Handguns Should Be Strapped on the Hip, Not Concealed


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Ok i came a cross this on youtube. I was laughing so hard at some points i all more pissed my self. I do not follow his views but it will give you a HUGE LAUGH.

YouTube - Handguns Should Be Strapped on the Hip, Not Concealed!

Love the part when he was like always be safe with firearms keep them away from kids. Keep them away from your wife when she is mad at you. LOL great.
That poor soul needs to learn to use the word "firearm" as opposed to the word "weapon". :nono: If he had a shorter barrel on that revolver, it would have been a lot easier to conceal. Don't know about anyone else, but I would have had a difficult time fitting that revolver in my pants along with my "package". :lol: Funny guy, kind of reminded me of the guy on "Back to the Future".

try wearing boxers if that pistol gets too big........:eek::jester::wacko::lol:
How one chooses to carry is their business. As long as they exercise the right responsibly, I don't care how they do it. The video is funny, though.
Now that I've had time to stop laughing I can reply. Must say I don't agree with his philosophy either, especially the part where the founding fathers "gave" us the RKBA.
but this clown takes the cake. His cussing made me blush.:bad:

I agree. I hate that he is from Texas. Kind of makes all of us look bad. T.V. and movies already portrays all of us wearing nothing but cowboy boots and hat and having a Texas drawl so apparent that I have to laugh every time I hear it.
Now that I've had time to stop laughing I can reply. Must say I don't agree with his philosophy either, especially the part where the founding fathers "gave" us the RKBA.

+1. I thought according to the founding fathers in the Declaration of Independence that rights came from God?
Not too keen on his delivery, and I don't agree with all points presented, but I do agree that we should (as citizens) be allowed to carry openly if we want to, and not be required to carry concealed only.

I'm grateful that I live in a state that does not specify on their permits (although I would be happier if permits were not required at all like a couple of nice states), so I am legally allowed to openly carry my defensive tool of choice.

I mean honestly, it's not the guns you can see (in the holster) that you need to be worried about (and I'm NOT implying that you need to worry about the ones you don't see either -- as long as they're legal. I carry either way depending on the season).
Handguns should be strapped

This idiot has no idea of what reality is. If the seven-foot crackhead sees the wepon on his hip, he will wait until the idiot goes by, smack him in the head and take his gun. I have never lost track of where my .45ACP is, and I would never even consider carrying a .32. A pocket full of rocks would be more effective. Concealed carry laws lower crime rates, because the BG's have no idea who might be armed. I can draw and fire my pistol in under a quarter of a second, placing the round in the cranio-ocular cavity (between moustache and eyebrows) in two seconds or less. If he thinks he has some old fart who happens to use a cane, is he in for the shock of his life. After the assassination attempt of President Raegan, someone asked him what he thought of gun control now. His response was, "I just wish ithad happened in Arizona, because 25 people in the crowd would have blown the would-be assassin away." His inlaws lived at the Biltmore, in Phoenix, and he was very familiar with Arizona. The guy in this video should not be out without his keeper.
This idiot has no idea of what reality is. If the seven-foot crackhead sees the wepon on his hip, he will wait until the idiot goes by, smack him in the head and take his gun. I have never lost track of where my .45ACP is, and I would never even consider carrying a .32. A pocket full of rocks would be more effective. Concealed carry laws lower crime rates, because the BG's have no idea who might be armed. I can draw and fire my pistol in under a quarter of a second, placing the round in the cranio-ocular cavity (between moustache and eyebrows) in two seconds or less. If he thinks he has some old fart who happens to use a cane, is he in for the shock of his life. After the assassination attempt of President Raegan, someone asked him what he thought of gun control now. His response was, "I just wish ithad happened in Arizona, because 25 people in the crowd would have blown the would-be assassin away." His inlaws lived at the Biltmore, in Phoenix, and he was very familiar with Arizona. The guy in this video should not be out without his keeper.

Please cite your source. I've browsed the internet and haven't been able to find anything that would validate this statement.



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