Handgun Safety Course for CCW


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The page doesn't list the requirement for recieving a CCW, but in order to recieve a CCW in the state of Maine you have to submit proof of handgun safety course within the last 5 years. There are some exceptions if you are military or if you had a permit before 1990. Also some issueing authorities allow you to personally demonstrate handgun safety to fill this requirement.

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The page doesn't list the requirement for recieving a CCW, but in order to recieve a CCW in the state of Maine you have to submit proof of handgun safety course within the last 5 years. There are some exceptions if you are military or if you had a permit before 1990. Also some issueing authorities allow you to personally demonstrate handgun safety to fill this requirement.

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... and just how does one find these classes in their area (Sanford in my case)?

The page doesn't list the requirement for recieving a CCW, but in order to recieve a CCW in the state of Maine you have to submit proof of handgun safety course within the last 5 years. There are some exceptions if you are military or if you had a permit before 1990. Also some issueing authorities allow you to personally demonstrate handgun safety to fill this requirement.

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I was in the USAF from 1973-1993. I have my DD Form 214. Does this satisfy the handgun safety course requirement?


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