Hiding guns around the house

Being that in our house it's just Wifey and I, we have weapons nearby in the rooms we spend most of our time in - The computer/TV room, and the bedroom, not to mention that we both may or may not be CCW at any given time.

All that changes when the Daughter and Grandbaby (soon to be Grandbabies - WOOHOO!:biggrin:) visit. Then those weapons are unloaded and locked up, if they are not in our immediate control. I want to leave 0 room for a firearms accident in our home, and refuse to lose the life of a loved one due to carelessness.

Do you store them when you leave the house to go on errands? away from the house?
Hiding Guns in Your House

I'm a good hider but not a good finder. Before leaving on a trip, I hid a gun because I had our house listed for sale and didn't want any snooper to find it. I hid it so well, that I can't remember where!
Most burglars only spend a few minutes in a house and grab the $ stuff like electronics and jewelry. They're not going to spend half an hour in your house playing easter egg hunt. Unless your "loose lips" tell everybody you hide your guns, they're gonna be fairly safe from a random burglary if they are well hidden. Even your larger autos can be hidden in an empty cereal box placed in your cupboard. When I owned my convenient store, I always hid the cash in an empty detergent box and left it on the shelf at the end of the night. The burglars always ransacked the cashier area and busted up the safe and the register, and ransacked the back rooms and office, but never took the valuable time to browse the aisles!

Now if you're talking about the gov't coming to get them, chances are they are going to have all the time in the world to search, and that's a different case.

Did you see that movie "No country for old men"? The dude hid his rifle outside under the mobile home in the floor insulation. Great idea except it wasn't where he could grab it in a moment, nor if you lived in a community where people would be watching.

I'm a good hider but not a good finder. Before leaving on a trip, I hid a gun because I had our house listed for sale and didn't want any snooper to find it. I hid it so well, that I can't remember where!

I did that with a cigar box full of silver coins a few years ago. Thought I hid them in the chimney, but I never found them again. I searched all over when we moved from that house. I can imagine somebody's surprise when they find that stash! I bought hundreds of silver dollars back when silver was like $6 an ounce in 1995. Now it is more like $18 an ounce and I don't have my coins! :mad:
Fortunately, it is just an old .22 revolver so It won't be a big loss. I just hate that my memory isn't what it once was. I don't want to wait until we move to find that gun! Oh well, it'll show up one day when I least expect it.
I pack when I leave the house and head into town and all day every day around the ranch as just a basic part of "the job".

Once I come into the house I usually take off my gun belt and hang it on a peg in the dining room.

Now the question is what about "Around the House"? I spend a lot of time here in the den at the computer or my desk. There is a loaded S&W Model 19 on the top of my computer, within reach. I do a lot of cooking and my share of the household chores. There is another loaded S&W Model 19 on top the refrigerator. There is another in the small table next to my recliner in the livingroom, where I spend a lot of time. There is another, a 5th gun a laser sights Kimber Ultyra Carry in the night stand next to the bed.

So in a 9 room house there are loaded guns in 5 of them ready "just in case" They aren't hidden , there are just there and immeadiately available if need.

Seems reasonable to me.


Now to put this in perspective, I live 53 miles off the highway and the nearest neighbor is 17 miles away and then only in the summer. WE go many many many weeks without anybpody showing at all. Even then you aren't getting within 8 miles unless you call ahead and have us unlock the gate out at the ridge, 8 miles away. It could be said that we live in a remote area. ;-) Still we are armed and guns are available at all times.
Get a big mean dog, I have always had them and I have never been burglurized. My last dobe actually stopped a guy at the front door when we were home, his probably shit his pants when I let her out the front door.
Hiding Guns Around the House

Dang, I can't argue with having a few loaded guns conveniently placed around the house. I also think having a dog is a good idea. I'm not too worried about when I'm home because I'm pretty well armed and have a tactical shotgun near the bed loaded with a few rounds of 00 Buckshot. It's not while I'm home that concerns me. I want to protect the house and what's in it while I'm away. Although we're completely deer-fenced in with tall gates, there's always a chance that some dumb SOB will try to take some stuff that doesn't belong to him. However, I think I'm in pretty good shape there too. Here in Texas, the burglars know that there's a good chance there will be a gun facing them if they break in while someone's home. But, there are those other times....
I am retired. and disabled, I am at Home 95% of the time alone, and I am always armed, My daughter thinks this is dumb at home...... I say its being Prepared for anything, and if my gun is on my side I always know where it is, if I need it, I pray I never will..... As far as hiding guns around the house. I don't do that, its safer that way, Don't want a BG to find, and use............
same here i;m disabled and it's just me and my little dog , so i always have one on me and my ar by the bed, kinda like a spare tire i hope i never need one ,but i'd rather have one and not need it than need it and not have it.
i have a .357 not too far from the couch..up high.I also have an xd9 in a drawer that goes with me when im out..the rest are locked up. I have been concerned about a bg ending up with it but still keep it there.. I have no kids an my dog knows better
I keep 1 loaded .40 in a biometric safe under my bed with 3 loaded mags. When I get dressed, the .40 goes in my belt holster and 1 mag in my front pocket, then I turn off my house alarm. At night, when I am done for the day, I set my alarm and place it back into the safe. I have kids and a really small place. I dont want to kids to find any loaded weapons, so I use the alarm as a backup. I figure if someone starts messing with my doors or windows, the alarm will alert me to get my gun. My kids knows that if the alarm goes off, they immediately come into my room with me, I grab my gun and we call 911.

I'm a good hider but not a good finder. Before leaving on a trip, I hid a gun because I had our house listed for sale and didn't want any snooper to find it. I hid it so well, that I can't remember where!

You ARE kidding, right?
I think it's an excellent idea, if you can do it safely ... with only my wife and myself to worry about, I keep a gun in my nightstand, a second in the cabinet over the toilet (don't want to be caught with my pants down, so to speak, and a third in the room we use in the back of the house as an office ... I also always have a gun either in my pocket or alongside me, if I'm sitting reading or boob-tubing ... I work on the old theory that it's better to have a gun (nearby) and not need it than to have a gun and not have it (closer than the safe) ...

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