high danger concealed carry solution


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I work at a money serves business and because of our facility I am only really vulnerable when I am opening and closing our store. I have a smart carry and like it but I don't think its ideal for this type of high risk situation as the time it takes to remove the pistol from the holster is time I may not have. I am looking for suggestions for some type of product that I can have out with my hand on it already griping my pistol yet it be not as obvious as a paper bag. Any suggestions?
backup with a 12 guage??? I think you will have to be a little more specific about risk and what you are doing when you are closing.

If the reward for the criminal is really that great, backup is going to be your best bet. If you are just closing a store in a high risk area, maybe just open carry a shotgun yourself as you are closing up. This should deter all but the most determinied criminals.
+1 on the Crossbreed Supertuck. Can't go rong with this choice, I have worn one for quite some time now. It
Becomes part of you and feels soooo natural.
Good luck
I already have a smart carry holster that I like. Now I am looking for something that will conceal my pistol which I want already out and in my hand. Having it in my hand while entering and exiting my vehicle is important. Our store is in a bad neighborhood. I have approximately 15 feet to walk to my car after locking up or heading in for the morning. There are always people around on the corners so flashing a shotgun is not something I want to do. I am simply focused on having my pistol as readily available as I can so no one can get the jump on me.
A simple, cost-effective and readily accessible option for you may be a Concealed Carry coat or jacket.

You could have the gun in-hand, within the CC pocket of the coat, provided you can do whatever else you need to do with only one hand. (Lock/unlock doors etc.)

To a casual observer, you've got a coat draped over your arm - and when the temps drop, you could even be wearing it - either way, with your CC gun in-hand.
Really, any article of clothing draped over your arm would suffice.

Walking around with your hand stuffed in a CC bag is almost as obvious as a paper bag. And holy crow! $230!? A bit steep for two 10 second walks per day. I'd opt for a sweatshirt.
I carry a Smith 642 in a Desantis Nemesis pocket holster. I like the fact that I can carry it in my pants or a jacket pocket. My hand can always be on the butt of the gun if I feel particularly concerned. If the worst of situations should occur, I can fire through the holster and jacket pocket. YMMV but this works for me very well.
Is open carry legal in your state? Does your employer care? I'm not a big proponet of open carry but in this situation it might work best. For me Smart Carry isn't near fast enough. Either do as the other guy said, put a j frame in a coat pocket, or since you would need a jacket, get a good kydex holster. Drawing from kydex is very fast. Carry more than one gun.
Really, any article of clothing draped over your arm would suffice.

Walking around with your hand stuffed in a CC bag is almost as obvious as a paper bag. And holy crow! $230!? A bit steep for two 10 second walks per day. I'd opt for a sweatshirt.

The advantage of a jacket/coat with a CC pocket is that you can then wear the article of clothing AND still have the gun on you in the CC pocket, or in your hand in the situation you described. A plain sweatshirt may effectively drape over your hand/arm and conceal your gun, but then what?

There are some really nice classic denim jacket's with CC 'funnel pockets' on the inside on each side. Not too expensive, and besides having a verstile CC option for this time of year, it's a classic denim jacket! If that fits in your wardrobe.

Happy hunting.
Check out the Gerber Guardian Knife, I used to Manage a retail hardware store and Always had this blade close at hand when opening and closing the store.
What kind of weapon are you trying to hide? Are you trying to hide a full frame 1911 in your speedo or are you looking to hide a lil' .380 piece? Crossbread is great but IWB holsters can be hard to draw from if your shirt is tucked in over it. A small J frame is easy to grab while you do a "casual walk" with both hands in your jeans or coat pocket. More info = more gooder
I carry a Smith 642 in a Desantis Nemesis pocket holster. I like the fact that I can carry it in my pants or a jacket pocket. My hand can always be on the butt of the gun if I feel particularly concerned. If the worst of situations should occur, I can fire through the holster and jacket pocket. YMMV but this works for me very well.

+1 I like the idea of a pocket carry holster, so i can hold the gun and shoot through if needed.
I have a full sized sig P250 .45 but once sig finally comes out with the subcompact kit I am going to get that. Using an article of clothing seems like the best easiest idea at the moment. Thanks for that obvious but overlooked idea. I will have to look at these jackets. My grandfather used to open the store with a shotgun concealed inside an umbrella. Would prob look odd on a sunny day.

Something I am just thinking about is how does a pistol work shooting through a jacket CC pocket? Wouldn't the shell have a tendency to not eject and jam the slide?
Something I am just thinking about is how does a pistol work shooting through a jacket CC pocket? Wouldn't the shell have a tendency to not eject and jam the slide?

At the risk of sounding like an old codger, get yourself a revolver with a concealed or shrouded hammer, and you can shoot right through your pocket, if need be.
Something I am just thinking about is how does a pistol work shooting through a jacket CC pocket? Wouldn't the shell have a tendency to not eject and jam the slide?

Shooting through clothing would work best with a revolver, or if you train properly, you can use a semi-auto. The way it works is you fire the first round through clothing, draw the firearm, clear if necessary, then resume fire. Realistically though, the revolver with shrouded hammer like Boomboy suggested would work best.

In your situation I would wear a kydex belt holster. NOT and IWB holster. Kydex is much quicker to draw from and an IWB is slower than a belt holster. Wear a longer jacket or vest. Even if it's hot outside. You can take the jacket off once your inside. I would also carry a second gun in the off hand jacket pocket. But only a revolver. Or a Kel Tec P3AT with belt clip in off hand pants pocket.

Keep strong side hand free when walking to and from your vehicle. Practice shooting with one hand and your off hand. Have keys in your off hand just before you approach your car. Carry everything in your off hand arm if possible. Make two trips if neccessary. I would much rather make two trips through dangerous territory than have both hands occupied in one trip. Park as close as you can. When in your car the danger is not over. When coming to or from work survey the area. Wait for people to leave the area if possible.

Just carry a hollowed out dayplanner with the zipper unzipped, pistol inside at the ready. Hold the planner/pistol in your left hand and keep it near your right hand as you unlock and open the door.

While walking just hold it near your waist/chest like a book.
At the risk of sounding like an old codger, get yourself a revolver with a concealed or shrouded hammer, and you can shoot right through your pocket, if need be.

Ditto. I have a S&W 340PD .357, with a concealed hammer that hides out in my coat pocket quite often.

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