Heading to Houston


New member
Hey Gang,

I know Im fairly new here but I am so flippin excited I cant stand it.

On Thursday Im jumping on a plane in Michigan and Flying down to Houston for the soul purpose of going to a 900 Vendor Gun Show at the Houston Civic Center. I was wondering if anyone else is planning to be there.

Secondly I was looking for a little advice. Now I know there are 5 Billion opinions out there. And I know everone is diffrent but none the less I have never been to a Gun Show of this size.

Having recently gotten my CCW and being a junior carrier I would like to broaden my options a little more. My personal carry experiance is limited to

Glock 32C ( I know your gonna yell. But I didnt really like the feel of the weapon )

My new Ruger SR9 ( I liked the piece but 9mm isnt my preffered carry ammo )

And my Kimber Stainless II 1911 which I LOVE and can drive tacks with all day long but the 5 inch barrel and weight concerns me with long term carry.

So that being said. Suggestions? What should I look for? Is there anything I can look at for you?

My plan while there is to find a new carry piece or two. Im thinking of a Smith & Wesson Airlight just as a backup piece. A buddy of mine has one and while its not the most powerful weapon on earth it sure is nice and small.

So yeah.. Heading to a huge gun show and afraid of getting lost.

Im looking for advice from you guys here... Like I said Im looking for a few new pieces... Maybe you guys have a few suggestions to look at.

Im also going to be looking at all the equipment to reload. I have been thinking of doing this for some time but when you look at all the equipment in the catalogs and on the web its a bit hard... What to buy.... What feels nice...

I figure this show is the perfect place to jump in . I can see the Items and make decisions then and most likely at a nice discount too.

Oh yeah.. And any tips or suggestions for Carry in Texas would be appreciated.
Secondly I was looking for a little advice. Now I know there are 5 Billion opinions out there. And I know everyone is different but none the less I have never been to a Gun Show of this size.

I recommend that you make a list of stuff you want to look at and stick to the list. There's so much to see, you'll probably run out of time if you do too much "browsing". Once you've gone through your list, then you can go back and check out other stuff.

Having recently gotten my CCW and being a junior carrier I would like to broaden my options a little more. My personal carry experience is limited to
Glock 32C ( I know your gonna yell. But I didnt really like the feel of the weapon ) My new Ruger SR9 ( I liked the piece but 9mm isnt my preffered carry ammo ) And my Kimber Stainless II 1911 which I LOVE and can drive tacks with all day long but the 5 inch barrel and weight concerns me with long term carry.

First of all, I recommend that you get a good holster for whatever firearm you choose to carry. You have a good point on the Kimber. It's a good competition gun, but for all day concealed carry, it could get bulky. I'm not a big fan of the 9mm for CCW. It doesn't have the knock down power that I would like in a CCW firearm. Since you do have 2 other choices, I'd take the 9mm as a BUG, or possibly to do some target shooting if you get a chance, but carry the .357 sig or .45 acp. The Glock 32 is an excellent choice for a CCW firearm. The .357 sig caliber has good knock down power, and the magazines can hold a lot of ammunition. First thing I would do at the gun show is look for a slide and barrel to replace the ones that came with the 32C. A compensated barrel is good for competition, maybe target shooting, but is not a very good choice for a CCW firearm. The muzzle flash is horrible, especially at night, and you will get hit in the face with a bunch of carbon and other junk that come from the compensation port. This will also dirty up your front sight really fast. If you can afford to purchase a replacement slide and barrel, it may be in your best interest.

My plan while there is to find a new carry piece or two. Im thinking of a Smith & Wesson Airlight just as a backup piece. A buddy of mine has one and while its not the most powerful weapon on earth it sure is nice and small.

Don't spend your money on a S&W. This site explains why: http://deadbangguns.com/ The folks at S&W are for the most part "pro government" and "anti gun owner". If you like your Glock 32, then the logical BUG would be a Glock 33. The magazines from the 32 will fit in the 33. I have a Glock 23 (.40 s&w) and three Glock 27 (also .40 s&w) pistols. When working I carry the G23 as my primary and either 2 or all 3 G27 pistols as BUGs. All of my spare magazines are for the G23 (the G23 magazine will fit in the G27, but the G27 magazine won't fit into the G23). It's a good idea to get a BUG in the same caliber as your primary. I don't like having to purchase multiple calibers of ammo. If you do want 2 different calibers of ammo, then you may want to consider picking up a wheel gun as a BUG. There are many of them on the market and most of the manufacturers are making models that are easily concealable.

Im also going to be looking at all the equipment to reload. I have been thinking of doing this for some time but when you look at all the equipment in the catalogs and on the web its a bit hard... What to buy.... What feels nice...

If you haven't done any reloading, find a friend or someone who reloads before you purchase any equipment. Ask if you can do some reloading with them and see how you like it. Many folks have purchased a bunch of reloading stuff and end up using it only a few times before deciding to sell it at the next gun show. This is where I got a lot of my stuff. Some poor soul who decided that reloading wasn't for him paid the high shipping cost for a perfectly good reloading press that he didn't like. Not only did I save on the shipping cost, but also got a great deal on the equipment. Hardly used at 75% of what it would cost "new".

I figure this show is the perfect place to jump in . I can see the Items and make decisions then and most likely at a nice discount too.

One strategy is to do all of your "shopping" on the first day. See if folks are willing to bargain. If not, check out another seller. You may be able to come back later and convince the seller to drop their price because they don't want to haul a bunch of stuff back to the house/shop.

Oh yeah.. And any tips or suggestions for Carry in Texas would be appreciated.

Don't have any specific tips about carrying in TX other than check the local laws before you get there. In TX you are required to inform a LEO if you have a firearm. Here's a link to the TX Department of Public Safety site: Link Removed

Have fun, and be safe!

one of 5 billion opinions

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Basically, just follow Texas rules/laws. Don't carry into the show, and be prepared for a BIG event.
I've attached a link to cut and paste into your browser with Texas reciprocity noted. Enjoy.

Link Removed
I'd say that you go in there with an open mind without any predjudice. Pick up and handle every firearm you can in the span of a day. If you find something you really like, ask what sort of holster and carrying accessories are readily available for that particular gun. If your budget is less than what someone is asking, find out if they're willing to deal. CASH TALKS. They'd rather have cash money on hand, even at a 15% discount, than pay full price on a credit card, then lose 2.5% on the money they'd eventually get a month or two later. If they won't come down on a price you offered cash for, find out what they're willing to offer...extra mags, a holster, magazine belt holders.....the sky's the limit. But grab every gun that appeals to you. Many times, the guy that'll talk with you and help you the most is a dealer you want to mess with. Some people won't give you the time of day. It ought to be fun.....let us know how it turns out.
I'm not positive about Texas laws, but I have a couple things for you to consider. 1st, a lot of states don't allow you to purchase a firearm unless you're a resident or reside in one of the bordering states. 2nd, some states or cities have waiting periods to purchase a handgun. Also, I'd check the rules before taking a camera. They don't allow them at the gun shows here in Nevada.

Have fun in Texas.
If you are from out of state in a gun show, you can still purchase a weapon from a dealer on site. They just have to ship it to an FFL back in your home state.
I'm not positive about Texas laws, but I have a couple things for you to consider. 1st, a lot of states don't allow you to purchase a firearm unless you're a resident or reside in one of the bordering states. 2nd, some states or cities have waiting periods to purchase a handgun. Also, I'd check the rules before taking a camera. They don't allow them at the gun shows here in Nevada.

Have fun in Texas.

Good point!
Even me being a resident, and I forgot about that. You do need a Texas Driver's liscence to purchase a handgun in Texas. We have a maximum 3-day waiting period, but with a TX-CHL, it's pick out your gun, give 'em your license and pay 'em.
So come and enjoy the show and play with all the toys, you just won't be able to buy...
Places weapons prohibited,
(1) On the physical premises of a school or
educational institution, (2)On the premises of a polling place on the day of an
election or while early voting is in progress, (3) on the premises of any government court or offices utilized by the court, 4) on the premises of a racetrack, (5) in or into a secured area of an airport,
(6) within 1,000 feet of premises the location of which is designated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice as a place of execution.

For permit holders, these have been added

on the premises of a business thhat derives 51 percent or more of its income from the sale or service of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption, (2) on the premises where a high school, collegiate, or professional sporting event or interscholastic event is taking place, unless the license holder is a participant in the event and a handgun is used in the event, 3) on the premises of a correctional facility, (4) on the premises of a hospital, (5) in an
amusement park, (6) on the premises of a church, synagogue, or other established place of religious worship. also, A license holder commits an offense if the license holder intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries a handgun at any meeting of a governmental entity.

(a) A license holder commits an offense if the license holder carries a handgun on property of another without effective consent; and received notice (oral or writtern) that entry on the property by a license holderwith a concealed handgun was forbidden; or remaining on the property with a
concealed handgun was forbidden and failed to depart. "Written communication" means a card or other document on which is written,
"Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by holder of license to carry a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (concealed handgun law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun." An offense under thissection is a Class A misdemeanor.
(e) It is an exception to the application of this section that the property on which the license holder carries a handgun is owned or leased by a governmental entity and is not a premises or other place on which the license holder is prohibited from carrying the handgun under Section
46.03 or 46.035. The George R Brown Conv. Center is owned by the city, so figure by this exception, the sign they put at the door is invalid. I just walk on in like I own the place. Its up to your own discretion on this.

there will be HPD officers at tables at entry, they take firearms people bring in to get modified, fixed,sell, trade, and render them unfireable with wirewraps.

google texas penal codes 30.06, 46.02, and 46.03 to go into more detail of above laws.
I live in a Small Town of 3000 People here in Michigan.

The guy who own the Local Napa Autoparts Store has his FFL.

He contacted the ATF on my behalf and they told him that with a copy of his credentials and all his papers.

I would be able to purchase any firearm I wanted at the Show.. I will just purchase it with his information.. They will in turn ship the weapon to him here in Michigan and he will do the paper work on this end...

So I should be able to purchase anything I want.....
Hey Zippo,

If you do get to Houston and are there about Noonish at the gun show Saturday and see a overweight WM,graying brown hair, dark blue shirt w/7point star sewn into it, white plastic card (credit card size) clipped at the collar, 511 tactical khaki pants, stop me and say Hello Larry,(wasn't that a tv show?) it's me Zippo. I will be there for a short time, I have to be a work at 2.

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