Healthcare Bill (HR 3200): The Extra Scary Pages


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We have a great State Representative that went out of his way to outline some of the more interesting lines from the Healthcare Bill (HR 3200) that he discovered going through it line by line. I thought you might be interested in seeing them.

Representative Curtis Blackwood

July 30, 2009

Folks, while going over some emails in the office, I came some interesting information on the Democrats’ big health care bill, H.R. 3200, America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009. While this is federal legislation and not state, the topic is of enough significance that I thought many of you would be interested in reading it. Please find below page references and direct quotes from the proposed bill.

Page 16: States that if you have insurance at the time of the bill becoming law and change, you will be required to take a similar plan. If that is not available, you will be required to take the gov option!
Page 22: Mandates audits of all employers that self-insure!
Page 29: Admission: your health care will be rationed!
Page 30: A government committee will decide what treatments and benefits you get (and, unlike an insurer, there will be no appeals process)
Page 42: The "Health Choices Commissioner" will decide health benefits for you. You will have no choice. None.
Page 50: All non-US citizens, illegal or not, will be provided with free healthcare services.
Page 58: Every person will be issued a National ID Healthcard.
Page 59: The federal government will have direct, real-time access to all individual bank accounts for electronic funds transfer.
Page 65: Taxpayers will subsidize all union retiree and community organizer health plans (example: SEIU, UAW and ACORN)
Page 72: All private healthcare plans must conform to government rules to participate in a Healthcare Exchange.
Page 84: All private healthcare plans must participate in the Healthcare Exchange (i.e., total government control of private plans)
Page 91: Government mandates linguistic infrastructure for services; translation: illegal aliens
Page 95: The Government will pay ACORN and Americorps to sign up individuals for Government-run Health Care plan.
Page 102: Those eligible for Medicaid will be automatically enrolled: you have no choice in the matter.
Page 124: No company can sue the government for price-fixing. No "judicial review" is permitted against the government monopoly. Put simply, private insurers will be crushed.
Page 127: The AMA sold doctors out: the government will set wages.
Page 145: An employer MUST auto-enroll employees into the government-run public plan. No alternatives.
Page 126: Employers MUST pay healthcare bills for part-time employees AND their families.
Page 149: Any employer with a payroll of $400K or more, who does not offer the public option, pays an 8% tax on payroll
Page 150: Any employer with a payroll of $250K-400K or more, who does not offer the public option, pays a 2 to 6% tax on payroll
Page 167: Any individual who doesn’t' have acceptable healthcare (according to the government) will be taxed 2.5% of income.
Page 170: Any NON-RESIDENT alien is exempt from individual taxes (Americans will pay for them).
Page 195: Officers and employees of Government Healthcare Bureaucracy will have access to ALL American financial and personal records.
Page 203: "The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax." (Yes, it really says that.)
Page 239: Bill will reduce physician services for Medicaid. Seniors and the poor most affected."
Page 241: Doctors: no matter what specialty you have, you'll all be paid the same (thanks, AMA!)
Page 253: Government sets value of doctors' time, their professional judgment, etc.
Page 265: Government mandates and controls productivity for private healthcare industries.
Page 268: Government regulates rental and purchase of power-driven wheelchairs.
Page 272: Cancer patients: welcome to the wonderful world of rationing!
Page 280: Hospitals will be penalized for what the government deems preventable re-admissions.
Page 298: Doctors: if you treat a patient during an initial admission that results in a readmission, you will be penalized by the government.
Page 317: Doctors: you are now prohibited for owning and investing in healthcare companies!
Page 318: Prohibition on hospital expansion. Hospitals cannot expand without government approval.

Page 321: Hospital expansion hinges on "community" input: in other words, yet another payoff for ACORN.
Page 335: Government mandates establishment of outcome-based measures: i.e., rationing.
Page 341: Government has authority to disqualify Medicare Advantage Plans, HMOs, etc.
Page 354: Government will restrict enrollment of SPECIAL NEEDS individual s.
Page 379: More bureaucracy: Telehealth Advisory Committee (healthcare by phone).
Page 425: More bureaucracy: Advance Care Planning Consult: Senior Citizens, assisted suicide, euthanasia?
Page 425: Government will instruct and consult regarding living wills, durable powers of attorney, etc. Mandatory. Appears to lock in estate taxes ahead of time.
Page 425: Government provides approved list of end-of-life resources, guiding you in death.

Page 427: Government mandates program that orders end-of-life treatment; government dictates how your life ends.
Page 429: Advance Care Planning Consult will be used to dictate treatment as patient's health deteriorates. This can include an ORDER for end-of-life plans. An ORDER from the GOVERNMENT.

Page 430: Government will decide what level of treatments you may have at end-of-life.
Page 469: Community-based Home Medical Services: more payoffs for ACORN.
Page 472: Payments to Community-based organizations: more payoffs for ACORN.
Page 489: Government will cover marriage and family therapy. Government intervenes in your marriage.
Page 494: Government will cover mental health services: defining, creating and rationing those services.

The N.C. budget appears to be in its final stages; will have more state and budget news for you in the next newsletter.

Representative Curtis Blackwood is serving his fourth term in the N.C. House.
I especially like these don't you?

Page 167: Any individual who doesn’t' have acceptable healthcare (according to the government) will be taxed 2.5% of income.
Page 170: Any NON-RESIDENT alien is exempt from individual taxes (Americans will pay for them).
Page 425: Government provides approved list of end-of-life resources, guiding you in death.
Page 427: Government mandates program that orders end-of-life treatment; government dictates how your life ends.
Page 429: Advance Care Planning Consult will be used to dictate treatment as patient's health deteriorates. This can include an ORDER for end-of-life plans. An ORDER from the GOVERNMENT.
Page 430: Government will decide what level of treatments you may have at end-of-life.

The only thing missing is the number 666 but they may add that later.:fie:
Let’s get a big old knife and cut through the Crap. This is no more than the Government deciding who gets heath care (the chosen few) and can let you did when you are of no use any more. Kind of like that old 70s move Logan’s Run. This is like a friend of mine in Canada was put on a waiting list for minor surgery for a hart cath. He had to wait 6 months. He die waiting for his turn. WAKE UP! This is very very scary!
Kimber it is funny you mentioned that movie. We were talking about it not to long ago. Some of it was filmed here in Fort Worth especially the water part near the end. It was done in the Water Gardens down town. sorry, I did not mean to get side tracked from the origional thread I just took a little walk down memory lane.
Weird karma kicking in

That's so weird when random things like that happen, like some kind of weird karma.
This bill is totally unconstitutional, were is the ACLU? Our reps and senators don't seem to care what the citizens think, they know better. Time to take our nation back. Votes do mean something so vote every chanse you get.
What the people think is of no concern to most of those in Washington. The People have lost all control, and Obama has successfully implemented Fascism.

Can't wait to see what he has in store next to us. :angry:
Forgive my cynical, pessimistic attitude but we have been mailing, calling, petitioning, screaming, arguing, voting, demonstrating in the streets...and what has changed? Exactly NOTHING! This current crew (Repubs and Dems alike) doesn't give a rat's ass for the American people or the Constitution.

Facts? Let's name call instead.

Forgive my cynical, pessimistic attitude but we have been mailing, calling, petitioning, screaming, arguing, voting, demonstrating in the streets...and what has changed? Exactly NOTHING!

Welllll, not exactly nothing. Our hard work and diligence did earn us labels like 'teabaggers' (from our own President), hysterical fanatics, right-wing militia and Aryan support groups (from our honorable R.I. senator), etc.

They are desperate to break this president. They have ardent supporters who are nearly hysterical at the very election of President Barack Obama. The birthers, the fanatics, the people running around in right-wing militia and Aryan support groups, it is unbearable to them that President Barack Obama should exist. That is one powerful reason. It is not the only one."


There are no elections to my knowdedge before December 24. There's a reason Barry/Pelosi/Dingy Harry are pushing this through as fast as they possibly can.
You guys need to lighten up on our poor Senators and Representatives. We have the best government money can buy.:biggrin:
This is Government Control of your life. If you do not do what Obama wants he will cut off your helth care and steal your money from your bank account.
This is Government Control of your life. If you do not do what Obama wants he will cut off your helth care and steal your money from your bank account.

As a senior on medicare with several pre-conditions the reduction of Medicare funds will surely create financial hardships for me. Each year I have "X" number of dollars coming in (both SS and retirement). No cost of living increase this year. But you can bet that the Medicare payments out of my SS will go up, again. If they pass this monster bill this year, the sucking sound you will hear will be the gov't vaccuming out your wallet (assuming there's any $$ left.:sad:
Don't be too quick to say we have had no effect, that all of our protest are for naught. the Republicans have united against his socialist health care, and not all of the Democrats are on that bandwagon either. His approval ratings are dropping at a very high rate, more and more press services are questioning his ideology. Those that voted for him to name a few groups, Christians, Jews, and Blacks are even calling that decision into boubt... This is one fast ride to a breakup of the Democratic party, and a one term ride for BHO.... The bad news is the next guy in the hot seat has to fix all of this mess.....
Don't be too quick to say we have had no effect, that all of our protest are for naught. the Republicans have united against his socialist health care, and not all of the Democrats are on that bandwagon either. His approval ratings are dropping at a very high rate, more and more press services are questioning his ideology. Those that voted for him to name a few groups, Christians, Jews, and Blacks are even calling that decision into boubt... This is one fast ride to a breakup of the Democratic party, and a one term ride for BHO.... The bad news is the next guy in the hot seat has to fix all of this mess.....

Good points. I'm hoping and praying that 2010 cleans out the rat's nest. We'll see...the Dems have already started their new drumbeat - Fiscal Responsibility (!!!!- unbelievable!) - and we'll see how many voters buy right into this. I think our "rulers" have it all figured out: they simply flood the TV airwaves with whatever nonsense they dream up, and they know most of the drooling idiots will believe it if they hear it enough. It's obvious I don't have faith anymore in the American voter, if I ever did. I think if you don't have skin in the game (like paying taxes), then you shouldn't be able to vote, but that's another issue.

Hoping you're right.
+100% here I fully believe that paying taxes i.e. having a stake in the out come should be a prerequisite for being allowed to vote right along with US citizenship!!!
We MUST vote.

I like my idea of:

IF you don't have certified pay records showing you have worked and paid taxes for 3½ years of the last 4 years, then NO RIGHT TO VOTE.

That means only workers who have paid taxes get to vote. There would be options for retired people to vote that worked for years paying taxes, etc.

That means:

People on welfare
People who don't work
People in the ghettos who don't work

That would have GUARANTEED things like Obama getting voted in could NOT have happened. Half the people who voted him in probably have never worked a day of their life, living on the dole. Living on hard working taxpayers tax money.


Congressmen and Senators would conduct their own voting on bills with their constituents (the people who voted them into their office, for or against) with each bill. If their constituents vote yes or no, then that IS the way they MUST vote on the bill, no matter how they want the vote to go. That IS the way it IS supposed to be NOW.
NOT the way the SOBs are doing it now, not paying attention to us. They are supposed to vote the way the majority of us want them to vote.

They need to be voted out in 2010. Enough of the idiot Reid, Pelosi, and some others who are running a dictatorship right now on us. IF Obama and Biden buy the farm, then Pelosi is our next President. That is scary.
You guys need to lighten up on our poor Senators and Representatives. We have the best government money can buy.:biggrin:

The trouble is we the voters were trumped by deeper pockets:mad:. The thing that "gets me" is over 60% in the polls say no. But they keep on passing the d**n thing. At least most of them will be retired next year.

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