New member
My kids were taught never ever ever to touch a firearm unless I was there with them. As far as I know they never did. But they also had the opportunity to shoot as often as I did,which is alot. They are ages 20 and 16 now. They both know their way around a firearm. The baby my wife and I are expecting now will be exposed in the same manner that they were. I think that satisfying the natural curiosity of children goes along way towards them not being as interested in firearms as opposed to a child that has never had the opportunity. People are like cats,WE want to know how things work,we are curious beings. The Lord made us that way. Satisfy the natural investigative nature of a child (or an adult) ,teach them how things work,train them in the safe handling of firearms and tell them not to touch unless they have your express permission to do so. That worked with my first 2 kids. And it also worked with this yankee girl I married this time around. And she's hard headed.