Help State Senator Tom Libous Fight the Anti-Gun Bills!


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Just incase you don't get the update emails from NRA-ILA, this has been a huge ongoing issue and every little bit of support we can get helps. See below and please sign his petition. The Dems have the Senate but it's only 32-30 so we don't need to swing too many votes to vote these bills down again this year. Most importantly I think is the ridiculous microstamping which Libous is against.

Help State Senator Tom Libous Fight the Anti-Gun Bills
Pending in the New York State Legislature!
Please Stand-Up and Make Your Voices Heard!

As we have reported, the New York Assembly recently passed an anti-gun package which is currently pending in the State Senate. To view a statement made by State Senator Tom Libous (R-52) opposing these bills, please click here.

While you're there, please be sure to voice your opposition to these attacks on our rights by signing his petition.
Signed his petition and sent an email to my democratic senator urging him to ignore party lines and vote on the side of common sense.

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