Liberty or Death
I had some problems with a buddies Hi Point JH .45acp (as I posted in the gunsmith section. Link Removed) Well, I got it fixed today and my buddy Matt and I went to go test it out.
The first 3 mags shot fine. Then it double fired while Matt was shooting it. I immediately turned my attention to it, as I was practicing quick draws with my CCW. He noticed it was jammed, so he cleared the jam and tried to keep shooting, but the next round wouldn't chamber all the way. He was trying to figure it out, when I noticed the last casing from the jam was split very badly.
I then took the gun from him, and inspected the barrel. A bullet was lodged in the rear of the barrel, so that the next cartridge couldn't chamber all the way. If the bullet was just a quarter inch further, my buddy could have had a REALLY bad day.
The firing pin was stuck forward, so I am figuring that when it double fired, the second cartridge was fired before it was fully chambered, causing the bullet to be slightly off center, and lodge in the barrel. That would explain the shredded casing.
What started this problem with the Hi Point was (as stated in the other thread) my buddy lost the sear spring while we were replacing a broken firing pin. I had to use another spring from a Bic lighter that looked about the right size (a mistake I won't make again). I'm no gunsmith, but that is probably the reason for the double fire. It worked for a little while, but then almost ruined our day. I intend to call Hi Point and get a replacement spring.
Lessons learned:
1. Don't try to jimmie rig parts for firearms.
2. Shredded brass = something bad
3. Hi Points are casted by Satan himself :icon_mrgreen:
The first 3 mags shot fine. Then it double fired while Matt was shooting it. I immediately turned my attention to it, as I was practicing quick draws with my CCW. He noticed it was jammed, so he cleared the jam and tried to keep shooting, but the next round wouldn't chamber all the way. He was trying to figure it out, when I noticed the last casing from the jam was split very badly.
I then took the gun from him, and inspected the barrel. A bullet was lodged in the rear of the barrel, so that the next cartridge couldn't chamber all the way. If the bullet was just a quarter inch further, my buddy could have had a REALLY bad day.
The firing pin was stuck forward, so I am figuring that when it double fired, the second cartridge was fired before it was fully chambered, causing the bullet to be slightly off center, and lodge in the barrel. That would explain the shredded casing.
What started this problem with the Hi Point was (as stated in the other thread) my buddy lost the sear spring while we were replacing a broken firing pin. I had to use another spring from a Bic lighter that looked about the right size (a mistake I won't make again). I'm no gunsmith, but that is probably the reason for the double fire. It worked for a little while, but then almost ruined our day. I intend to call Hi Point and get a replacement spring.
Lessons learned:
1. Don't try to jimmie rig parts for firearms.
2. Shredded brass = something bad
3. Hi Points are casted by Satan himself :icon_mrgreen: