HB 313 passed the House!!

Unfettered Might

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12:07 p.m. Wednesday

Gun rights bill passes 90-3 in House

A 2nd amendment rights bill that would allow firearms or other deadly weapons to be kept in any closed compartment original to the vehicle has passed the Kentucky House.

House Bill 313, sponsored by Rep. Will Coursey, D-Benton, was approved by a 90-3 vote and now goes to the Senate for consideration.

Coursey cited a 2006 Kentucky Supreme Court that disqualified a vehicle’s console as a legal storage space for concealed deadly weapons as a reason for the bill. The ruling, he said, requires weapons to now be stored in one place—a vehicle’s glove compartment.

“There are a number of automobiles today that don’t even have a glove compartment,” Coursey told the House.

The measure would also allow state Fish and Wildlife department conservation officers and specific Fish and Wildlife administrators to carry concealed deadly weapons on the job.

Call the Legislative Message line in Frankfort: 1-800-372-7181

Tell the operator: "I would like to leave a message for my senator and all Senate Leadership. Please protect our second amendment rights, pass HB 313"
For all who phoned in, GREAT JOB!!

For those that didn't, GET WITH IT NEXT TIME!!

It passed the senate and has been delivered to the governor, if he signs it, it is law.

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