Holstered Weapon : Traveling / Vehicle Carry?


New member
I know my CCW license reciprocates with other States. I have read the rules for each State I am traveling in. My question is: Take VA for instance. For vehicle carry, you must have the handgun in a closed compartment? So do you have to un-holster your weapon and place it in the glove box while traveling in VA? Or by having a FL CCW are you allowed to keep your weapon holstered on your side? Dave

WV :
Automobile carry:
Individuals who possess a valid concealed carry permit may carry a concealed handgun in a motor vehicle for purpose of self defense only. West Virginia permits anyone who can lawfully possess a handgun to carry an unconcealed handgun. If you choose to carry an unconcealed handgun in your vehicle and are stopped by a law-enforcement officer, you must understand that that the weapon will immediately attract the attention of the police officer. The presence of the weapon may lead to action by the officer to ensure his or her safety such as the drawing of his or her weapon, ordering you from the vehicle, and/or performing a pat-down search. Weapons intended for hunting must be unloaded and in a case when transported in a vehicle. It is strongly recommended that, if you do not have a valid concealed carry permit, while traveling in a vehicle, that all firearms be unloaded and cased in a location in the vehicle that is not readily accessible to any of the occupants. Any ammunition should be stored in a separate location from the firearm.

VA :
Automobile carry:
Loaded firearms may be carried in the passenger compartment in plain view or secured in gun cases that are unconcealed; trunk transport is also legitimate for loaded firearms

NC :
Automobile carry:
You MAY open carry in a motor vehicle. However, localities may regulate the carrying of firearms under certain circumstances.

SC :
Automobile carry:
Any person in a vehicle where the handgun is secured in a closed glove compartment, closed console or closed trunk. The handgun may be loaded.

GA :
Automobile carry:
Without a GA or Reciprocal License - fully open to view (such as uncovered in passenger seat, partially sticking out below or beside seat is not allowed). If you are not prohibited from obtaining a firearm carry license, it can be in a closeable compartment like the glove box or center console (map pockets that are not closeable are not acceptable) ith a GA or Reciprocal License - Anywhere in the car.
No responses? Law seems vague (imagine that). I don't see the differance in carrying concealed out of the car any different than in the car? Is the laws about auto carry for people w/o CCW's?
HUH?? I have a WV CCW permit that is not recognized in Georgia. So does that mean that I can carry in the car if the gun is fully visible??? :no:
HUH?? I have a WV CCW permit that is not recognized in Georgia. So does that mean that I can carry in the car if the gun is fully visible??? :no:

Yes. I live out in the middle of nowhere in Georgia, and there are frequent roadblocks. Before I got my permit, I would put it on the dashboard. One time, all that was said to me was, "Don't leave that there, it could fall."
I'd ask each of these questions in the corresponding state specific forum. I think you'll get good answers that way.
I know my CCW license reciprocates with other States. I have read the rules for each State I am traveling in. My question is: Take VA for instance. For vehicle carry, you must have the handgun in a closed compartment? So do you have to un-holster your weapon and place it in the glove box while traveling in VA? Or by having a FL CCW are you allowed to keep your weapon holstered on your side? Dave

This is a good question because I , like you, have read the state laws and it is damn confusing. And I am planning a road trip through states that recognize my 4 CCW licenses.

I've had my home state CCW for 37 years now, and I always carry in a concealed holster on my hip.

I think the statutes that you have shown as an example are referring to carry without a CCW or reciprocal CCW.

Mayhaps CCW holders in the example states above can chimb in on how they carry in their state.

Before I saw this thread, I was going to start a new thread with the title "Are there Any States that prohibit Concealed Carry on your person in a Vehicle if you have a valid CCW?"

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