Hampton, NH: Open carry litter pickup Apr 26


Staff member
  • Sponsor: http://PorcFest.com - Trash-ridden Hampton Beach is set to get a makeover from the well-armed activists at NorthEastShooters.com. And maybe their presence will deter a crime or two...

    Details on the event:


    Note that organizers have indicated they will possibly postpone the event if it rains.

    If you want to commission an ad like the one in this video, the cost as of 4/08 is roughly two cents per video view. But views after the first week are free, your hyperlink in the video descrip is free, creation of the ad is free! PM me here at the Youtube channel or e-mail me: RidleyReport at live period com

    Additional Keywords: freedom new hampshire ron paul revolution american dave ridley report republican free talk live lauren canario liberty alliance firearms guns 2nd amendment second hillary clinton open carry porcfest porcupine festival trash hampton beach seacoast boardwalk atlantic ocean surfing free state project pistols revolvers
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