Handgun Carry Permit Class Roster Change


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The Tennessee Department of Safety has issued a new Handgun Carry Permit class roster which requires the make and serial number of the handgun the student uses for the class.

It seems like a boneheaded thing to do in a state which does not have gun registration and allows you to carry any handgun with your permit.

I suspect the Department of Safety will have second thoughts about this form.

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A Quick About Face

The Department of Safety changed their mind:

from Rep, Susan Lynn:

Dear Friends,

The NRA has issued an alert about the Tennessee Department Safety and gun registration.

I called the Department of Safety this morning to find out more about this. I have received a reply and sent the reply to the NRA for their comments.

Lisa Knight, assistant director of Handgun Carry Permits at the TN Department of Safety stated that her office is in the process of issuing retraction letters regarding the requirement of serial numbers from carry permit instructors in the rosters that are required from each school. TDOS is aware that the requirement of serial numbers could be construed as an attempt to create a handgun registry which, while not the department's intent, is nonetheless unacceptable under the law. So they are communicating their intentions not to require serial numbers.

School rosters are allowable under the TDOS' Rules and Regulations (1340-2-3-.03G) and require the student's name, and the make and model of the weapon with which they trained (which often is the school's weapon, as many schools will not allow a first-time student to train with their own weapon). The caliber is not required information. Make and model of a student's training weapon is information that has always been required on certificates, so it is not newly required information.

The roster, which was created in response to a Department audit finding, is used to verify certificates that are turned in after the class. TDOS' Handgun Carry Permit office checks certificates against school rosters as a part of identifying false certificates.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Most sincerely,

Susan Lynn

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