hollywood 20 woodruff rd and other movie theaters


New member
I went to see a movie for the first time in forever last week and they had a no consealable wepons sign on the door is this legal?? I dont see myself going to a movie with out being able to protect myself and my family......
That looks to be legal. Time to find another theater. All of us here should call them and tell them that they have lost our business!
Sure, it's legal. Most states do not have laws as to how "no weapons" is to be posted. It is still privately owned property, and as such, the owner/tenant can say what is allowed or not. Just like 'No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service", or "We refuse the right to refuse service to anyone". Don't have to like it. In a state where there is a law, and the sign isn't perfect, is it worth a confrontation?
Just as if the owner/management asked you to leave politely, and you refused, is it trespass?
I do not usually 'see' those signs (BIG EXCEPTION: State or Federal buildings, Post Offices, etc), but if my carrying is noticed (cc = seldom) I politely leave. I have only had one 'incident' where the LEO asked me to leave, and I did, politely. I have not returned to that business, there are many more out there that don't care.

My second amendment rights do not over-ride your personal property rights.
Sorry to tell you, starbasessd you are wrong. We're not dealing with Indiana but SC. In SC you can put anything you want in a door or window that says no CC allowed but if it doesn't meet the sign requirements or posted correctly as stated by SC law it's not worth the paper it's printed on. I carry all the time in businesses that have bogus signs including banks. We have a flea market in our area that has signs all over the place. I carry there all the time because they don't meet the requirements. The exception as you said are Fed buildings which is common knowledge that you can't carry in them.
as many times as I have carried in HW20 I have not seen that siign... is that new, or another theater?

I sent an excellent letter I gleaned from these forums to the Tuesday Morning store in Lacey, WA, but have received no response. Another tactic is the cards that have the no gun symbol, an equal sign, and a stack of bills with the no symbol and a message that we will respect thewir wishes and take our business elsewhere. In addition, there is the sign you can put up over theirs that read Defense free crime zone. patrons have been disarmed for your convenienc. Enjoy. Hopefully, they wil get the message eventually.
sad to say the HW20 has turned into the new teenage hangout.
worse the parents let the kids hangout there.... makes for good income for off duty cops...
but if they have put up those signs I will start going to another theater. Cherrydale, Spartburg etc.
I'd walk around and check all the doors... the way I understand it all entrances and exits have to be posted... what you want to bet the exits in the back don't have a sign?
I'd walk around and check all the doors... the way I understand it all entrances and exits have to be posted... what you want to bet the exits in the back don't have a sign?

The exits in the back are EXITS, not entrances so they don't have to be posted, just the entrances. :fie:

(B) All signs must be posted at each entrance into a building where a concealable weapon permit holder is prohibited from carrying a concealable weapon and must be:
I went to see a movie for the first time in forever last week and they had a no consealable wepons sign on the door is this legal?? I dont see myself going to a movie with out being able to protect myself and my family......

Looks like they want you to open carry a shotgun or a rifle since they would meet the criteria of the sign. :pleasantry:
Now that would be funny....

And you are right...FN1910... I finally went to the sled sight and re-read the signage thing.... here's an interesting little side bit... as I read the gun laws in S.C. not only can you carry concealed or open while hunting or fishing or going to or coming from...but you can do the same while going to or coming from your gun club.... both with out a permit of any type.

I'll have to say as I read the gun laws in this State, of which I've lived in for 51 years, I get more and more aggravated with our elected officials... it looks like most of these laws are written to do two things.... take away gun rights of citizens and give them to employees of the government.... I know I won't, but I really would like to go down to Columbia one day while these critters are in session and give them a piece of my mind...
I have not noticed the signs myself at Hollywood 20 but I really do not go there much anymore. I do know that Cherrydale does not have any signs posted, unless they added one in the past month.
I have not noticed the signs myself at Hollywood 20 but I really do not go there much anymore. I do know that Cherrydale does not have any signs posted, unless they added one in the past month.

As of a week ago, they did not ... dropped by after I left the Shooting Range
I go to Cherry Dale on occasion, just a couple weeks ago to see Grand Torino, no sign that I remember and from what I read in the paper this weekend they are owned by the same conglomerate.
no weapons carry at haywood mall

Has anyone seen the new signs on the entrances into haywood mall.
I do not believe they meet the law. Let me know what you think.

No, but I will try and run by...
I hate to but I would go to Spartaburg in a heart beat if they have
locked me out due to gun carry
If you are talking about the little 'NO WEAPONS ALLOWED' in the list of prohibited items by the door then no it's not legal.
just an update, there is now a sign at Cherrydale, however its not on the door. It is on one of the side windows on the ticket booth. The sign itself seems to meet the legal requirements but since it is not on the door I would say its placing does not. I had to look around to find it.
It does not have to be on the door, just at the entrance where it is noticable as you are entering. Since you need a ticket to enter and you have to go to the ticket booth as long as it is not hidden from where you are purchasing the ticket I would say it meets the requirements.