Happy Wife


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Well the wife got her permit today and I must say I have never seen a woman in my life so happy as she is right now. She applied 1/28/2013 and received her permit in the mail on 2/28/2013. I must say that is a pretty quick response here in TN from the Department Of Safety. I am always impressed with our Tax Dollars at work and those who work for the state that know what they are doing. Way to go Department Of Safety !!!

Only took them 32 days counting weekends and they don't even count weekends. Pretty Impressive There.
Not to brag... But it only took me 11 days to get mine in the mail here in WV. :)

I'm glad you're wife is so excited about her permit. My wife loves to go out to the range and shoot with me, but I still haven't gotten her warmed up to the idea of carrying a gun on her. Last time I asked her if she thought she ever would... Her response was, "maybe". I'm still working on her.

Congrats to both of you!
I was so excited to get mine, I took a picture of it. I carry whenever & wherever I legally can here in Michigan. To your wife I would suggest getting her a inside the waist band holster, I find it easier to carry on the inside instead of a regular holster. I carry a Ruger LCP.
Good on ya... I still can't get mine to carry one in her truck when she goes to quilting group... let alone going for her permit.
Well the wife got her permit today and I must say I have never seen a woman in my life so happy as she is right now.

Well...........really?! Might not have been doing something else quite good enough, huh?! :haha:

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