwellers may find their normal municipal water supply dry and surface water contaminated, and that stock of bottled water running out very, very fast.

We view the eventuality of our existence every time a major hurricane hits an area. Not what happens a week later when help arrives, but during that first 48 hours before outside help arrives. There are those that are prepared for that few days but far more who are simply in panic and desperation within hours. Now extend that circumstance to where outside help is not coming at all, because all are in the same boat. As those hours drag to days and weeks the situation will deteriorate rapidly. Such a scenario could be triggered by an economic meltdown severing the infrastructure, or by a properly executed attack severing the infrastructure triggering an economic meltdown. The balance is fragile.

There are those who think that with enough “firepower”, they are “safe”- that their world will continue as normal, but they are wrong. Should a trigger begin the collapse, the house of cards will most likely collapse completely with no “normal” left to continue… rather a new way of life will emerge.

Preparation is attitude. The question becomes… should that time come… where do you want to be in the new order. There will be leaders and there will be followers. The very fact that you have thought about it in advance should answer the question for you.
my.02 worth

i am not certain, of course, but this could be the family and i live in the country, work locally, we have circled the wagons as it were for some time now. we are storing as much food, water as we can . we have means to clean and purify water. we are good to go asfar as weapons. and ammo which i can always use more of. we have been working at gardening.also trying to store medicines and vitamins as much as we can. this is going to be a difficult time at best. especially for us with a autistic child. the most important preparation you can makeis spiritually. don't want to start any conflict, but i have told people for years now this was coming or something like it. i told people they needed to make things right between them and God thru Jesus Christ. peple laughed and scoffed and what i told them. the 9-11 happenend and the war and now this. i hate to be a old" i told ya so".... but i did. i wonder who is laughing now? the taxpayers are going to foot the bill again. when are people going to figure out you have to be responsible for your own decisions and you have to live with the consequences of your own doing. but not in america, i suppose. not anymore. if you screw up, we pay for it. and who came up with this stinking bailout plan? the international bankers who, quite frankly, hav this country by the balls. same friendly no goodniks who brought us the wonderful folks at the U.N. and we know that they are abastion of common sense and good will.....:suicide: sorry for rant and hijacking the thread. i now return you to your regularly schduled program of getting your butt ready..... for whatever happens.
With the crises we seem to be in including run away national debt and stock market in trouble
there are some that say we are heading for times as bad as the great depression. Perhaps even worse with the prospect of "inflationary depression". What do each of you think and are you doing anything to prepare for what may be coming i.e. Storing supplies, investing in gold,moving to the country etc.etc.

I live in the country, a deliberate move I made several years ago. my water is from a developed spring...pure as it gets and I rely on no municipality for it.... silver not gold....I have a gernerator when needed and stored gas...I garden and can and save seeds (heriloom) a thought here, be careful about the medicines you store as they can become toxic as can some types of vitamins. you should learn to use/plant herbs for food and medicinal purposes. I live in an area that still has the local feel, and my closest neighbors and I have all spoken of the "great what if" and have plans in place. I did have some Mountain House foods....gone at present but I will get more. Hunting here is also easy, and I have a few chickens enough for several dozen eggs a week, as well as raising honey bees (perfect food). horses in case and I love to ride anyway. pretty well set up, but then we never really know......
anyway....."no one knows but the father"
be vigilant
We've been preparing for some time--storing food, water + filters/purification means, sanitary products, etc. I would never want to have to tell my kids I have nothing for them to eat. Live in a rural area, know my neighbors and their skills and they know ours. Have a garden and can/dry/freeze whatever comes my way and try to work whole foods into the regular diet so we're not all in shock mode if/when that's all there is. Need to try the heirloom seeds--maybe in the garden next year. Firearms/ammo, etc. of course. We have a wood stove, just need to install it in the house so presently are in pretty bad shape if the power goes out in the winter. Have a horse, just need a buggy so we could get around town :) I try to keep clothes too big for my kids around, and if all else fails, I know how to sew/alter so nobody has to go naked!
Be aware of who you are preparing for--make sure you have baby stuff if you might have a baby, kid stuff for kids (they won't eat just anything), whatever older people need if you have them to care for--you get the idea. What I have/need for hard times is not the same as what someone else has/needs.
I try whenever I can to learn new skills, etc. that may help if I need to provide for myself and my family--there's a lot of information out there.
do get that wood-burner installed...I had mine put in this past Feb when I called to see what the price of LP was. $3.50 per gallon. I have 1000 gal tank. you do that math, not to mention that in a sorry state of affairs you never know how available the LP will be.
HK and I

have been discussing and cussing the need for the best physical conditioning you can get to. when it hits and it will, you are gonna have to work hard at staying alive physically. doing more manual labor than ever and possible defending yourself, your family and maybe others from the never ending hoard of zombies and other no goodniks coming to do all manner of evil
MOM of 3 Angels: just curious. is your avatar you and do you shoot black powder weapons? if so, may have to start calling you DALE as in ROY and.......!! hahaha!
have been discussing and cussing the need for the best physical conditioning you can get to. when it hits and it will, you are gonna have to work hard at staying alive physically. doing more manual labor than ever and possible defending yourself, your family and maybe others from the never ending hoard of zombies and other no goodniks coming to do all manner of evil
MOM of 3 Angels: just curious. is your avatar you and do you shoot black powder weapons? if so, may have to start calling you DALE as in ROY and.......!! hahaha!

boris not to be answering in Mom's place but I will let you know she has a thread with pictures of her girls shooting black powder.
MOM of 3 Angels: just curious. is your avatar you and do you shoot black powder weapons? if so, may have to start calling you DALE as in ROY and.......!! hahaha!

Not to get off topic here, but yes, and yes, and no offense to Dale Evans, but I'm far more likely to respond to mom than Dale. :smile:
We have been planning for some time. While we live in a heavily populated area, we have friends who are out in the country. We have prepared escape routes for us to get to their place. My wife and I both carry BOB's in our vehicles in case we get caught away from home. We have made all types of contingencies for where to go or meet in this type of event.

We have been storing all of the essentials. I do not think gold or any monetary instruments will be of any use when the SHTF. The only metals we are storing up is lead. We will be on a total barter system with like minded people.

For those who are not like minded, well that is what the lead is for. :haha:
Ready but not willing

I am ready for just about any contingency but not willing to be the guy to start it all off. Ready for the dance but not liking the music.:bad:
I'm not ready to panic yet, but I'm storing food, water purification stuff, cash, physical gold and silver. I've got a BOB ready to go in case it gets really bad.