hi point


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I just came from a shop that had hi point handguns for next to nothing. is this brand reliable? I was told the barrel is fixed so it shoots straighter than alot of 1911's & others that have "loose" barrels. also was told they have a lifetime warranty, not just for defects either. I was thinking about getting 1 in every caliber but don't want anything that's gonna jam every other round or is fussy with what brand ammo it shoots.
I have a Hi-Point 9MM and I have never had a problem with it. I know that some of my friends that have an extensive gun collection wouldn't own a hi-point because they aren't expensive enough or aren't as popular as a Glock or H&K or the like. I bought mine as my first handgun after I bought my first house because it was inexpensive and did the job as a home defense weapon.

Hope this helps you make your decision.

I have a C9 and a 995 carbine. After ~5000 rounds, I broke the firing pin in the carbine. I called to verify what I needed to do to get it repaired. I told the rep that I had both guns and that I was the second owner of the pistol. He took my address and 2 days later I had replacement firing pins and springs for both guns. They both feed any ammo I give them, and are accurate enough to keep me happy.
They're heavy, ugly,inexpensive, and dependable. If you're looking for a basic pistol that works, you'll not be disappointed.
I can vouch for Hi-point's customer service. My buddies' JH broke a firing pin, and the company sent me a new one for free. That gun was a b**** to disassemble though. I wouldn't buy one, but they seem dependable enough for a plinking gun. Can't beat the price.
I'd own one. Cheap enough that you don't worry about scratching it up or whatever. Would make a great gun to keep in the car at work (where they don't want you to have it on you).
As I understand it, to clean them, you don't really take them apart. You sort of run a patch through the barrel, and that's about it.

If I was looking for a good weapon, and didn't have much cash, Hi-Point is what I'd buy.
They're heavy, ugly,inexpensive, and dependable. If you're looking for a basic pistol that works, you'll not be disappointed.

Can't say enough about that and they aren't sexy and lots of people can't get enough of running them down. However they are dependable and all that kinds of stuff that counts. For the price you can't beat them. I haven't ever heard a person that owns one complain, only those too snobish to admit that it is a good gun. :to_pick_ones_nose:
As I understand it, to clean them, you don't really take them apart. You sort of run a patch through the barrel, and that's about it.

If I was looking for a good weapon, and didn't have much cash, Hi-Point is what I'd buy.

Per the Service Rep. I spoke to: Run a patch or BoreSnake through it after ~500 rounds. After ~5000 rounds, do the full disassembly (drive out the roll pin) and give everything a good cleaning. Same routine for the pistols or the carbines.
They seem to be great patriot guns!

Regardless of their looks (which are unattractive), I think that these are fantastic weapons. They are accurate, dependable, and cheap enough that even non-gun people can afford to drop a couple of bills and become legal gun owners. It takes considerably more motivation to spend $500-$1,000 on what is certainly a more attractive, but not necessarily more effective defense tool. Coming from a very poor family, I believe that poor citizens have the same right to defense that middle class (if there is one left:frown:) and the wealthy have.

Also, they are cheap enough that you could buy a few to stash in those Festus' SHTF emergency cache buckets! Can you imagine tens or hundreds of thousands of Hi-Point pistols and carbines buried all over the country? Seems reasonable to me!

Regardless of their looks (which are unattractive), I think that these are fantastic weapons. They are accurate, dependable, and cheap enough that even non-gun people can afford to drop a couple of bills and become legal gun owners. It takes considerably more motivation to spend $500-$1,000 on what is certainly a more attractive, but not necessarily more effective defense tool. Coming from a very poor family, I believe that poor citizens have the same right to defense that middle class (if there is one left:frown:) and the wealthy have.

Also, they are cheap enough that you could buy a few to stash in those Festus' SHTF emergency cache buckets! Can you imagine tens or hundreds of thousands of Hi-Point pistols and carbines buried all over the country? Seems reasonable to me!


I knew I needed more guns
Per the Service Rep. I spoke to: Run a patch or BoreSnake through it after ~500 rounds. After ~5000 rounds, do the full disassembly (drive out the roll pin) and give everything a good cleaning. Same routine for the pistols or the carbines.

I thought your supposed to buy a new once you've fired 5k rounds thorugh it. :lol:

I thought your supposed to buy a new once you've fired 5k rounds thorugh it. :lol:


My 995 has ~7500 through it, the barrel still looks good, and all the hot lead goes to the same spot at 50 yards. I get a little sloppy at 115 yards, and only manage to put a five magazine (50 rd) string of fire in a 6-8 inch circle. Not bad for a $189 PCC.
My 995 has ~7500 through it, the barrel still looks good, and all the hot lead goes to the same spot at 50 yards. I get a little sloppy at 115 yards, and only manage to put a five magazine (50 rd) string of fire in a 6-8 inch circle. Not bad for a $189 PCC.

Hey man I was just kidding. I'm gonna pick one, maybe two up when I get back to SLC the end of this month. One of my buddies is a huge Hi-Point pistol fan. A few other friends swear by their carbines. I'm amazed that such an inexpensive gun shoots so well. They are difficult to disassemble though. Guess you can't have everything.

I just bought a 9MM and 380 but got delayed by NICS. obama musta put a notation in my file " mess this one up"
never fails.every time they make me wait.:angry:
While I like blaming 0bama, I think your history may be causing the delay.

I know you were kidding. The HiPoints are hard to disassemble because they weren't designed to need cleaning after every other magazine.
I just bought a 9MM and 380 but got delayed by NICS. obama musta put a notation in my file " mess this one up"
never fails.every time they make me wait.:angry:
Have you had trouble before, with NICS? The reason I ask, I'm told that generally once you run into a problem with NICS, it will usually keep on occuring. Even if you're eventually Ok'd to purchase the firearm.

I know, for me, every time a gun dealer does a NICS check for me, there's usually a momentary hesitation, but it does go through.

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