This is a perfect example when you mix alcohol, guns, and stupidity together.
Geez, I really miss our family reunions......:no:
I'm sure that when they finally ended up at the ER or hospital or local Doctors office there were some questions... "You did what?" "Let him shoot you with a vest on?" "Are you F$#%!N stupid or something?
Stuff like that makes the "no guns for anyone" folks look like they know what they're talking about.
I'm sure that once the local LEOs see that video they're going to recognize one or more of them, as I bet the local police know them well as this can't be the first really stupid thing they have done...I hope their next stupid human trick is the one that ends it all. Sorry to say but no good can come from them surviving..:fie:
Yeah, me too, in addition to this kind of fun, it's a great place to pick up chicks...
Yeah, me too, in addition to this kind of fun, it's a great place to pick up chicks...
Dumb, Just plain Dumb...
That is pretty harsh, but sadly, I would have to agree.
I just wish they would go play with other things besides firearms. They're making us look bad.
Someone should email them and tell them how cool it would be to make a video of them having a Drain-Cleaner-Chugging Contest. Problem solved. :biggrin: