Handle Pistol at Gun Shop

Do they rent all the different brands there? That sounds closer than any of the other places i was seeing on the net. i will check them out.

Yep, they rent a decent variety of semi-autos and revolvers and it's attached to their gun shop which is pretty decent. Forest & Field - Forest and Field Outdoor Specialities

Also, Bridigeport Shooting Range list the firearms they rent just in case you are looking to try out a particular brand/model. Link Removed

I remember from the training class that it was technically illegal to handle shoot/carry) another persons gun that isn't on your permit.

Illegal to carry, yes, but not illegal to shoot at a range if you are both permit holders and the owner of the gun is present. See New York State Consolidated Law, Section 265.20 ("Exemptions") specifically Exemption 7-a. In other words, you and your buddy can go to the range and shoot each other's handguns.
I've seen a couple of pawn shops and gun stores here in NC with a sign reading you can't handle the guns without a valid permit. But it isn't a law or anything. The reason they do it here is that you have to have a permit from the sheriff to buy a gun, so they figure if you don't have a permit then they are wasting their time showing you something you can't legally buy. Probably get a lot of eyeballers who just want to handle the guns.

I'm guessing they are using the "its the law" excuse so they won't have to explain their policy. If you are handling a gun in a store, you aren't actually "possessing" it cause it aint yours until after the sale.

Good to know.

Illegal to carry, yes, but not illegal to shoot at a range if you are both permit holders and the owner of the gun is present. See New York State Consolidated Law, Section 265.20 ("Exemptions") specifically Exemption 7-a. In other words, you and your buddy can go to the range and shoot each other's handguns.
SirCode, I used to live upstate years ago, early 80s, atempted to get a permit, I was 28 at the time, I literaly had the local sherriff run me out of his office, I requested the paperwork for the application and he lafted at me, I was married, 2year old daughter, working full time and night school, never ever had any legal trouble of any kind, I sent letters to the county judge and state police, only responce was from the judges office, his office did not get involved with carry permits they are handled thru the sherriffs office:fie:....here in TN, we moved a couple years after the permit debacle, not just for that several unrelated reasons, anyhow we made apointments for CCW permit traning class, 3 weeks later we took class on a saturday, monday got finger prints finished paperwork, about 5-6 weeks later we had permits, and several weapons some purchased before permits some after, when I talk with freinds and relatives from home about this they can not beleve it
He informed me that he could let me look at it out of the case, but I could not handle it, and that it is a misdemeanor in NY state for me to handle the firearm.

This is an accurate representation of NYS law. It's not a county law, nor a store policy. Gun stores that let you handle a handgun when you don't posses a NYS pistol license are actually breaking the law. It's a ridiculous law, but the law nonetheless.
Ive never heard of any store not letting you handle a Pistol without a permit. As far as I know, you only have to be over 18 years of age. Every store I went to let me handle the weapons, then again, Im 22 and in the Michigan National Guard. But more than half the time noone really knows that.
Like Ryan H had said, I wouldnt do business there anymore, especially if it has a poor reputation for regular civilians. :hang3:
To my knowledge, NYS pistol permit law states, ..." if you do not have a valid pistol license than you cannot legally handle or hold a handgun". All you may legally do is look at one. That is also true at a pistol range. Like it or not, that is the law in NYS. Job #1 is to get a pistol license then go to all the stores you like.

To my knowledge, NYS pistol permit law states, ..." if you do not have a valid pistol license than you cannot legally handle or hold a handgun". All you may legally do is look at one. That is also true at a pistol range. Like it or not, that is the law in NYS. Job #1 is to get a pistol license then go to all the stores you like.

This is sad but very true! Welcome to New York.
I have had similar experiences with Gander Mountain. First i was informed at the check out that i could not purchase a ramrod for a muzzleloader because I was not 21. I was over 18 at the time and tried to explain to the guy that I could go purchase a muzzleloader with a ramrod... I argued to no avail.
Also, I have had them tell me that my younger brother could not handle the firearms even with me present. How else will I know what shotgun will fit him?
anyway because of these two seperate instinces, I will not do buisness with Gander Mountain. I still think they were wrong about the ramrod too!

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