Holster suggestions


New member
I will be carrying a S&W MP45 with the 4.5" barrel. I'm looking for an IWB holster and I would like some suggestions. Thanks in advance.
I will be carrying a S&W MP45 with the 4.5" barrel. I'm looking for an IWB holster and I would like some suggestions. Thanks in advance.

KyTac BraveHeart.......it got the best ratings in a recent holster round-up. I wear mine daily and can attest to their comfort, even with a fullsize Govt 1911.


I'd recommend a Matt Del Fatti, Mitch Rosen or Milt Sparks.

Quality isn't cheap and you will have to wait, but it's worth it IMHO. When you order a Holster from one of those makers take the time to order a Belt too. Holsters are designed to work as a "unit" with a proper Belt, and each maker cuts their blet slots different, if you want to get the most out of your Holster.

In the meantime, while waiting for your "cutom" handmade Holster, get a Mitch Rosen "Express Line" Holster. They don't cost much more than a Galco, you can have it in a month or less, and the quality is better than most "off the shelf" stuff.

My only connection to Mitch Rosen, Milt Sparks or Matt Del Fatti is as a very satisfied customer.

I am becoming very pleased with my Crossbreed Supertuck I got last week. It's very nice for the price. I agree to make sure you have a good gun belt.
If you use the "LINKS" tab and go to "Holsters" you'll find many manufacturers listed. My personal favorite is Haugen Handgun Leather.
For a firearm that size, I prefer a Galco Royal Guard IWB.

The Summer comfort is (IMO) the same as the royal Guard. The only difference is the leather. the Royal guard is smooth on the inside of the holster while the summer comfort is rough. I haven't notices any scratching to erither my glock or my 1911. For $20.00 cheaper I'd go with the Summer comfrot. But you can't go wrong with either choice. The 1911 is more comfortable than the glock, but thats just because of the longer barrel and narrower frame of the 1911.
+1 on the smart carry holster. I've got a 4.5 barrel eaa witness in .45 caliber that I carry in it now. it is really comfortable and you don't even need to get a new belt.. having it not pull your pants down is another plus.
Lots of choices out there, body type makes a difference too.

I like the VersaMax-II by Milt Sparks so much that I have one for every CCW I own. Carried at 3:30 - 4:00 I carry a SIG P-220 or a Commander sized 1911 daily in complete comfort.
Mernickle holsters

I received my new IWB holster today for my Glock 19. Fits very nicely. Very well made in Frenly, NV. Ordeed at the Reno show. Took a little while but sure seems well worth the wait.:13: Check out thier web site:mernickleholsters .com

Be a sheepherder not sheep.
I received my new IWB holster today for my Glock 19. Fits very nicely. Very well made in Frenly, NV. Ordeed at the Reno show. Took a little while but sure seems well worth the wait.:13: Check out thier web site:mernickleholsters .com

Be a sheepherder not sheep.

That's just down the road from where I live in Sparks Fred, I didn't even know they were there! :icon_lol:

Which holster did you get?
Mernickle holsters

I got the PS2. Fits real good, and comfortable. Carried a baretta tomcat till I got this holster. Check them out.

Be the sheephearder not sheep
I'm a new member/poster, and have a question about concealed-carry holsters. Most of the time I wear "business" clothes... dress pants, tucked-in shirt, and a coat in colder weather.
I've just purchased an NAA 380 Guardian, and have been looking for a means to carry it completely concealed. I've seen good reviews on the SmartCarry holster, and so far, that looks like the best bet. I'd appreciate any comments, positive or negative on it, and suggestions on alternatives.

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