Help Florida Throw off Unconstitutional Gun Control!


Staff member
Great news from Tallahassee!

There is legislation that is moving in the state legislature that could roll back unconstitutional gun control laws that have been passed by Congress.

That's right. Rep. Marlene O'Toole (R-Lady Lake) has introduced HB 21, the Firearms Freedom Act, to nullify many federal gun control laws with respect to indigenous Florida firearms.

You may have heard about the big splash that Montana and Tennessee recently made when they enacted similar laws which basically provide that if a gun is manufactured in the state -- and the firearm stays in the state -- it is exempt from several federal gun control laws.

In that vein, HB 21 would trigger this protection if a gun manufactured in your state is stamped with the words, "Made in Florida."

The bill states that, "A firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition that: a. Is for personal use; b. Is manufactured commercially or privately in Florida from basic materials without the inclusion of any significant parts imported from another state; c. With respect to a firearm, has the words 'Made in Florida' clearly stamped on a central metallic part of the firearm, such as the receiver or frame; and d. Remains within the borders of Florida is not subject to federal law or federal regulation, including registration, under the authority of Congress to regulate interstate commerce."

With President Obama talking about resurrecting the so-called Assault Weapons ban which expired in 2004, this bill could ensure that Florida residents could still buy semi-automatic firearms and magazines that are made in the Sunshine State.

While HB 21 already has 30 cosponsors, Rep. O'Toole's office told Gun Owners of America that she would like to get even more. The bill will be "hard to ignore with 30 cosponsors," a spokesman inside her office told GOA. And that's right.

Getting even more cosponsors will make it difficult for the leadership to pretend HB 21 doesn't exist by letting it languish in committee.

ACTION: Please urge your state representative to cosponsor HB 21.

To contact your state representative, go to and enter your zip code in the "Find Your Representative" feature (note: you will need to scroll down the left side of the page to find this feature).

Once your representative's information is displayed, you can click on the "E-Mail Your Representative" link in the upper right hand corner. That will bring up a webform that you can use to send the pre-written letter below.

----- Pre-written letter -----

Dear Representative:

Please cosponsor HB 21, the Florida Firearms Freedom Act. This bill states that if a gun is manufactured in the state -- and the firearm stays in the state -- it is exempt from federal gun control laws. HB 21 is virtually identical to the laws that were recently passed in Montana and Tennessee.

This is one of the most important bills that you will vote on in 2010. The Florida legislature might very well pass a Tenth Amendment resolution next year, but HB 21 is more than just a resolution -- it is a bill that has teeth!

It's time that we sent a message to the U.S. Congress and tell them to start legislating within the authority given them by the Constitution. Please help continue the movement that began in Montana by cosponsoring HB 21.


Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

Well.. My gun is not stamped 'Made in Florida'

But it is stamped "South Daytona - FL - USA"

I would presume that it would be covered under this bill, if it should pass..
I guess Im missing the point?? does this mean if I bought a hand gun in Virginia, Stamped Virginia I cant take it to another state??:fie:
I guess Im missing the point?? does this mean if I bought a hand gun in Virginia, Stamped Virginia I cant take it to another state??:fie:

If VA had one of these laws, as long as you kept that handgun in VA it wouldn't be subject to most federal firearms laws. If you took it somewhere else, it would then become subject to federal (and the next state you're in) laws.
If you are NOT sure who your representatives are.. Put in your address in this website and it will list both your state and national representatives.
My Senator was listed on the previous listed page, but his e-mail was not shown.. Found his contact info on this website.

BTW - Sent an e-mail to my State Senator with updated bill number information..
Everyone is missing the point here. States rights trump federal rights. And if Obama & Co. make federal laws against guns, each and every state can cancel that federal law out by doing just this exact thing. The point being made here is that Washington cannot control the states (unless the states suck on the govt. tit). If every state in the union claims immunity from federal gun laws, then there ARE no federal gun laws.

Health insurance is headed in this direction, too. If Reid and the Dems force health insurance on the country, the states can simply say that no one in THIER state has to comply.

The 14th Amendment is going to get a good work-out very soon, and I predict a very pissed-off Obama. The only thing that will screw this up is if people like our RINO Charlie Crist in Florida decides that sucking up to Washington is mre important. And right now, I think Charlie Tuna is on his way out, with a lot of other state leaders who like to bow and snivel up to D.C.
Thefederal government can pass anything it wants. Getting people to comply with much of their stupidity is a whole differeent ball game. :no:

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