Happy Thanksgiving!


Thank God I'm alive!
I know I'm a day early, but I wanted to wish everyone at USA Carry a happy Thanksgiving. As for what I have to be thankful for, first and foremost, I'm thankful that God loves me. I'm thankful to be living in the greatest country in the history of mankind. I'm thankful to be alive. I'm thankful for my family. I'm thankful that, despite the economy, I have a job and a place to lay my head down at night. Most of all, I'm thankful for my freedom.

What are you guys thankful for?
Ditto. I have much to be thankful for including family, friends and country. I am especially thankful that my God loved me enough to send his Son to die for me. Hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving.
I'm thankful for all my blessings

I'm thankful to live in a State that agrees that it is my right to protect myself by carrying a firearm.

I am most thankful that it has never been out of its holster!
Happy Thanksgiving.

First, Thank you for your thoughts.. HAppy Thanksgiving to Y'all.

I am very gratefull for living in this Great Land and the freedoms we have. I am extremey Gratefull we do not have to be confronted by extremists like in India today. I have been honored to serve this country in the Marine Corp and see the conditions that other countries force their people live. I believe it is up to us to make sure that what we have is never taken for granted. Thanks to all of the Armed Services who are on active duty or retired for guarding our freedoms.

GB to All..

I am thankful for all of the above, plus (but not limited to) the fact that there are those who are open about their faith here on the forum. It is a blessing to find peers with common interests, values, beliefs, etc...

I like to consider my "financially profitable" day job, a fund raiser for what my real job is... I am privileged to be a part of an unorthodox ministry. I am thankful for my brothers in the Sons of God M/C. I am a member of the S.E. Michigan chapter. Check it out at sogmich.com.
I am also thankful for all the above. Especially my first wife of 35 years who has put up with me this long! I hope that all of you with families can have a special time with your children. I have two in the military, one over there somewhere and one in AZ. Wish they could be home for the holidays but such is military life for them. God Bless and remember it was our grandpappies that came here for religious freedom!
I know I'm a day early, but I wanted to wish everyone at USA Carry a happy Thanksgiving. As for what I have to be thankful for, first and foremost, I'm thankful that God loves me. I'm thankful to be living in the greatest country in the history of mankind. I'm thankful to be alive. I'm thankful for my family. I'm thankful that, despite the economy, I have a job and a place to lay my head down at night. Most of all, I'm thankful for my freedom.

What are you guys thankful for?
Ditto that, and my family, friends, capitalism, and the right of private citizens to own guns. I heard recently they're confiscating BB guns in China. That's an overbearing government for you.

I'm currently working with a very good ministry organization, World Relief, that helps to resettle refugees. The aim is to get them functional in English, get them into ESOL and get them set up with a job and housing. The government sends them from trouble spots that have seen lots of conflict, and they generally arrive with few possessions and are a little disoriented. I'm handling one individual who is a special case - he's a 48-year old male from Burundi (that's south of Rwanda) and he spent the better part of his life in a refugee camp. Not the posh kind with solid walls like in Nahr al-Bared, but more like a mudhole tent city, with warlord henchmen roaming around.

This man speaks no English whatsoever. Although intelligent, he's illiterate in his own language, Kirundi, and translators are difficult to come by. He just never had the chance to learn how to write, because he was too busy trying to survive. He has a family and has been here for a little while, but has not been able to learn English because he does not have one-on-one instruction - and thus, despite his best efforts, has little potential to hold down a job.

He is eager to learn, and I began teaching him how to write letters correctly on Monday. I'm visiting his home for the first time tomorrow afternoon and I'm sure it will be an experience. Just hearing his story from others and seeing the way he does things makes me realize that although I only consider myself to be about average in terms of income, the amount that I take for granted is just ridiculous.

This type of thing is a great reality check IMO. We all know people (and we probably do this ourselves) who get irritated about not getting the car they want, or not being able to go somewhere on vacation, etc. Actually, that's a very petty concern - a lot like a billionaire being devastated that their Global Express didn't come with leather seats. The fact that we can realistically want anything is a blessing.

Oh yes, and...HAPPY THANKSGIVING! :smile:
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Happy Thanksgiving!
Sometimes with all that is going on it's hard to focus on the positive things in our lives. I have too many things to be thankful for to even think about listing them. All I can say is, God has been very good to me.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sometimes with all that is going on it's hard to focus on the positive things in our lives. I have too many things to be thankful for to even think about listing them. All I can say is, God has been very good to me.
I'm in the same boat. I have so many thing that I'm thankful for that it would take a day to list them all. One thing though that I'm thankful for each day is to wake up to another wonderful day and thank God for the opportunity that God gave me to live the life that I've had.
Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Turkey Day, Tatted. And to all the other members, a like greeting. As Paula Deen says, I am thankful to be on the right side of the dirt, as I have had so many times in my life I could be on the wrong side. I am thankful to live in the greatest country in the world, even with all it's problems. I heard a Merle Haggard song the other day that sums it up for me, "Walkin' on The Fightin' Side of Me." I still think Alec Baldwin is a sh*tbird. He stated in the first Bush election that if Bush got elected, he was leaving the country. Well, Bush got re-elected and Baldwin is still shooting his liberal, commie-loving mouth off every chance he gets. Gee, you just can't trust anyone's word anymore.
Amen, yes, I agree, and you betcha to all that everyone has said. I'm thankful for my family, my new hubby, my son, my kin, my friends, my life, my home, our safely, and I'm thankful for everyday that I awake and arise, and thankful for everyone who fights for those things, military, para-military, and civilian. I'm thankful I'm a vet, thankful for being alive, and thankful for this country and all who fought and still fight for it's freedoms. Long live the USA! Happy Turkey Day everyone!
I know that I started this thread so that everyone could say what they're thankful for, but I ended up having to work on Thanksgiving. Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful that I'm working and am able to provide for myself during these tough economic times, but I would have gladly traded those six hours I spent at work to spend time with my family.

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