New member
Hi all, I am no stranger to guns, but I am FINALLY going for my CCW this Saturday @ Ben Avery through Rick Barkett. Here is my dilemma..... since Az has a hot/sweltering climate, I tend to wear basketball shorts (stretch elastic waist), and oversized t shirts almost everyday. I have been doing extensive research, and the only holster I can see so far that will fit comfortable (by photos) is the belly band, or Galco's version of it. I do not like fanny packs since it screams GUN ! My only holster so far is the Blackhawk Serpa CQC which is nice, but I want more of a tactical advantage
leasantry: Anyone here that uses a belly band and wears almost what i wear year round ? I am packing a Glock 23 by the way. Thanks in advance.