I'd recommend a Matt Del Fatti, Mitch Rosen or Milt Sparks.
Quality isn't cheap and you will have to wait, but it's worth it IMHO. When you order a Holster from one of those makers take the time to order a Belt too. Holsters are designed to work as a "unit" with a proper Belt, and each maker cuts their blet slots different, if you want to get the most out of your Holster.
In the meantime, while waiting for your "cutom" handmade Holster, get a Mitch Rosen "Express Line" Holster. They don't cost much more than a Galco, you can have it in a month or less, and the quality is better than most "off the shelf" stuff.
My only connection to Mitch Rosen, Milt Sparks or Matt Del Fatti is as a very satisfied customer.