Help me please!!!! Sos!!!


New member
Ok as i said in the other topic my holster and double mag came in today. But i am a Numb nuts and do not know where it should go (Before you think i should be in a SPED CLASS) I know it goes on the belt. What i meant was how far back? or s it just up to to me? Could you post photos of you holster on the belts so i can see how it should look. I feel like a clown really bad lol. I have the double mag on the left and the KA-bar is in my back. I have never had a holster on my before so i am not sure how it should feel but i feel out of place.:help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help:
It is a personal choice

Ok as i said in the other topic my holster and double mag came in today. But i am a Numb nuts and do not know where it should go (Before you think i should be in a SPED CLASS) I know it goes on the belt. What i meant was how far back? or s it just up to to me? Could you post photos of you holster on the belts so i can see how it should look. I feel like a clown really bad lol. I have the double mag on the left and the KA-bar is in my back. I have never had a holster on my before so i am not sure how it should feel but i feel out of place.:help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help:

You need to put the weapon where it is most comfortable, conceilable and still facilitates a good presentation. Remember when withdrawing the weapon...keep your dang finger completely out of the trigger well until you are ready to shoot.

You need to try different positions until you are comfortable with what you have. Nobody is going to chastise you for what works.

Like we used to say in the military...if it's stupid but it ain't stupid.
Thank you i think i got it now it feels good. Big problem is i don't have a gun to put in it or the mags. So what feels good now may not feel good later on. Another problem is i am trying to do with with pants that are too big for me now. But when i get the gun i am getting a whole new closet of clothes. I love the side snaps makes it a lot of fun to take it on and off with out having to take the belt off. IDK i may pick up a assisted open knife and take the TDI ka-bar off the belt.
I'm with Festus. The spot that feels comfortable to you may not for me. I carry my Kimber IWB between 2:00 and 3:00. It just seems to conform to my body perfect there. Comfortable to stand, walk, or sit and easy to draw. I also carry an extra mag a 9:00 and a assisted open knife in my left pocket.

So once you get your pistol, holster up and move it around till you find the sweet spot!
A good start is along the seam line where your arm hangs natural.I carry mag and flash light on my left side at about 8 o'clock.Remember that all hardware including gun should be able to access with weak hand.:cray:
You put it where it's most comfortable. A warning about having it on your hip bone, you can cause nerve damage from having a hunk of steel or alloy on your body there. It's a common work related injury for undercover LEOs and armed professionals. I also had the precursor to those issues when I went to the NRA Annual Meetings in Louisville earlier this year after walking around the exhibit hall for a couple of days. The solution was just to carry the firearm farther back so it is resting on the gluts rather than the hip bone so you have no nerve compression related issues from standing or walking for extended periods of time.

The key having your CCW being another thing you routinely put on like you belt, cell phone and socks is to carry comfortably. If it's not comfortable, you'll leave it in the car or at home which defeats the purpose of getting your endorsement, license or permit to begin with.
Help me please

Don't feel bad, when I was in the academy, I asked one of the instructors how to set up my duty belt. He said most officers pretty much set them up the same way, because they copy the cops they respect. He said to place the items on my duty belt in the way that was most comfortable for me and that I could use all my gear with the fewest stretches or fumbles. It took about a month of experimenting to get my belt set up to workl the best for me. IT just takes a little time and experience, Good luck, my friend.
This is something you need to discover for yourself. Just practice with an unloaded gun at different positions on your belt and adjust the cant until you find which position is the most comfortable and facilitates the fastest draw for you.
I found that I'm most comfortable walking around right behind the hipbone (3:15-3:30 w/ 12:00 being my navel). To sit sometimes it ends up getting adjusted a bit forward so it doesn't get crammed into the chair, but I'm one of those crazy OC guys (OWB carry PT92).

If I know I'm going to be getting up and down a lot I'll put it right over my right front pocket. I have taken to carrying my wallet and keys and such in the left so I don't freak people out.

Try different things until you find what's comfortable. I honestly don't know how I would carry IWB short of a "SmartCarry" Never tried it though, might work better if I didn't have a full-framed automatic.
Yeah funny you should say that. As that's what i find works best for me. I did have it all one for a few weeks so i could get use to it. But i felt like a nut job carrying around a empty holster and mag holders. I order a OWB holster as well we will see how well it works and if i will stay with that or go with IWB.

As several have said, the location and cant are highly personal choices. It is my shumble opinion that the cant on any holster should be adjustable, as there is no area where one size fits all is any worse than in a defense holster. I have a belst slide 'bandaid' holster that I hav ebeen carrying my Firestar M-45 in an FBI carry, which is slightly to the rear of the seam in my trousers. When I take delivery of my XD45, it comes with a Kidek holster, and I will try an appendix carry, which puts the holster just to t he right of the belt buckle. It may be a bit harder to conceal, but the ease of hte draw, especially while seated is a big consideratio, If the holster that comes witht he XD45 is adjustable, I may try a cross-draw carry as well. I spen a lot of time seated in a mobility scooter, and the FBI carry is very clumsy for me. A cross-draw or appendix carry would be much better. I wisah you all the best, and can only say, just keep trying until you hit the magic spot that will be perfect for you.
Yeah, my holster is custom leather and has no Cant Adjustment. It was made with a 25% cant i think i am not sure. But it works for now and i found the way i like to carry it so rock on me!!!

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