SirCode, I used to live upstate years ago, early 80s, atempted to get a permit, I was 28 at the time, I literaly had the local sherriff run me out of his office, I requested the paperwork for the application and he lafted at me, I was married, 2year old daughter, working full time and night school, never ever had any legal trouble of any kind, I sent letters to the county judge and state police, only responce was from the judges office, his office did not get involved with carry permits they are handled thru the sherriffs in TN, we moved a couple years after the permit debacle, not just for that several unrelated reasons, anyhow we made apointments for CCW permit traning class, 3 weeks later we took class on a saturday, monday got finger prints finished paperwork, about 5-6 weeks later we had permits, and several weapons some purchased before permits some after, when I talk with freinds and relatives from home about this they can not beleve it